Let Them Sing

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Song: Free Now by Sleeping With Sirens


The weekend went way too fast. Oliver ended up spending a lot of time with the band, which didn't bother me too much. Considering I was home alone, I just blasted my music and danced around my house.

Monday morning went by quickly and soon I was taking my seat across from Oliver and pulling out my lunch. Lunch had become my favorite part of the day. Last year, I had dreaded it, but this year I waited all morning to be sitting in this seat.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chris heading towards our table. I let out a groan. Hadn't he had enough? He had already gotten suspended. Couldn't he give it a rest? "What?" Oliver asked when he heard my groan. I didn't have time to answer because Chris had reached us.

To my surprise he sat down next to Oliver without any yelling. "Look, Sykes. We both know that this crap they're making us go to after school isn't gonna help shit, so why don't we just pretend we've made up and I won't bother you again?" he suggested. I saw Oliver's eyes light up a bit, but then dim again. Though it was a good plan, I could tell he didn't think the teachers would believe they were suddenly best friends.

"Not that I wouldn't love that, but I don't think they're gonna believe that we made up on our own," Oliver told him. I agreed wholly with what he was saying. I certainly wouldn't believe it.

"You're right. Let's go for about a week and then we'll pretend to make up. I think that they'll believe that and I won't bother you afterwards," Chris responded after a few moments of thinking. Oliver rested a very bruised arm on the table. To be honest, practically his whole body was bruised, well at least from what I could see.

"Sounds like a plan, but none of your friends can bother me either if I agree," Oliver replied with a nod. I was proud of him right then for sticking up for himself.

"They won't. I promise," Chris told him. I could tell somehow that he was telling the truth, too. I didn't know Chris too well, but there was just something about the way he said it that I could tell he was being honest.

"Ok. We'll make up on Friday then?" Oliver asked. Chris nodded and went back to his friends. Well, I was glad that was finally sorted out. After years of Chris' bullying, Oliver was finally free.

After the last bell rang, I walked Oliver to the guidance counselor. He seemed very reluctant to go in not that I blamed him. I surely wouldn't want to have to spend an hour with Brittany.

"Hey, it's only an hour," I reassured him, rubbing his arm gently trying not to cause any pain to his bruises. He just nodded still not making an attempt to go in. "And I'll be here when your done," I added, earning a smile from him. Ms. Hopkins had offered to let me read in her room when I had told her what happened and that I told Oliver I would wait for him. Even though Oliver had said she was mean, she was really nice to me. I think the fact that I was such an avid reader was what made her like me. We really connected over books. She liked romance stories, too.

"I'll see you in an hour," he told me finally and walked in. Chris walked in a few moments later and I left to go to Ms. Hopkins' room.

"Nice to see you again, Chelsea," she greeted as I walked in. I took a seat and started to pull out my book. I was so thankful my mother wasn't home this week to yell at me for being late every day this week.

"So, Oliver, is he your boyfriend?" she questioned, earning a blush from me. Everyone seemed to be asking me that lately. First Mrs. Nicholls and now my English teacher. Did we act like a couple that much?

"Well, not really. We just met so he's not really my boyfriend yet," I answered my face still hot. She sat down in the desk next to me and I put my book down.

"I see. You want him to be your boyfriend, but it's too soon. Well, if I remember Oliver correctly from last year, then you two would make a very cute couple," she told me giving me a little wink. She stood up and started to work at her own desk. Would we really make a cute couple?


"So, Chris. Why did you punch Oliver?" Mrs. Gibbs, the guidance counselor, asked. Chris rolled his eyes. To be honest, I felt the same way, but I wasn't as rude as him.

"I don't like him," he answered the same way he had to the principal. He shifted in the uncomfortable couch that Mrs. Gibbs had in her office.

"Why don't you like him?" she questioned. I let out a sigh. Did they really expect this to help? I think Chris getting suspended would have been enough to make sure he didn't bother me again. He shrugged. "There must be a reason," Mrs. Gibbs insisted. 

"He's...weird," he replied after a few minutes. His words didn't really phase me. I liked being different and had always prided myself on it. I was always just been myself and no one was like me, well Chelsea and I were kind of similar.

"Why do you think he's...weird?" she questioned. I could tell she was trying not to call me weird, but again I couldn't give a fuck about what either of them thought of me.

"Have you looked at him?" he scoffed, glancing over at me. I personally liked the way I looked. I thought it was cool, so what he said didn't get me worked up.

"Our differences are something we should embrace, Chris. Everyone is different in their own way even if you don't realize it. Would you beat up your best friend because you found out he was different than you? No, so you shouldn't beat up anyone just because you don't agree with the way they look. I personally think Oliver's look is intriguing. Oliver, what made you want to get your lip pierced?" she replied. She sounded like a hippy or something. And people went to college to be guidance counselors? I think I could do a better job than her.

"I don't know. Some of the people in the bands I like have piercings, so I guess I think it looks cool," I responded. I looked over at the clock. We had only been here for twenty minutes and I already wanted to hurt someone

"See, Chris. You think you look cool and Oliver thinks he looks cool. I'm sure you wouldn't want Oliver beating you up because he didn't think you look cool," she told Chris. Why the fuck did I have to be here for this? I obviously looked the way I did because I liked it. I think anyone with a brain could make that assumption, so why did I have to suffer through this even though I did absolutely nothing wrong?

Forty minutes of pure torture later, she told us to call it a day and let us go. Chelsea wasn't waiting outside, so I figure she was still with Ms. Hopkins. I had told her a million times that she could go home, but she insisted on waiting for me, which I thought was sweet. I made my way to Ms. Hopkins' room. I was not looking forward to seeing her again. I stood in the door frame hoping Chelsea would see me and I wouldn't have to go in, but she was so interested in her book that she didn't even look up. I smiled at the scene. She was just too cute with her nose buried in her book. I slowly walked into the room. She didn't look up until I practically on top of her.

She gave me a smile. "Thank you, Ms. Hopkins. I'll see you tomorrow," Chelsea called to her English teacher and we exited the room thankfully before Ms. Hopkins could see me.

"How was it?" she questioned as I took her hand. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes as if she was waiting for me to tell her how amazing it was.

"Shitty," I replied rolling my eyes. "And very pointless," I added. I felt her give my hand a gently squeeze as we left the building. "Thanks for waiting for me," I told her gratefully.

"It's really not a problem. I would have been lonely walking home alone," she replied, reaching up to kiss me cheek. I felt a small smile appear on my face and butterflies appear in my stomach as her lips touched my skin. Isn't it funny that no matter how long you've known a person you still get nervous just by being around them?

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