The Sadness Will Never End

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Song: Cactus In The Valley (Acoustic) by Lights (Feat. Owl City)


I woke up the next morning Oliver's arms. His parents said it would be ok if I stayed there for the night. I really didn't want to be alone in my room. I feared my thoughts would take over me. The police had to run some test to make sure I was telling the truth. The had found some semen... down there which would give them DNA of the rapist even though I knew exactly who it was. They said they'd arrest him as soon as the results were back, which should be Monday. I had gotten the morning after pill to make sure that asshole didn't get me pregnant. I had already had one pregnancy scare this week. I didn't need another one.

"How you feeling?" I heard Oliver question. I hadn't even realized he had woken up. I shifted in his bed so I could see him easier.

"I could be worse," I told him with a shrug. I was physically fine, but mentally I was a bit of a wreck. I couldn't stop replaying everything from the night before in my head. I desperately wished it would just go away.

He snaked his arms around my waist and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. "Any better?" he asked with a smile. I laughed. He had this way of making me happier. I was in the worst mood ever, but he still had me laughing.

I was about to answer when there was a knock at the open door. "Um, Mum just wanted me to tell you guys that she made waffles," Tom's voice said awkwardly. I had my back to the door so I couldn't see him, though.

"Thanks, Tom. We'll be down in a few minutes," Oliver told his brother who then left. He started to sit up, but all I wanted him to do was kiss me again. 

"Come on. We better get changed and get down there before my mum thinks we're doing obscene things," he told me with a suggestive smile. I sat up next to him and pressed my lips to his before gathering up my clothes from yesterday and heading into the bathroom.

I reluctantly pealed off Oliver's shirt and shorts that he had let me sleep in and pulled on my clothes. I couldn't help but hold his shirt up to my nose and inhaling his amazing, comforting scent. It may sound weird, but the scent made all thoughts of James fly out of my head.

When I was done changing, I went to Oli's room to return the clothes and then we headed downstairs. I could smell the waffles from the hallway and they smelled delicious. I wished my mum would make me breakfast sometimes. Well, actually I didn't since then I would have to eat with her. I'd just stick with my usual cereal is it meant not having to eat with her.

"Good morning," Mrs. Sykes greeted us with a huge smile. Mrs. Sykes was one of those people who was always happy, which was the exactly opposite of my mum. It was nice to wake up to someone who was so happy instead of waking up alone or to someone who refused to talk to me in an attempt to 'be a better mother.'

"Good morning," I replied, forcefully smiling back at her. I took a seat next to Oliver at the kitchen table. She set plates of waffles in front of us and we dug in.

"So, what exactly happened last night?" Mrs. Sykes questioned, sitting down across from Oliver. I scratched the back of my neck really not wanting to talk about it.

"Um," Oli and I said at the same time. I looked at him, mentally telling him to tell her. First of all, I had no idea where she thought he was last night. For all I knew she thought he was having another sweet innocent sleepover with Nicholls.

"Well, we went to a party last night and-" he started but Tom cut him off.

"I thought you were over your friends' house," Tom said. Oliver sent him a death glare as Mrs. Sykes raised her eyebrows in disapproval. I didn't blame her for being upset about it because I hadn't wanted to go either.

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