Heart Attacks Waiting To Happen

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Song: Last First Kiss by The Summer Set


As soon as I saw Oliver's wrists, I suddenly felt like we were more alike than I had thought. By the time we got back to our table, the food was there. After we ate, he walked me home. He couldn't seem to stop talking.

"You know, I heard Linkin Park's touring here next month. Maybe we could go together," he suggested, fiddling with one of his bracelets. He looked down obviously nervous.

"I loved to," I said with a grin. I had always wanted to see Linkin Park live. I had actually never been to a concert because my mom would barely let me out of the house.

"Cool. I'll order our tickets when I get home," he told me, smiling back. That smile. It made my insides want to melt. He was actually really cute. I had failed to notice yesterday, but right now, looking at him, all I saw was his adorable facial features.

At that point we had reached my house and started to walk up the walkway. We stood on my porch. 

"I wish I could say I had fun, but seeing you cry is never fun," he teased, making me chuckle. I had kind of ruined our date, but I had still had fun after I was done crying even though I probably looked like a mess.

Suddenly, I saw him do something I hadn't expected. He leaned in his eyelids fluttering closed. The next thing I knew, he was pressing his lips on mine. I felt my own eyelids close. The kiss was gentle and his lips felt so soft against mine. I was willing him not to pull away. I wanted time to slow down, but all too fast he backed away with a small smile playing at his lips.

"Um, I'll see you tomorrow," he told me before walking down the few steps that led up to my house, down the walkway, and walked away from my house. I watched him walk until he turned the corner. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I don't think even my mum could ruin my mood.

I quickly unlocked the front door and tried to run upstairs to my room. I had texted my mum to tell her that I would be late and not to worry even though I knew she wouldn't. She would just want a reason to yell if anything.

"Where were you?" my mom asked in a normal tone. I let out a sigh, but I was still grinning from ear to ear. Oliver had kissed me. He had fucking kissed me. He liked me. He didn't think I was fat or ugly. He liked me.

"I went out with someone from school," I answered, turning around on the stairs to face her. I didn't want to talk to her, but I kind of knew if I didn't she'd get mad again.

"Why would someone want to go out with you?" she asked with a sneer. Why did she have to be such a bitch? I was still pretty happy and my lips still buzzed from Oliver's kiss, so her comment didn't bother me too much.

"I know this is a bit hard to believe for you, but he actually likes me," I answered, trying not to give her too much attitude knowing that it would only lead to her hitting me again. She gave me a look, but said no more and I continued to run upstairs. That went better than I had expected.

As soon as I got to my room, I turned on the sappiest love songs I had on my iTunes and picked up a Nicolas Sparks book. I ended up reading, listening to music, and thinking about Oliver all night.


I couldn't stop smile as I walked away from Chelsea's house. As bad as that date had started out, it had ended pretty well.

"Why are you so happy?" my mum asked as I entered the house. I still could feel Chelsea's lips on mine and I couldn't lie, the feeling was one of the nicest things I had ever experienced.

I shrugged, not wanting tell her about our kiss. My first kiss, to be exact. Anyways, if I told her about the date, I would have to explain how she ended up crying in my arms and that was something I wanted to avoid.

"Is Chelsea involved in this?" she questioned, giving me a smile of her own. I could tell how excited she was for me. She had been trying to get me to be more social for awhile, especially when it came to girls. I think she just wanted me to be happy.

"Yeah," I mumbled not really wanting to open up. I ran my hands through my hair nervously. I suddenly just wanted to run to my room.

"I'm glad to hear things are going well, Oli," she told me, ruffling my hair. She was wearing a smile about as big as mine. 

I ran upstairs to my room and put on some music. I tore open my notebook of songs and started to write another one. It was obviously about Chelsea again. I spent most of the night writing and fell asleep thinking about what Chelsea was doing.


I woke up the next morning pretty excited. It was Friday. The stupid school board decided to start us off with a three day week, which I wasn't complaining about. It just seemed kind of stupid. Anyway, it was Friday, I was gonna see Chelsea again, and maybe ask her on another date. I got dressed as fast I as I possibly could, ate breakfast, and dashed out the door. To put it lightly, I was eager to see Chelsea. I think I was falling in love with her even though it had only been three days since I met her.

I waited at the corner of her street for a few minutes until I saw her come out of her house all smiles. I guess her mom hadn't bothered her the night before. She strolled up to me and before I could start walking, she planted a soft kiss on my lips, which I gladly excepted.

"Good morning," she chirped when she pulled away and started walking towards school. Well, someone was definitely in a good mood. I had the biggest urge to slip my hand into her while we walked, but I held back. I didn't want to rush into things.

When we got to school, we walked to chemistry and sat down in our regular seats. "You wanna do something again the weekend? We could go see a film if you wanted to," I told her. I don't know why, but every time I was around her, I felt like the butterflies in my stomach having a rave party.

"That sounds awesome. I'd love to," she replied. She still had a big smile on her face. Her smile was gorgeous. The whole rest of the day I couldn't get it off my mind.

I Need You So Much (Oliver Sykes Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now