I Can't Heal The Way I Feel About You

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Song: Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember


The next morning I was getting my clothes for the day when I saw Oliver. I hadn't talked to him after he left last night. I had slept on the couch instead of sleeping in his bunk. His eyes locked with mine and I looked away. I didn't know if he was ready to talk yet. To be honest, I wanted an apology for last night. He had been such a jerk walking away like that.

"Chelsea," he started coming closer to me. I was kind of mad at him and I think I had a right to be. He took my hand in his and all I wanted to was stanch it away, but I knew if I wanted everything to work out I'd have to get over my anger. "Chels, I'm sorry for walking away from you last night. It's just a lot to take in," he apologized.

"It's fine Oliver, but if you don't want this baby, then I'm leaving, too. It's both of us or neither of us," I told him with a sigh. If I was going to be a parent, I was going to do it right. I wasn't going to be like my mother or my father. This baby deserved a better childhood that I had.

"You think I'm not gonna take care the baby?" he questioned. He looked shocked that I would even think that.

"Well, you didn't seem too happy about it last night," I reminded him. He couldn't get away fast enough last night and now he was acting as if he wanted to have this baby.

"Chels, no matter if I wanted that baby or not, I'm not going to let you take care of him or her by yourself," he replied softly. With that he pulled me into a hug. Slowly, I hugged back. "I'm never leaving you," I heard him whisper as he stroked my hair.

"I love you Chelsea and I am going to love that baby no matter what," he told me when he let me. I looked up at him with a smile. He was actually going to try to be a good father. That made me happy. All I wanted was for this baby to have better parents than I have. No matter how much my father claims to love me, he still left us. No matter how much my mother tries, she still dislikes me. I just wanted to make sure this baby was loved unconditionally and there was no way that could happen if Oliver left us before the baby was even born.

"Thank you," I whispered. I wrapped my arms back around his neck and looked up at him as my smile grew.

He looked at me in confusion. "For what?" he questioned. He snaked he arms around my waist.

"For not leaving. I just want this baby to have a better life than I did growing up," I told him softly. He pushed some of my black hair out of my face and planted a kiss on my lips.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily," he replied with a slight chuckle. I never wanted to 'get rid of him.' Life without him was so hard to imagine. I would be a totally different person if we hadn't met all those years ago. What would I seriously do without him?


It took me practically all night, but I finally came to terms with this baby situation. I didn't sleep at all so it gave me plenty of time to think things over. I realized that I couldn't be an asshole and not be there for this kid. He or she would hate me for the rest of their lives if I left. Look at Chelsea and her dad. She was so mad at him when he came back and I know she still is deep down she just has become good at hiding it.

After talking to Chelsea and getting over the initial shock, I actually started to get excited. I knew it would be a huge responsibility and wasn't anywhere near ready for it, but I had nine months to get ready. Besides, Chelsea and the new baby could still tour with us. It was going to be hard, but we could do it. Well, as long as everyone else was ok with it. The person who knew was Nicholls unless they had figured it out by themselves.

But they were all about to find out. We were currently sitting in front of Matt, Nicholls, Lee, and Curtis about to break the news. I wasn't sure how they were all going to react. I was hoping they'd be supportive of course, but who knew how'd they feel about bringing a baby on tour with us. Chelsea and I had talked about everything and she said she really didn't want to have to leave and figured we could at least try bringing the baby on tour. If was so terrible she would go home then, but I didn't want that to happen. Barely ever seeing them would be as bad as leaving them.

"So, we got an announcement," I started. I put my arm around my beautiful girlfriend and pulled her closer to me.

"I'm pregnant," she finished after a pause. As soon as she said it, the guys all broke out in smiles. Well, Nicholls was already smiling because he knew.

"Well, congratulations, guys!" Lee exclaimed pulling Chelsea into a hug. I was so relieved that they were all so onboard with this.

"Wait, does that mean Chelsea's gonna have to stay home with the baby?" Curtis questioned with a pout. It was the truth that if she did leave to go home touring wouldn't feel right. It never really felt right without her when she was still in school.

"Well, we were thinking about that earlier and we were thinking maybe we could try to bring the baby on tour with us so she wouldn't have to leave," I told them. There was no way I'd be happy with them a million miles away. "As long as you guys are ok with it," I added.

"Sounds fine with me," Nicholls replied and the rest of the guys nodded. I let out a sigh of relief. I hadn't even met this baby and I didn't want it away from me. It's so weird that one minute I'm upset about it and the next I can't wait.

"Thanks for being so supportive, guys," Chelsea told them. She gave them all smiles and shifted on the couch.

"We'd support you guys through anything," Nicholls told her. He pulled her into another hug. She hugged him back happily. It was definitely nice to know we'd always have these guys to help us.

"We're gonna be uncles!" Matt said suddenly excited. We all chuckled at him. His comment made me realize that soon there'd be a little person calling me daddy. It was weird to think about, but it was also kind of nice.

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