In Your Heart

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Song: Harmony by Never Shout Never


"What time are the guys coming over?" I questioned. Lee, Matt, and Curtis were all coming over soon to do a video chat with the fans. Nicholls was still sleeping on our couch, not that I minded.

"They should be here soon," he replied, not turning his attention away from whatever him and Nicholls were watching. We were home for awhile because I was due soon and all Nicholls seemed to do was watch TV or go out with this girl he met last time we were home.

About fifteen minutes later, the rest of Bring Me The Horizon were seated on our couch and they were setting up the laptop. "Hey guys!" Oliver greeted the fans a few moments later. I settled down in one of our reclining chairs that was out of the camera's view and opened up one of the books I was reading for college.

I was fine for about twenty minutes until an unbearable pain shot through me. I had been having slight contractions all day, but they had been so far apart that I hadn't really thought it was anything. But now, I couldn't even describe how much pain I was in. I let out a gasp in pain, which was pretty loud and got the attention of the guys.

"You ok, Chels?" Oliver questioned with concern in his eyes. As if on cue, sounds of Melody waking up in her bedroom flooded into the living room.

"I think I'm going into labor," I responded, shaking my head. As soon as the words left my mouth, his eyes turned into saucers. I wasn't due for another two weeks, so he wasn't expecting it.

"Ok, one of you go grab Melody and I'll get Chelsea to the car," Oliver ordered. Lee immediately ran to go get Melody and Curtis took it upon himself to tell the fans what was happening before shutting down the laptop.

The seven of us all ran down to the car. Well, in Oliver's case, sprinted to the car. Oliver, Nicholls, Lee, Melody, and I got in one car and everyone else got in Matt's car. Oliver quickly gave orders to call the doctor, his parents, Tom, and Austin.

Ten minutes later, thanks to Oliver speeding, we were at the hospital and they were rushing me into one of the room. "How far apart are your contractions?" Dr. Marshall asked me before even saying hello.

"Um, there probably about five or so minutes apart," I responded. It was a complete guess since I hadn't thought to time them in all my pain.

"Ok, we'll have to wait a bit longer, then," she told me. She then checked out everything 'down there' before telling me that this was it. Soon, we'd get to see Harmony and Linkin. Even though this birth was going to be a bitch, I was just trying to focus on the fact that we'd get to meet the babies soon.

It took a few hours for the contractions to be close enough and for me to be dilated enough. The whole time the guys tried to take my mind off of the pain. Soon Austin and Tom showed up.

"Is three kids enough for you yet?" Austin joked with a grin. It was kind of weird to think that in just a few short years, I had been pregnant twice.

"Yeah, I think you two need to learn the art of protection," Nicholls added with laugh. I put up my middle finger at him, but still had a smile on my face. No matter how annoying he could be, he was my best friend and I loved him.

"Well, as long as your sleeping on our couch, it's gonna be a bit hard to make anymore kids," Oliver told him, trying to act mad, but failing terribly. He had Melody on his lap and was trying to keep her occupied. It was hard to believe that she would be two very soon.

"I think I'll stay on the couch, then," Nicholls replied, still grinning. I guess having a friend live with us was a good way to keep us from doing anything, not to mention having a one year old daughter.

That's when the door opened and Dr. Marshall came in. "Let's check things out," she announced. The guys all left before she could lift up my hospital gown. "Looks like we're ready!" she told us with a grin.


I winced as Chelsea dug her long fingernails into my skin. I was surprised I wasn't bleeding by now. I knew I really shouldn't be complaining though. She was in a lot more pain than I was in.

"One more push and the first baby should be out," Dr. Marshall told her. I could tell the last thing Chelsea wanted to do was to push again, but she had to.

She let out an little scream as she pushed. I hated seeing her in pain. Sitting here watching her hurt so much just made me want the labor to be over. A moment later, I heard a cry erupt and Chelsea blew out a sigh.

"It's a boy," Dr. Marshall announced with a grin. The umbilical cord was then cut and little Linkin was taken away to be cleaned off. From my spot next to the bed, I could see him and I already loved him.

"Looks like the girl's ready to come out," Dr. Marshall told Chelsea, who looked just about done with this whole thing. She looked like she could sleep for a year.

After an agonizing twenty or so minutes of Dr. Marshall telling Chelsea to push, I heard another cry. "It's a girl," Dr. Marshall told us happily.

"Thank the Lord," I heard Chelsea murmur as she collapsed against the pillow of the hospital bed. I then glanced over to the where the nurse was working just in time to see her wrapping Harmony up in a little blanket.

"Which one of you wants to hold the boy first?" one of the nurses questioned. Chelsea decided to take him so I could go grab everyone. Out in the waiting room, I took Melody from Curtis and we headed back into the room where Chelsea was.

"Mummy," Melody exclaimed as soon as she saw Chelsea. She reached her little arms out to her, so I sat her down next to Chelsea in the bed. "Baby," Melody murmured when she saw Linkin in Chelsea's arms.

"This is your brother," Chelsea told her as the nurse came out with Harmony. She laid her in my arms. Thankfully, both of the babies had stopped crying by now and Harmony seemed pretty content in my arms. She was beautiful. She looked a bit more like me than Chelsea. She was just as perfect as Melody was.

"So, what are you gonna name them?" Lee questioned even though we had told all of them what we had planned to name them. He probably wasn't listening the first time.

"Harmony and Linkin," Chelsea answered as Curtis peered over my shoulder at Harmony. When I looked back over at Chelsea and Melody, Melody was busy playing with Linkin's little hat. I couldn't help but smile at my daughter.

"I wanna hold one of them next," Nicholls announced. He looked from Linkin to Harmony eagerly. There was no way he was getting Harmony any time soon. She was staying with me for awhile or at least until Chelsea and I switched.

"No way! You're gonna have plenty of time to hold them since you live with them. I call next," Austin argued. I chuckled at both of them. I knew Austin wasn't mad, he was just excited. It was nice that Chelsea had such a nice friend.

Looking around at my family and my friends, I had never felt so lucky to have all of them. I wouldn't trade Melody, Harmony, Linkin, and Chelsea for the world.

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