Forgive Me Father

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Song: Begin Again by The Summer Set


I woke up on Saturday already dreading the day. I could tell on Wednesday my dad had been a bit disappointed with me. I'm sure he was expecting some normal teenage girl like the ones who picked on me at school and instead he got me. I got dress quickly and ate breakfast. Oliver said he'd come over at 9:45 so I went to my room to wait. I put on some music. Why did my dad have to be such a jerk? Well, he wasn't really that bad if you overlooked the fact that he didn't seemed to be satisfied with me, but I was trying to convince myself he was the worst person on the face of the earth.

As soon as I heard a knock at the front door, I went downstairs to get it. My mum wasn't home so there wasn't anyone to beat to the door. As I pulled open the door, Oliver came into view.

"Good morning, love. You look nice today," he greeted, bending his head down to give me a kiss. He really needed to start coming over in the morning more often just so I could here him say that to me.

"Good morning," I replied after reluctantly pulling away from his kiss. Behind him, I heard a car door close and saw my dad climb out. I let out a light groan. This day was bound to be pretty shitty.

"Good morning, Chelsea," my dad called from across the lawn. I forced a smile and waved at him. Oliver turned around and gave him a smile, too. I could already imagine all the fun we would have today. Note my sarcasm. "Come on, get in," my father ordered. I quickly grabbed my stuff and we piled in the car. I ended up stuck being stuck next to my half-brother.

"Hi, I'm Joe," he greeted in his American accent as soon as my ass hit the faux leather seats. He was smiling from ear to ear obviously a bit excited. About what I had no idea. He had light brown hair, like my natural color and brown eyes like me, but his mother's lips and nose. He had on a baseball cap that had the Los Angeles Dodgers' logo on it, a t-shirt with some American football team on it and jeans.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Chelsea and this is Oliver," I replied politely. It wasn't this kid's fault that our father had left my family so I had decided to be nice to him.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Joe questioned. He was eight so I'm sure he didn't mean to embarrass Oliver, but Oli's cheeks turned beat red nonetheless. He managed a chuckle and a smile, though.

"Um, yes," I replied. It was really the first time that I had called Oliver my boyfriend. No one had asked about us since we exchanged our 'I love you's that night. I looked over at Oliver to see him smiling.

"It's nice to meet you, Chelsea," a lady in the passenger's seat told me also with an American accent. I figured she must be Abby. She had long straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and a warm smile. She looked a bit young, but I didn't think much of it. She seemed nice and that was all I cared about. I saw she was wearing a purple tank top with some lacy stuff around the neck and white pants.

"Nice to meet you, too, Abby," I replied, smiling a bit nervously. She turned around in her seat just enough so that I could shake her extended hand.

"And it's nice to meet you, too, Oliver," she added, smiling at the two of us. The driver's door suddenly swung open and my dad got in.

"I see everyone's met each other. You guys ready for a fun day?" he asked, buckling up his seatbelt. He started the car and no one answered him. He just shrugged. Didn't he realize how awkward this whole experience was going to be?


We had just arrived in the city and I was not looking forward to what was to come. Everything in the city was very nice to look at if you didn't live twenty minutes away, but I had seen everything there was to see considering I had lived there since I was eight. The only good part about the whole thing was that I got to hold Chelsea's hand the whole time and I just loved how it felt.

"So, Chelsea. What grade are you in?" Abby asked. She seemed very nice; nicer that Chelsea's dad did. She had talked to Chelsea the whole time in the car. She was making more of an effort than her husband, that's for sure.

"I'm a sophomore," she replied. She didn't seem as miserable as I thought she would, which made me happy. I hated seeing her upset.

"Are you the same age, Oliver?" Abby questioned. She looked at the two of us with a little smile. I could tell what she was thinking: young love. It was written all over her face just like my mum every time she asked me about Chelsea.

"No, I'm a junior," I responded, shaking my head. Chelsea looked up at the sky like she was taking everything in. It was actually sunny today, which was rare in England. If it was raining I would have told Chelsea that there was no way in hell that I was walking around with her.

"How did you two meet?" Abby questioned. Joe and Mr. Allister were walking way ahead of us, which I thought was a bit rude. I mean, he invited us to come along and he was ignoring us. It kind of bothered me.

"We have science together," Chelsea answered, looking up at me with a smile. I smiled back down at her as I was reminded of how she hated me the first day of school. It was so weird that she went from hating me to loving me all in a matter of a month.

"You guys hungry?" Mr. Allister called back to us. As if on cue, Chelsea's stomach grumbled and she chuckled. I pulled out my phone to check the time. I hadn't realized how long we had been out here. "I'll take that as a yes," I heard him say.

"Are there any good places to eat around here?" Abby questioned us. I looked around to see exactly where we were.

"Um, I think there's a place the next street over that's pretty good," Chelsea answered. She looked up at me as waiting to see if I agreed. I nodded my head knowing exactly what place she was talking about.

We walked the block to the restaurant. I guess Mr. Allister was going to have to talk to us now. We were seated and given menus. Thankfully, Mr. Allister, Abby, and Joe sat on one side of the booth leaving the other side to Chelsea and me. We were all silent after we ordered.

"So, how long are you guys staying here?" Chelsea questioned as she sipped her Coke. She looked at her dad obviously hoping he would say that they wouldn't stay long.

"Um, well we were actually going to move here. We're looking for houses now and were gonna move here when Joe goes on Christmas vacation," her dad answered. I saw her eyes get big. I myself was shocked at what he had just said. I guess Chelsea had her father back now.

"Oh," was all Chelsea managed to say. She sat there like she was contemplating the rest of her life. The rest of us just sat there awkwardly.

"We were thinking you could spend the weekends with us when we get settled in if it's ok with your mum," her dad added. I saw her practically choke on her drink. I could tell that was the last thing she wanted to do.

The rest of the lunch was quite awkward. Abby kept asking her questions and she answered, but her dad just looked at her like he couldn't believe she wasn't totally psyched that she could see him all the time. I was so glad when her dad drove us back to Chelsea's house. I still had over an hour till I had to be at Matt's and Chelsea's mum wasn't home so we spent the time just listening to music and talking. It was the best part of the whole day.

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