Stay Gold Forever

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AN: I'm running out of ideas again. What do you guys want to happen before they get married?

Song: I Love You 5 by Never Shout Never


I came home on Saturday night pretty late. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes had wanted to take Melody for the weekend. They had actually offered. It had been three weeks since we brought Melody home. When Lexi had found out that Melody would be with her grandparents, she said we should hang out since we never got to anymore. Oli and I had been so busy with Melody that we barely had time to do anything besides look after her. It had been really nice to have a night away from our flat with Lexi.

As I pushed the door open, I was surprised to find that all of the lights were off. The only thing lighting the way was a trail of candles. Since I was a bit taken aback, it took me a moment or two to realize I was suppose to follow the path. I hung up my car keys and took off my jacket before following the little trail careful not to nock over any of the candles. The last thing we needed was our flat to go up in flames.

As I neared the end of the path, I could make out Oliver face. He was sitting... no kneeling on the ground. When he saw me a huge smile appeared on his face. What the hell was he up to? As much as I liked all this romantic stuff, I also didn't like surprises.

I was about to question him, when he gestured for me to go over to him. That's when I realized he was down on one knee. When I figured out the reason for him being on his knee, I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a gasp.

"Chelsea, will you marry?" Oliver asked as he flipped open the small velvet box in his hand to reveal a beautiful ring that sparkled in the candlelight. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. They were tears of joy of course.

"Yes," I replied as I enveloped him in a hug. I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of my happiness at that moment.

I had never loved someone as much as Oliver, well besides Melody. We had been through so much together. I seriously couldn't imagine marrying anyone else. He was the only one I could imagine growing old with. Without him, who knows where I would be right now. I'd probably still be living with my mum, attending my collage classes at the community college, friendless, and hating my life. As much as I hated him when we first met, I loved him now. I loved him so much more than I had ever hated him. If someone had told me three years ago that I'd have a kid with and be engaged to Oliver, I would said they were crazy, but right then, I couldn't think of anything better. I just wanted to be with him. I wanted to know he would be there for ever. I never wanted him to leave me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt his lips pressing against mine. "I love you, Chelsea," he whispered after pulling away.

"I love you, too, Oli," I responded with a big smile. I had never spoken a truer sentence. I had never been more in love than I was in that moment.


I laid in bed that night with my arms around Chelsea. I looked down at her as her chest rose and fell rhythmically. She always looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. Her black hair fell in front of her face perfectly. I always thought she looked prettier without makeup. She didn't need it, to be honest. She was beautiful without it.

I shifted in the bed trying to remain quiet as I got comfy, but failing. Her eyelids opened slowly and she gave me a tired smile. "Sorry," I apologized, feeling guilty as she let out a yawn.

"Don't be," she responded. She planted a kiss on my lips before snuggling into me and resting her head on my chest.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she questioned after a moment of silence. She looked up at me curiously. Her brown eyes looked beautiful in the moonlight coming in from the window.

"How beautiful you are," I replied. I could see the blush form on her face even in this lighting. She always got so easily embarrassed. I pushed some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"I can't wait to get married," she told me after her embarrassment subsided. How did I get so lucky to be able to marry someone like her?

"Me either," I agreed. It was weird to think just year earlier I would've laughed at someone if they tried to tell me that I would be excited to getting married, but now I couldn't wait. I wanted to be with Chelsea forever. Just her, me, and Melody. I never wanted to leave them.

"I love you," she told me with a small smile. She reached up and wrapped her thin arms around my neck.

"I love you, too," I replied. She then snuggled back into me and within a few moments her eyelids fluttered closed again and her light breathing was the only sound that filled the room.


The next morning, the both of us woke up pretty late. Neither of us of had gotten a lot sleep since we brought Melody home so we jumped at the chance to get a good night's rest. I woke up before Chelsea so I decided to make her breakfast in bed.

I quietly opened the door to see her still sleeping. I smiled at the sight as I walked closer to bed. Me being clumsy, I almost tripped over a shoe and nearly sent all my hard work flying. The sound of me struggling obviously woke her up.

"Oli, you didn't have to make me breakfast," she said as I gestured for her to sit up. She couldn't just go with it and be happy, could she?

"I wanted to. Now shut up and eat," I responded, setting the tray in front of her. Her eyes widened when she saw what was on the plate. She was probably expecting a Pop Tart or a Toaster Strudel, but I had went all out. I made pancakes and eggs.

"So what do you want to do today?" I questioned. My parents weren't bringing Melody back until tomorrow so we had all day to ourselves.

"Can we just hang out here? I don't feel like going out," she replied and I nodded. And that's exactly what we did. We spent the day watching crappy TV shows and movies and just talking. It was probably one of the best days we've had just the two of us in a while.

AN: I'm running out of ideas again. What do you guys want to happen before they get married?

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