These Scars Won't Tear Us Apart

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Song: Always Attract by You Me At Six


I woke up the next morning seriously not it the mood to go to school. I wasn't in the mood to put up with all the bullshit after last night, but I pulled on my clothes and a smile anyway and walked downstairs. I quickly ate my breakfast noticing my mother wasn't up yet. It took me about twenty minutes to walk to school, so I left shortly after I was done eating. I pulled my iPod out of my bag and put in my headphones before making my way down the street. I head banged to the music until I got to the end of the street. That's when I saw him. 

Oliver was standing on the corner of my street with a big smile clearly waiting for me. I let out a sigh. I didn't hate him anymore, but I wasn't in the mood today. I took my earbuds reluctantly.

"Good morning. I figured we could walk to school together," he told me as I approached him. I really just wanted to be left alone today, but I guessed that was out of the question.

"Do you live around here?" I questioned a bit annoyed. I stuffed my iPod in my bag as we headed away from my house. I was already really dreading school.

"Yeah, I live two streets down," he answered. Great, he'd probably want to walk me home after vocal workshop. I was almost starting to hate him again, but I think it was just the mood I was in.

"You look a bit upset. Are you ok?" he asked as we walked. I stared down at the ground not wanting to tell him what really happened. I hated telling people that I cut myself. It was like as soon as I told them or they found out, they judged me.

"My mum was just really angry last night, that's all," I replied. It wasn't completely a lie. That had been part of it, but I didn't tell him that she hit me or how she yelled.

"Oh. I'm sorry. It's my fault really," he apologized. I just shook my head. It was my mom's fault that she hated me so much, not his. He just didn't get it. I'm sure his parents loved and cared about him like parents should.

We walked in silence the rest of the way to school. When we got there, we walked to chemistry and waited for Mr. Field to come in. I pulled out my book, hoping he'd get the hint that I didn't want to talk today.

"Hey, Chelsea. You wanna do something after school?" he asked suddenly. I peeled my eyes away from my book. Was Oliver asking me on a date? No, of course not. No one would ever love you. You're fat and ugly, a voice in my head told me. But, then why did he seem so nervous? He kept wiping his palms on his pants like he couldn't keep them dry and he just looked so hopeful.

"Um... sure, Oliver. I'd love to," I told him, my mood lifting a bit. If he was asking me on a date, then I had every right to be happy. No one had ever asked me on a date before. No one had ever liked me like that. Even if I wasn't his biggest fan, one date wouldn't hurt anything.

"Cool. Make sure to call your mum this time, though," he joked with a chuckle. I cracked a smile, too, even though my mum being mad at me was a pretty serious thing.


The day went faster than I expected. I kept thinking about where Chelsea and I  would go after school. As soon as I asked her, her mood seemed to change. She had looked so upset this morning, similar to how she was yesterday. I finally decided that we would go to my favorite restaurant, which wasn't too far away from school. I wouldn't get my license for another few months which meant I couldn't drive Chelsea and myself anywhere. I felt kind of bad for making her walk, but I think she understood.

"Where are we going?" she asked as the last bell rang. Everyone ran for the door, but she stayed back to pack up her stuff. She slung her messenger bag over her shoulder and started to walk towards the door

"I was thinking that place that Italian place in that shopping center," I replied. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. I could barely believe that I had gotten up the nerve to ask her out. For some reason, I felt like I knew her for more than two days.

"Sounds great," she told me, showing me her beautiful smile. Suddenly, my nerves seemed to creep up on me. What if she doesn't think this is a date? What if she doesn't like me liked that?

I quickly pushed my thoughts away as we walked out of the building. We walked to restaurant pretty quietly. I asked her how her day was and she said it was fine and asked me how my day was. The only good thing about today was that Chris left me alone and this date, but I only told her about this Chris thing. Soon, we arrived at the restaurant. We walked in, were seated, and given menus. After we ordered, I couldn't think of much to say. I think I was just really nervous.

I was suddenly reminded of the way she looked this morning. She looked like she just felt so alone and I just wanted to change that. "So, why were you really upset this morning? I doubt it was all because of your mum," I heard myself say. Her face fell as soon as I said it and I regretted it immensely.

"My mum... my mum and I don't have a good relationship, that's all. She was mad last night and when she gets mad, she really gets mad. That's all," she huffed. I still felt like there was more to the story and I wasn't about to let it go.

"Does she, like, hit you?" I asked suddenly worried. I really would like to punch anyone who laid a hand on Chelsea.

"Sometimes," she replied with a shrug. She acted like it was no big deal. Her own mother hit her and she didn't think anything of it?

"Chelsea, you should take your own advice. You told me not to let Chris walk all over me and you shouldn't let her walked all over you," I told her, reminding myself of what she had told me yesterday at lunch. She seemed like such a strong girl and she was just letting her mum hit her.

"It's not that easy," she told me, huffing it again. "I don't need this," she muttered and stood up. Damn it. Why did I have to go and get her mad? I stood up and practically ran after her. 

She was almost to the door when I was able to grab her wrist to stop her. She winced in pain as my fingers wrapped around her tiny wrist. A wave of confusion and concern washed over me. I knew that feeling. I knew there was only one cause of the pain. I took her hand in mine and moved aside her rubber bracelets to reveal fresh cuts. As soon as I saw all those scars, I pulled her into my arms and wrapped her in a hug. Why would she do that? She's so beautiful, so smart, so strong, so... amazing. But, why did I do the same things? My life seemed fine from the outside. I wasn't terrible looking, I got decent grades, I acted strong, but I was surely unhappy. I felt her slowly hug me back and then I felt her body start shaking lightly.

We stood like that for a long time. I was kind of glad that we were the only customers in the restaurant because I'm sure people would have started staring. "It's ok. It'll get better. I know what your going through," I soothed. I rubbed her back feeling bad for making her cry again.

Her head shot up as soon as I said I knew what she was going through. "You do?" she asked quietly. He makeup was smeared from her tears, but I still thought she looked beautiful.

I took one of my arms off of her and showed her my wrist. On it were several horizontal scars that were fading. I hadn't touched the blade in awhile. Summer had been good and yesterday, all I could think about was Chelsea. I had been happy for awhile with no need to cause myself physical pain. She let out a tiny gasp when she saw. I guess we were more alike than she thought.

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