Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

It was four days before the show and one day before our next shoot . Life is a bit hectic right now you can say but I  am not complaining . If at all I am enjoying everything I can as I am doing lots of different things and with the boys . I am having a funtime right now and I couldn't be anymore happy .

It has been two days since our movie day and everything is running smoothly . We have finally come up with four songs we will be performing and are still thinking to add one more or not . Since we started  rehearsing and recording for the show. Today I am spending my day with Harry as others are one the set . We decided to work for the show as tomorrow we have to shoot for one scene .And according to Julie it will take a whole day and night . I don't know what is the scene about but Harry has an idea as he was the one she called .I didn't bother to ask him because frankly I don't care about the scene i am happy with the fact that it is with I am doing the scene.

One more reason for my joyous mood is the fact that Greg called me in the morning . It was pretty damn early and I let him know that . The reason for his call was everything is okay back there and I don't have to worry about anything as the boon of my existence has gone to his native place . To say that I was happy after hearing that would be an understatement .

I jumped around , sang in the shower , pulled harry inside my house who was sporting a bewildered look on his face but I didn't care . I was happy and my grin was never leaving my face . 

I round on the kitchen a pitcher in my hand as Harry walked behind me . I smiled at him as I put the kettle on the table from the gas . I got to the cupboards my back to him and asked while opening the door .

"Harry , want some tea ?" A voice came from behind me with ' yes , sure ' .

I nodded humming a melody I had conjured up after the phone call from Greg . I searched for the cups and I got them but couldn't reach them .Standing on my tip toes I tried to grab , Harry's voice came from behind me startling me a little .

I was about to turn but his chest was pressed to my back blocking any space for me to move . I had a sense of deja vù as my breathe hitch . I watched as his fingers brushed mine while grabbing the two mugs and one hand on my waist as I still was on my toes. God ! Was he holding me ?

I turned around once I got the feel of pressure leaving my back . I smiled at him from beneath my lashes and blushed at his next words.

"You always have your cups up even when you can't reach it !?" He is teasing me but the look he is giving me was so cute , he is so beautiful and his hand is on my hip firmly placed and I never want him to let go .

"Well , what can I say bad habit ?" I said sheepishly and he laughed getting away from me and placing the cups on the island . I stood beside him preparing tea for both of us as he made himself comfortable on the bar stool .

"So we will just go through song and select one ?" I asked him while mixing sugar in the tea cup .

"Whatever you want babe" and it would be a lie if I said  my heart didnt swell or I didnt just mentally have a fangirl moment . I know I should question his behaviour or talk about how close we have become since the movie but I don't want to break this spell because frankly this is all so magical for me and I never want this to end . And I am scarred if I talk to him about this it will not be the same .

I love playing Harry's fake boyfriend too much .

I nodded in agreement as I passed him the cup , I asked " so bedroom or living room?"

" Oh Ni if you want me that much we could do it here , don't need to ask were baby " and I laughed at his teasing smirk and blushed at the way he was looking at me ,so provocative .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now