Come A Little Closer

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to biersackblood for leaving me such a lovely comment on the last chapter!

Song: Be Alone by Paramore


As I looked around my room, I smiled sadly knowing that I wouldn't be seeing it for the next few months. I had decided to take some summer course for college and was heading out on tour with Bring Me the day before they started, which was today. While I was sad to be leaving my dad, who I had grown to forgive, Abby, and Joe, I was much more excited to be going on tour with my best friends. Saying I had missed them over the last few months was an understatement.

Dad drove me to the airport. He gave me a huge hug before he would let me go inside the building. "Be careful, Chelsea," he told me. I could feel tears forming in my eyes so I just nodded and pulled him in for another hug.

"See you in three months," he said before climbing back in his car. I nodded again and wheeled my bag into the airport. After an hour of lines and security, I finally was at the gate.

I waited a bit more and was finally allowed to board. The plane ride was long as fuck, but every time I got annoyed, I just imagined Oliver standing there when I got off and I knew it was worth. When we finally landed, I went to the baggage claim to get my bag and wait for Oliver. He texted me to say he was running a bit late because of soundcheck so I had no idea what time he would be here.

About fifteen minutes later, Oliver burst through one of the doors and glanced around. When he finally saw me, a huge smile stretched across his face. He practically ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I had missed his familiar touch so much. When he pulled away, he cupped my face and gave me a kiss it. It was filled with longing and I never wanted to let go.

"I missed you so much," he whispered. I had to chuckle since it had been a week since my graduation. I had to admit I missed him too even if it had only been a week.

"I missed you, too," I replied kissing him again before he took my hand and led me outside. I immediately saw the bus and we climbed in.

"Chelsea's here!" Nicholls announced gleefully. He ran up to me and wrapped me in a bone crushing hug. As I gasped for air, I heard someone chuckling.

"Nicholls. I...need...air," I gasped a bit more dramatically than necessary. He reluctantly loosened his grip and I turned around to see Lee with a smirk on his face. I gave him a quick hug along with the rest of the guys. How I ever got through not seeing them everyday was beyond me.

During the short drive to venue we all caught up. They undated me on how their first full length album was coming along and I told them about some of the college class I had signed up for. We soon pulled up to the venue and got out.

"You wanna go meet the other bands?" Oli asked taking my hand in his. The simple touch sent goosebumps over my skin. They were touring with Pierce The Veil, You Me At Six, and Motionless In White, all of which I loved so of course I wanted to meet them.

"Hell yeah!" I replied as we walked into the venue. I was seriously so excited to be on tour with them. To me, this was practically the highlight of my life. I had always wondered what touring was like and now I was going to experience it for myself.

When we got into the venue, a guy with short brown hair that was swept over his forehead and blue eyes came up to us. He was wearing a shirt that read 'Down But Not Out' and jeans. "Hi, you must be Chelsea. I'm Josh," he greeted in his British accent. From what I knew, Josh was from You Me At Six and him and Oliver were really good friends.

"Nice to meet," I replied giving him a smile. Oli then introduced me to everyone else. They all seemed so nice. I wasn't one hundred percent sure how I expected them to be. I wasn't sure if they were going to be nice or be complete assholes, but it turned out they were all very welcoming. They made me feel like I was part of some type of family or something and it felt really nice.


It made me so happy that Chelsea was finally getting to tour with us. I couldn't wait to wake up with her in my arms every morning and to her to see her everyday. I missed being able to do those things when I was. All the other bands were really welcoming towards her, which was good. I was especially glad that Josh was so welcoming considering he was one of my best friends.

The show went smoothly. I actually think it was one of the best shows we've played on this tour. After the show was over, we ran off stage. Chelsea immediately wrapped her arms around me as if she had been wanted to do that the whole show. I had to admit, it had been a bit hard to know she was standing on the side of the stage and not run over to her.

She planted a soft kiss on my lips. "You smell," she told me when she pulled away. I let out a laugh and pushed some of her black hair out of her beautiful face.

"What do you expect after I ran around onstage for thirty minutes?" I replied through my laughs. She let out a little giggle as I locked my lips on hers again. She literally made me the happiest person alive.

"I love you," she whispered before kissing me again. I could definitely get used to coming off stage to this every night.

"I love you, too," I replied giving her another kiss. Her lips formed into a smile against mine. I seriously lived for moments like these; moments when it felt like we were the only two people in the world.

"Could you guys at least get a room or something?" Matt yelled from across the room. I could feel the heat radiate off of Chelsea's face as I unattached my lips from her just long enough to give Matt the finger. He gave me the finger right back and just to gross him out even more, I leaned down one last time for a long passionate kiss.

She wasted no time kissing back and suddenly all I wanted to do was rip her shirt off and let things get heated. "Wanna go back to the bus?" I whispered. All she did was nod obviously feeling the same way I did.

I took her by the hand and let her back to the bus. After holding the door open for her, I led her to the back lounge. We sat down on the couch and quickly picked up where we left off in the venue. My tongue pushed its way into her mouth and my hands traveled up her shirt. I only stopped kissing her long enough to pull her shirt over her head. I wanted her so badly. Even when we were home, we couldn't do this too often because of our parents. I had miss this feeling; the feeling of how her skin felt to my fingertips; the feeling of our bodies working in sync.

My fingers fumbled with the clasp of her bra and she pulled the straps off her arms. She was just about to pull my shirt off of me when there was the sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Can you guys not fuck on the couch?" Nicholls' voice called out causing Chelsea's cheek to redden. I heard the sound of him turning on the telly and I sighed. He really knew how to ruin a moment. Chelsea grabbed her clothes reluctantly and pulled them back on. When she was dressed, she cuddled up against me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you, Oli," she told me looking up at me. Every time she said that, it made me feel so amazing.

"I love you, too, Chels," I replied. I had never spoke a truer sentence in my life.

AN: I'm kind of running out of ideas for what should happen next, so what do you guys want to see happen next?

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