I Have Always Failed You

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Song: A Love Like War by All Time Low Featuring Vic Fuentes


After those he got really pissed at those girls, Oli started to act really weird. He always seemed so distant like he would rather be anywhere but at school. I felt the same way, but every time we saw each other I always felt better. I had thought he felt the same way, but I've been questioning that lately. I wished he would talk to me, but he kept all his feelings to himself. On top of that, he started smoking. I have no idea why he started. When I asked him about it he just shrugged and told me that he wanted to. It really bothered me. It wasn't just the smoking, even though that did make me worried about him, but it was the way he acted. He almost acted like he was too good for me.

About a month into school, I woke up feeling just as groggy as the day before. I got ready as quickly as I could and was about to walk out of the house when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Oliver: I'm not going to school today so don't wait for me

Me: Ok hope your ok. Love you :)

There was no reply. No 'love you too.' I must have stared at my phone the whole way to school waiting for him to say he loved me too, but he didn't. In all my staring, I realized he hadn't given a reason why he wasn't coming to school. I figure he was sick, but now I was a bit worried. Maybe I'd ask Tom at lunch.

The day went really slow. Slower than usual. Tom told me he didn't know why Oliver wasn't in school. He had just told him he didn't feel like coming in today. I wanted to say I didn't want to be here either, but here I was, suffering and getting through the day.

I was walking out of school that day when I notice a familiar figure standing on the corner of the street. My brow furrowed in confusion. What was Oliver doing here? Wasn't he suppose to be at home?

"Oli, what are you doing here?" I questioned when I reached him. He had a cigarette in his mouth which tempted me to tell him again about the consequences of smoking. I could smell the stench of the smoke from here. I hated how he smelled now. Everything he wore smelled like smoke and it made me want to puke.

"I came to walk you home," he explained like it was no big deal. He had taken off the day and he had still came to take me home. While I was flattered that he had actually thought of coming to walk me home, I didn't get it. If I took the day off, I wouldn't come within fifty feet of the place.

"Why didn't come to school?" I questioned, slipping my hand into his as we started to walk. His hand immediately tensed up as soon as my skin touched his. It felt like he didn't want me to touch him. 

"What's the point?" he asked with a shrug. He put his cigarette to his lips and inhaled the smoke and breathing it out, almost making me choke.

"The point is you need to go to school and get a good education," I answered, trying not to sound too much like a parent. I looked up at him to see his beautiful eyes looking sad and upset. He might be pretending he was fine, but I saw right through it.

He let out a laugh. "I'm not going back to that place," he replied. His smirk seemed to be mocking me. What had happened to my Oliver?

"What?" I questioned, shocked at his words. What was he planning on doing? He wouldn't leave me alone in that place, would he?

I played with the strap of my bag waiting for his response. "That record label finally called back. They want to sign us," he started.

"Oh, my God, Oli. That's awesome! Why didn't you tell me?" I exclaimed with excitement. I had never been more proud of my friends, but when I looked up at him his eyes were still clouded over and unhappy, though.

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