Why Would He

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Song: We Only Come Out At Night by Motionless In White


I let a sigh escape my lips. It was February already. Dad had official moved into his new house with his new family almost two months ago and he had called on Monday to say that they were finally 'settled in' and were hoping I could spend my first weekend over there that week. Of course mum had been overjoyed at the thought of getting rid of me for the weekend. I had spent the week getting my stuff together and Oli had offered to drive me. My dad didn't live too far from my mum, but I could use some time with Oliver since it seemed like getting together on the weekends would be a challenge now.

"Thanks, Oli," I said as he pulled up to my father's new address. I pecked his cheek and grabbed my stuff from the backseat. My stomach churned nervously. I was not looking forward to this.

"No problem, love. I'll pick you up on Sunday at seven," he told me with a smile. "And try not to go into this with a bad outlook. It really can't be too much worse than living at your mum's," he added just before I was about to walk away. He gave me a sad smile. Well, that was the only positive thing about this. At least I was partially welcome here.

I nodded and made my way up to the house. I turned around to see Oliver still in his car looking at me. I blew him a kiss and he did that cheesy thing were he pretended to catch in and put it in his pocket. I shook my head at his childish behavior and turned back around to knock on the door.

A moment later, Abby swung the door open with a large smile on her face. "Chelsea! We're so glad that you're spending the weekend with us. Come in," she greeted, stepping aside. I entered the house a looked around taking everything. "Would you like the grand tour?" she questioned with a silly grin. I really did like Abby. She was kind of like Mrs. Sykes; she treated me like I was her daughter.

"Sure," I replied, smiling back. I was beginning to feel a bit calmer. She gave me a quick tour that ended at a bedroom that was almost completely empty besides a bed, a nightstand, and a desk.

"This is your room for when you stay here. We figured you could decorated how you wanted. We were thinking we could go to the store and pick out some things," she told me. I looked around my new room already imagining the possibilities. I could paint the walls dark purple and the trim black and get black curtains. I could get a book shelf for my ever growing library and a new bedspread. This was going to be fucking awesome.

"Wow, thank you. I can't wait to start decorating," I responded, genuinely happy. I really couldn't believe they were being so nice to me. 

Suddenly, a timer went off. "Oh that's our dinner. Did you eat yet?" she questioned. I just shook my head and we went downstairs to eat.

To put it lightly, Abby was an amazing cook. She made some meat thing that I of course didn't eat, but the sauce on the pasta that she made with it was amazing. I even had seconds and since I don't eat a lot, that was saying a lot.

"Did Abby show you your room?" my dad questioned. I just nodded because my mouth was filled with pasta. My dad hadn't talked to me much the whole dinner just like when Oliver and I showed him around town. I couldn't help feeling that he didn't really want me. Abby probably pushed him to try to get to know me.

"You can decorate anyway you like," he told me with a kind smile that surprised me. I guess I was being negative, but he hadn't been all too happy-go-lucky so far.

After I was done eating, I asked to be excused to my room. As soon as I got there, I pulled out my old AP magazines and started ripping out pages that I could use as poster. This room was so fucking big that I could use every page and still have two walls left, which meant I needed to head for the Barnes and Noble to get this month's issue. I usually didn't buy the magazine since I didn't really have much money and Mum was definitely not going to buy it for me. The whole time I couldn't help but think that Oliver was right; this was so much better than living with my mum.


"So, what do you think?" Chelsea questioned. I looked around her new room at her dad's house. It had taken her all last weekend and this Saturday to finish decorating it. She seemed pretty proud of her work and I didn't blame her. The walls were dark purple and the trim was painted black. The bed had a dark purple comforter and the windows were covered with long black curtains. A desk sat in one corner, a vanity in another, and a bookshelf was on one wall. She had all but one of the three walls were covered with posters already.

She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "I love it, but what are you gonna do with that wall?" I questioned, pointing to the bare wall.

She shrugged. "I'm not really sure yet, but I was thinking I could pictures of us and of course Lee, Nicholls, Curtis, and Matt up there if I get any. I saw this room online when I was getting ideas and this one person had pictures in the shape of a buttfly on her wall. I was thinking I could do a skull or something" she replied, sitting down on her bed. I could tell she was happy about her idea and I thought it sounded awesome.

"That sounds nice," I told her, sitting down next to her. I reached over to her nightstand to get her phone. I pulled up the camera app.

"What are you doing?" she asked. Her brow knit with confusion. I just shook my head. Man, she was slow.

"Taking the first picture for your wall, obviously," I told her, putting her phone in front of us and sticking my tongue. She let out a laugh, but followed my lead. I snapped the photo and then turned my head to kiss her cheek, but instead she turned her head at the same time and I got her lips, not that I was complaining. The only thing that pulled me away from her was my lungs begging for air.

"You should invite the guys over. I'm sure they'd like to see your amazing room," I told her, causing her to smile. I really didn't see why she didn't move in full time here. She wouldn't have to change schools and her dad treated her so much better than her mum. I wasn't going to ask though. Her dad might not want her full time and I wasn't about to bring that up


"What's up with your dad? He looked at me kind of funny when he answered the door," Curtis announced, walking into Chelsea's room. He took off his coat and put it on the floor with all the others.

"Well, hello to you, too," Chelsea replied sarcastically. She was laying sideways on her bed facing the Nicholls, Matt, and Lee who were all sitting on the floor. I chuckled at her sarcasm.

"Sorry," Curtis apologized. "Hey, what's up with your dad?" he rephrased, trying to please Chelsea. Nicholls smirked from his spot on the floor as Chelsea just shook her head.

"He probably wasn't expecting five guys when I asked if I could invite my friends over," she replied, shrugging. Her father obviously didn't know her too well if he didn't know that all her friends were guys.

"Well, aside from your father being sexist, your room looks fucking awesome," Curtis said only half joking. He walked towards one of the poster-covered walls to get a better look at the bands on the magazine tear outs.

"Thanks," Chelsea replied with a small smile. All the guys had been impressed, but what was not to like. She had really done a great job.

We stayed for awhile until Chelsea said it was time for her to go back to her mum's house, which was why I had really come over. I had offered to drive her.

"Why don't you just live here all the time? I mean, you got this awesome room and your dad seems a hundred times better than your mum. I wouldn't be afraid to come over if you lived here. At your mum's I feel like she might hurt me if I get within a fifty mile radius," Nicholls said with a chuckle. I guess I wasn't the only one who felt the tension around her mum.

Chelsea just shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I haven't known my dad that long and anyway who says he wants me all the time," she replied. So she thought her dad might not want her too. I personally thought her father would be an asshole if he didn't want her all the time.

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