Chapter 6

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How is everyone doing ?

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After the screen test all five of us were taken to the third floor were there was lunch .It was huge room with no bedrooms, only just a bathroom and an adjoining kitchen. There were all sorts of food kept on the counter. There were two big bottles of soft drinks , plastic cups , bowls filled with salads , veggies with fried chicken and plates with bread . Steam pots filled with rice and pork.It was heaven .

I literally ran through everyone at the site in front of me. Quickly picking up a plate I started piling it up with everything except ,you know salad. I just took few in my hands and popped it as I made my plate. After placing everything I cut into my pork and hummed .

" Gosh !!! Guys !!! This is heaven." I opened my eyes from my happy state with food in my mouth at the sound of laughter.

Zayn and Louis were laughing and liam was shaking his head laughing as well as he sat on the counter . I looked at Harry as he smiled at me , the dimpled smile as he was trying to control himself from bursting by moving his palm to his mouth.

Louis pushed him in his state and Harry just bursted out full of laughter . I felt down , so what if I loved food ! I bet there are lot of people who are foodies like me. I am not the only one , hmmm.

I huff pouting suddenly I lost my appetite, I pushed my plate on the counter and grab water to drink. I rush out of the room pushing past Louis and Harry . I don't want to talk to them right now , As a matter of fact I don't want to see them. I hear them calling after me but I don't answer.

Am I a clown or something? Why do they always find me amusing?Am I a laughing stock ? Ofcourse I am . He was right I am just good for nothing , a pig who eats like there is no tomorrow, not good looking, a horrible singer , okay not horrible but my voice doesn't come anywhere near them. I hate myself so much , I don't even have a dressing sense, I dress like a fucking loser. I bang my fist on the wall of the corridor as I stop . The hallway is quiet not many people here.

I push open a door to my left , there is a bed in the centre. I rush towards it not bothering to see if it occupied or not. Not hearing anyone for few minutes I know its empty. I plop myself down on my stomach and dip my face into the pillow as tears start spilling from my eyes.

I don't understand why I feel so sad all of a sudden. But it hurt , really it hurt. The way they all were laughing at me , the way he was laughing at me. I am a fucking loser , an ugly one at that . My chest pains as I heaved in the pillow , the tears spilling continuously like a river.

After what seem like an hour but I know must be ten - fifteen minutes I hear the door juggle. I don't move at all , I don't want to meet or see anyone right now. I know its one of them , I might have felt my phone vibrate few times in my pocket. I sigh still feeling overwhelmed and upset. My throat is dry from all the crying I did .

I shut my eyes tight as I hear the door open and footsteps come near me. Shit! I curse mentally not really remembering if I locked my door or not. Apparently I must not have as the person has managed to come in and is now sitting beside me ,judging by the slight shift in bed. A hand ruffles my hair and I feel like crying all over again . Great! Now I am a fucking baby.

A soft voice speaks as the hand in my hair begins to roam through them"Ni, we are sorry. We didn't mean it ,We were an ass. I was being an ass."

I shake my head not wanting him to continue any further. The hand tries to push my shoulder up "Please ,look at me Niall. I am sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you . You can even slap me if you want." I turn my head to look up at him blinking my eyes which were blurry because of tears " I am a joke , Harry . Aren't I ?" I say suddenly feeling vulnerable in his intense gaze.

He seems sad and shocked by me and leans down to gather me up making me sit in front of him. He brings my hand in his as his thumb beginning to rub the back of my palm.

"What ?! No, Niall . Oh God!! Don't ever think that , you are anything but a joke." He pushes me into his chest holding me tightly and fresh tears draws in my eyes waiting his crisp shirt.

I shake lightly mumbling " You , You all laugh , and I am not good." He stops me from saying anything as he speaks into my ear "Shhh... We are sorry we hurt you that much Ni. Please forgive me." I pull up to look at him and he brushes his thumb on my cheeks " Seeing you cry is the worst thing Niall . Stop please." His eyes are also brimming with fresh tears and I stop myself from crying. I nod my head while wiping at my cheeks " God !!! I am such a loser!" I laugh trying to lightened the mood but stop as my eyes fall on Harry .

He has a serious look on his face as he says "You are not loser . Never say that. You are anything but. " I blush a little at his words. He continues " I am sorry Niall for laughing at you , I promise it will never happen." I nod my head smiling how could I say no to that face? "Its okay Haz."

He smiles beaming at me as I use his nickname. He turns around "And we have to go down in some time . So , I brought you something." I looked at his back confused until he turned around.

In his hand was the plate I discarded before running out. He placed it in my lap and took a spoonful of rice and put it in front of me. This is one of the reason I love him . He is so thoughtful and sweet and charming . I opened my mouth , putting my lips around the spoon. And munched it swallowing it down , after that I took the plate in my hand as I started to eat.

"God !! I forgot I was hungry!" I said closing my eyes and humming at the delicious heaven. A quiet laugh made me open my eyes , " Do you want some Harry?"

He shook his head smiling " Na, I am not hungry." I nodded my head still not sure.

After a while I finished my food and went inside the bathroom to wash up , there was a knock at the door .

" Harry ? Is Niall here? Ya , okay , Well hurry up guys we have to go down." I entered the room before Harry could call me and whipped my hands on towel that was kept on the table aside the bed.

"Niall, we gotta go come on" I nodded my head and we went out of the door to the elevator.

All the other guys and Amy were standing there waiting for us . As soon as I reached there Liam and Zayn stepped forward.

" I am sorry Ni" They said in unison and I smiled at them . Harry was right beside me as I said laughing a little" Oh, Its alright no big deal." Zayn rushed forward engulfing me in a hug and Liam ruffled my hair . I heard Harry call Louis "Lou, isn't there something you want to say to Niall."

Zayn and Liam were now by my side hugging me sideways as Louis now ran a hand through his hair shuffling on his feet. Saying sorry or admitting his mistake was something difficult for Louis.

"Umm... Niall , See...I am sorry if I hurt you. I mean obviously you were ,uhm..hurt. Okay , that didn't come out right. I am just...I am sorry ." I was trying to not laugh at his ,but was couldn't able to control . Everyone was laughing now as Louis stood their pouting , I opened my arms "Come here Tommo."He smiled and rushed into my arms almost tackling me. We all huddled together and did a group hug .

I saw Amy from the corner of my eye calling the elevator as we shuffled and stood beside her . She smiled at us seemingly not knowing what it was all about.

"Lets go boys."



Poor Niall :( I hate Other Boys right now , trying to make fun of My Nialler !!!

BUT Cute Narry Moment made up for it though

Harry understands :)

I hope you are liking my story soo far :))


- Shan

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