The Broken

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to Dr0pdeadEve for suggesting this idea!

Song: Baby Blue Eyes by A Rocket To The Moon


"Ready to see your baby for the first time?" Dr. Marshall asked, coming into the room with a grin. She always so happy when I came here. Her joy made these visits a little less terrible.

"Yep," I replied, smiling back. After four months, I was beyond ready see this baby. For some reason, this time around seem a lot worse than when I was pregnant with Melody. My back hurt like hell and I felt like I had gained double the weight.

Dr. Marshall then instructed me lift up my shirt. She spread the jelly stuff over my ever-growing stomach and then use the wand, which was hooked up to a machine, to maneuver around. I saw her smile widen as something popped up on the screen. As I followed her gaze to the screen, I saw something that took me off guard.

On the screen, was not one, but two baby-like figures.

"Well, it looks like you're having twins," Dr. Marshall announced happily. That explained why I had been growing so much and why I had gained so much. My mum was a twin also, so I knew that increased my chances of having twins as well. I suddenly felt a smile curl on my lips. In five months we would have not one but two more little members of our family. Yeah, it was going to be hard, but I was excited.

I looked up at Oliver to see his reaction. As much as I was excited, I didn't know how Oliver would take the news. I mean, when I had told him I was pregnant with Melody he freaked on me. Fortunately, he was grinning just as widely as I was. When he saw me looking up at him, he gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Did you wanna find out the genders?" Dr. Marshall questioned, pulling me out of my thoughts. I was still thinking about how awesome it was going to be to have two more kids.

"Yes," I responded. She moved the wand around on my stomach a bit more before stopping and looking at the screen more closely.

"Looks like one is a girl," she started. After a few moments, she added, "and the other is boy." The last part got me even more excited. I couldn't wait to have a son. People were always saying that raising girls and boys were so different and I was excited to get to experience both.

"Congratulation, guys," Dr. Marshall told us before she helped me clean off my stomach. She then told us when to make another appointment and left the room.

"I'm really excited now," Oliver commented as we walked out of the doctor's office. He slipped his tattooed hand into mine as we walked to the car and smiled down at me.

"Me, too," I agreed. I seriously couldn't wait to meet our children. I didn't even care that it was going to be hard and we probably wouldn't get any sleep. I was just concentrated on how awesome it was going to be to have twins.


"What are we gonna name them?" Chelsea asked from her spot on the couch. She was on her laptop, probably looking up name meanings.

"I have no idea," I replied truthfully. I hadn't really thought about names yet. I was still a bit surprised by the fact there were two babies inside of her. I was happy, just still a but surprised. I was excited, though.

"Can we stick with the music theme?" she questioned hopefully. I let out a chuckle at her excitement. She was so cute when she got like this.

"It's a theme?" I asked with a laugh. I didn't know having one kid with a musical name made it theme, but if that made her happy, I was all for it.

"Well, you know what I mean. Can we give the twins musical names?" she rephrased with an agitated sigh. I could tell her mild anger was just an act. She could never really fool me.

"Sure," I responded, sending her a grin. I plopped myself down on the couch next to her and peered over her shoulder at her laptop screen.

"I was thinking Harmony for the girl, but I really couldn't really find any boy names that I liked," she told me, scrolling through a list of musical boy names. I had to agree most of the ones on the page were pretty putrid.

"Ooo, can we name him Linkin after Linkin Park?" I asked, half joking. It would be pretty cool to name our child after our favorite band.

"I actually like that," she replied, surprising me. I never really expected her to agree with Linkin. "But only if we spell it like the band," she added with a grin. I smiled back at her.

"Agreed," I told her just before I heard Melody cry from her nursery. "I'll go get her," I volunteered before standing up and making my way to my daughter.

"Shhh, it's ok, Melody. Daddy's here" I soothed after picking Melody up from her crib. I quickly felt her diaper and figured out that she needed to be changed. I set her down on the changing table and got to work.

"You excited to be getting a brother and a sister?" I asked, not really expecting her answer. She was starting to talk, but not full sentences yet. I remember how excited we were when she said her first word, which happened to be 'mamma.'

After her diaper was changed, I tried to get her to go back to sleep, but she seemed to be wide awake and I eventually gave up. As I walked back into the living room, there was knock on the door. There was only one person it could be: Nicholls.

"Hey," I greeted, pulling open the door. Sure enough, I had been right. As I looked at my best friend, I realized that he looked pretty upset. "Why do you look like someone died?" I questioned, stepping aside to let him in.

"Do you mind if I spent the night here?" he questioned. That was when I realized he had a small duffle bag in his hand. Him and Dani have been 'going through a rough patch' lately. He never really talks about it, so I really didn't know much about what was going on. I figured they had had a fight or something.

"Of course you can stay here. Did you and Dani have a fight or something?" I said as he placed his bag on the floor by the couch, catching Chelsea's attention. She shut her laptop and looked at him sympathetically.

"Yeah. She's cheating on me," he mumbled in response. He sat down next to Chelsea on the couch and she pulled him into a hug, which was a challenge because of her large stomach.

"How did you find out?" she questioned as he looked down at his lap. He was rarely upset, so I could tell this was really bothering him. He was usually upbeat and having fun.

"She's pregnant with someone else's kid," he replied quietly. I had to keep my mouth from dropping open. I never took Dani for that type of person. She always seemed so nice and I always thought that her and Nicholls were perfect for each other. I guess I was wrong, though.

We were silent for a very long time. I don't think neither Chelsea or I knew what to say. I was never good at comforting people. All I knew was that Nicholls was most likely going to be spending more than just one night here. He had moved in with Dani about five months ago, so I'm sure now he had nowhere to live. Not that I minded, I just didn't want to see him upset.

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