Chapter 23

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Third Person's POV

Tense , the only word Niall could describe the atmosphere in the small room . It's been more than ten minutes since Julie had locked them in this room . Niall knows that because he has been checking the watch every two minutes they have been here. He can't say the same for Harry though. He can't seem to keep his eyes off the curly lad . His thoughts rushing through his head but all he can think of his how awkward is this situation . No words have been spoken and that is messing with Niall's head as he wants to talk to Harry . Wants to talk about last night , wants to tell him it is okay , wants to tell him all is well between them . Because he knows Harry , knows him like a back of his hand , knows in  the way Harry is standing in the corner looking anywhere but at him how uncomfortable and on tip toes he is .

And Niall knows Harry is straight and last nights action were anything but that . He wants to give this another shot , wants to get out of here because he is claustrophobic but also wants to give this shot , wants to feel Harry's arms  around him so he clears his throat breaking the absolute silence in the room .

Harry's green eyes directly locks into Niall's blue and last night flashes infront of his eyes making him sweaty. Harry doesn't know what is happening to him , doesn't understand why he is feeling the way he is right now , doesn't really get the shiver that runs through him everytime he thinks about last night. He should not be feeling this , this is wrong but then he doesn't get why he is so giddy to do this erotic scene with Niall .

"So..umm...Ha-Haz , about the scene let's give it a try " Niall says , cutting through his actual words that were along the lines of last night invents . Harry is surprised at Niall's words he wants to jump and dance that Niall wants to do it too and is not begging and screaming to cancel the scene. But then Harry's smile turns into frown as he looks at Niall , making him gulp .

"Are you sure Ni ? If you are not comfortable , then we can I dont know ask ? Them to cancel ?" Harry doesn't know when but the words are coming out of his mouth as he walks towards his blonde bandmate. Harry almost expects Niall to agree and reconsider his choice , telling him to make them cancel the scene because it will be to awkward for them , too awkward because they are best friends , both guys and not gay atall . Dammit ! Harry thinks at his thoughts but is shocked once again when Niall's voice ring through his ear .

" You are comfortable ? " It was the question on the tip of the blonde tongue and before he knows it , the words are out leaving him stupified . Harry merely shrugs at the odd but logical question . " If you are ,then I am too." His answer abrupt wanting to know if Niall is comfortable with this. Niall wants to scream no , no because yes it is going to be awkward and people will be watching . But then he is reminded the reason he agreed to play the part .
The sole reason was to be near Harry , to be his even if it was Fake . So he nods muttering a "I am " . Harry nods too smiling at him .

"So shall we ? " Niall nods walking ahead and turns abruptly before opening the door " we are in this together ? " going back to the words they once promised . Harry smiles fondly at him reaching his cheek brushing lightly , not really thinking about his actions as he whispers " together " 

<Time Skip>

The scene was much simple according to Julie but Niall and Harry were having different thoughts as she explained them .They were sitting on the very couch as Julie went through the script with them. It was embarassing to say the least as the things were listed for them to do .

At one time Niall heard Julie speak to Harry which made him more embarrassed and read than it did to Harry. in her words " You Harry ,will pull him on his lap and the camera will be focused here and one from above . There is also one in the side . You have your dialogue and while you do recite it , you have to sensually pull up Niall's shirt over his head and throw it here. Dont be shy I know you know what sensual means "

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