How Do You Say Goodbye?

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Song: About A Girl by The Summer Set


Oli and I spent the rest of the week looking at flats. Thankfully, my dad agreed that it would be good idea to move in together. I don't think I could've taken another fight. I really hated when people were yelling at each other. Anyway, Oli and I found an flat we really liked that wasn't too far away from our parents' houses and we were going to move in after the next tour which was four months long. Leaving for tour the second time around wasn't as hard as first time. After a long four months filled with morning sickness, my stomach growing more than I thought was possible, and tons of great shows, we were finally back home.

"I can't believe you're moving out already," my dad said as he looked around my room. It was like my whole life had been put in boxes. I had only lived here for a few years, but it really came to be like home.

"I'm not moving that far, Dad," I responded with a sad smile. It was definitely going to be different not coming home to my dad, Abby, and Joe, but I was pretty excited to be moving in with Oliver.

"I know, but it just seems like yesterday when you were fifteen and we had just met," he replied. He picked up two boxes and started to walk down the steps. Everyone had insisted on me not lifting anything so I was pretty much just going to watch everyone do work, which was kind of nice even if I felt a bit useless.

"Hey, Chels," Oliver greeted as he came into my room. He pecked my cheek before grabbing some more of the boxes.

About twenty minutes later, everything had been stuffed into my car. "I'm gonna miss you so much," Abby gushed with her eyes glinting with tears. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"You can always come visit us," I told her. I really didn't get why everyone was so sad. I mean, I was always on tour with the guys anyway. It wasn't that big of a change.

"I know, but it's not gonna be the same," she replied, giving me a little smile. She looked so upset that I was leaving even though I was just her stepdaughter. What was she going to do when Joe moved out?

After saying goodbye to Joe and my dad, Oli and I got in the car and drove off. As Oliver stopped at a stop sign he looked over at me and smiled. "What?" I questioned, smiling back.

"This the stop sign we, uh, you know, on Valentine's Day the first year we were together," he replied. He gestured to the stop sign and my smile widened. We were so young back then. We weren't worried about babies or paying rent. We were just kids in love. Everything was so simple back then, but I really wouldn't go back and change what's happen between then and now. I seriously haven't been this happy in years. I was super excited for this baby.

"I can't believe you remember the exact one," I responded with a laugh. He had the weirdest memory. He could never remember important things, but when it came to stop sign we had had sex at, he remembered that.

"Of course I do," he told me as if to say 'duh.' Then, someone came up behind us and honked ruining the moment. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going," Oli muttered under him breath.


The next day, Chelsea had another doctor's appointment. Today she was getting the first ultrasound and we could find out the gender. I was really hoping it was a girl. I know most dads want a boy, but for some reason I wanted a girl. I didn't even really have an explanation for it.

"Good morning, love," I greeted as I saw her sitting on the new couch. The guys from the furniture company had come yesterday to deliver the stuff we bought.

"Morning," she replied before taking a bite of her Pop Tart. We didn't have a table or anything yet since that seemed unimportant so we had to eat on the couch. Neither of us really cared though.

"You looked extremely happy," she commented as I kissed the top of her head. I grabbed my own Pop tart and joined her on the couch.

"I guess I'm just excited find out the sex," I responded with a shrug. I had become pretty excited about the baby in general to he honest. I had been so scared about the thought of being a father five months ago and now all I wanted was for this baby to come out so I could him or her.

"Me too," she replied with a smile. She finished up her breakfast and then headed back to our new bedroom to get changed. This definitely didn't feel like home yet, but I'd get used to it eventually.

An hour later, we sat in the doctor's office again. They had already led us back into one of the rooms. I would definitely be glad when we didn't have to come here anymore.

"Good morning!" Dr. Marshall greeted as she came into the room. She was always so happy. It was actually quite creepy that she could be so cheery at eleven AM. "Looks like you guys can find out the sex today," she added, looking at her notes.

"So, how have you two been?" she questioned as she got one of the machines ready. She sent us both wide smiles.

"Pretty good. We just got back from tour a few days ago," Chelsea replied, returning the doctor's smile. Dr. Marshall asked questions like where we went and what we did on our days off before telling Chelsea to lift up her shirt. She spread some of the jelly-type stuff over Chelsea's ever-growing stomach. It was weird to think that our baby was inside of her.

Dr. Marshall moved the wand thing around on Chelsea's stomach until a something that resembled a baby came up on the screen. "There's your baby," Dr. Marshall said, looking at us with a smile. As I stared at the screen, I was at a loss for words. I had created that baby on the screen. That baby was mine. Whatever nerves and apprehension that was still in me flew out the window. I couldn't be nervous when all I could feel was pure joy.

"It looks like it's a..." Dr. Marshall started to say as she maneuvered the wand over Chelsea's skin. "Girl," she finished. I felt a grin appear on my face as I looked at my daughter on the screen. I felt Chelsea take my hand in hers and give it a slight squeeze. I seriously couldn't wait to meet my daughter. Just four more months.

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