That Little Kiss You Stole

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Song: My Weakness by This Century


I was getting ready for the movies with Oliver the next day. I had decided on purple skinny jeans and a black v-neck with my boots. I had even decided to curl my hair. Yes, I was going all out. Well, for me, not wearing a band t-shirt was going all out. I was zipping up my boots when there was a knock at the door. I dashed down the stairs with only one boot on trying to beat my mom to the door, but I was too late, my mum already had her hand on the nob and was opening the door. I groaned as I pulled on my other boot.

"Hello, ma'am. Nice to meet you," Oliver greeted as the door opened. He stuck out his hand politely, but my mother didn't put her hand in his. She just looked at him and he dropped his hand.

"Who are you?" she asked rudely. She gave him a look. I could tell by his smile, Oliver was trying to be nice, but my mum wasn't even trying.

"I'm Oliver. I'm here to pick up Chelsea," he replied, smiling at me when he saw me standing behind her. I smiled back trying to keep myself calm. That smile did it to me every time.

"Mum, it's ok. I'll just see you later," I interjected. I moved around her and stood next to Oliver. I saw her raise her eyebrows before shutting the door. 

" look nice," he stammered nervously as we walked down the walkway. He looked down at the ground a bit embarrassed.

"Uh, thanks," I replied, feeling my face get hot. When we reached his mom's car, he opened the door for me and we climbed in.

"You must be Chelsea. It's nice to meet you. I'm Oliver's mum," Mrs. Sykes told me as I sat down. She gave me a smile in the review mirror and started up the car.

It didn't take long to get to the restaurant. Oliver waved goodbye to his mum, who seemed extremely nice, and walked in. We were seated and we ordered our food.

"No offense, but your mum seems like a real bitch," he told me with a grin. I couldn't help but chuckle. He had only talked to her for about two minutes and he had realized.

"I think that's the perfect word to describe her," I responded, still smiling. He had the cutest laugh. Everything about him seemed to be perfect.

We talked about everything from music to school to family while we ate. I really liked talking to him. He was one of the few people in my life who seemed to understand me and not want to change me. I felt like I could be myself around him and he wouldn't judge. Where had he been my whole life? I could've used someone like him years ago. At the moment, I was baffled that I had ever hated him and found him annoying. He seemed so amazing to me now. I guess I hadn't know him back then, but that was only three days ago.


After dinner, we walked to the movie theatre, which was in the same shopping center as the restaurant so it wasn't too far. I couldn't get over the way she looked, though. Not that she didn't always look amazing everyday, but she looked especially beautiful with her hair like that. I could barely take my eyes off of her.

After I got us popcorn and sodas, we found the theatre and chose our seats. We were the only people in the theatre. I guess this movie wasn't all the great, but it was the only thing playing at the time we showed up. After a few moments, the lights dimmed and the movie started. About half way through the movie, I reached for some popcorn and instead felt her warm, soft hand. Neither of us pulled away, though. She turned her head to look at me and suddenly I had this intense urge to kiss her. Then I remembered that we were alone in this huge theatre, so why not? 

I leaned in quickly and pressed my lips against her. She didn't protest or pull away, but instead kissed back. I pulled my hand out of the popcorn bucket and cupped my hand on her cheek. I couldn't stop myself from continuing to kiss her and she didn't seem to mind. I found myself biting her lips softly to open it and my tongue make its way into her mouth. It was like something had come over me. I had absolutely no experience with things like kissing or making out, but here I was making out with the girl of my dreams in a movie theatre.

We ended up making out for the rest of movie. As I suspected, what I managed to catch of the movie wasn't that good or maybe it just wasn't as good as the way Chelsea's lips felt on mine. 

As we walked out of the theater, I quickly texted my mum telling her that the movie was done and she could pick us up. I seriously couldn't wait until I had my license  and I could drive is places on my own. I looked over to Chelsea seeing that she had on a smile that stretched from one ear to the other.

My mum was outside in about fifteen minutes and we hopped in the car. "How was the movie?" she asked as I opened the car door. Telling her that we had only seen about 45 minutes of the movie because we had been a little preoccupied was kind of out of the question.

"Pretty good," I lied as I took my seat. Chelsea sat down next to me still grinning. I felt a small smile creep up on my face as well as my mum pulled onto the street.

The drive to Chelsea's house was silent. When we pulled up to her house, we got out and I walked her to her door. We paused in front of her door. I could tell neither of us wanted this to end.

"I had fun tonight, Oliver. Thanks," she said, looking up at me. She had a small smile tugging at her lips. I smiled back and instead of saying anything, I pulled her into another kiss, you know, because we hadn't done enough of that tonight.

After she pulled away, she looked up at me again. She was still so close that I could feel her warm breath on my skin

"Um...I'll see you at school," she stammered, taking a step back and unlocking the door. I nodded and walked back to my mum's car.

As I climbed in the passenger's seat, my mom shot me a grin. "What?" I asked, my face getting hot. I felt a smile appear on my own face. She had obviously seen us kiss, not that I cared much. I wasn't not going kiss Chelsea just because my mum was watching and by the look on her face, she thought we were cute.

"Nothing. You two just make a really nice couple," she replied. She didn't stop smiling the whole way home and neither did I. I was definitely falling in love.

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