With Friends Like You

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Song: Xo Skeleton by A Skylit Drive


I was sitting in my room thinking about Oliver walking home from school alone when there was a knock at my door. I stood up expecting to see my mum standing on the other side ready to yell at me for not going to school or something, but instead when I opened it I found Oliver standing in front me. I was suddenly aware of how I looked. I had on an oversized black t-shirt and shorts on, my hair was up in a messy bun, and I had failed to put makeup on this morning since I didn't go to school.

"Um...hi. What are you doing here?" I asked, hoping he didn't take notice of how bad I looked. I felt my face get hot just thinking of my outward appearance at the moment.

"Mr. Field asked me to bring you some work. Are you feeling better?" he questioned, gesturing to a few papers he had in hands.

"Yeah, thanks. I am. I think I just needed a day away from school if you know what I mean," I replied, looking into those beautiful eyes. I stepped aside to let him in and he looked around at all the posters, books, and CDs.

"Do you want me to stay and help you with the work?" he asked, looking back at me. I closed the door, knowing my mom couldn't care less about leaving it open.

"Sure," I replied and sat down cross legged on the bed. He sat down across from me. I hadn't seen Oliver since yesterday and I quickly realized how much I had missed him.

"So, this is what we did in class so let's start with that," he suggested, taking two pencils out of his bag. He explained to me what we had done, which wasn't too hard, not that I would tell him that because didn't want him to leave. After about a half hour, we were almost done the homework.

"I missed you today," he told me quietly, looking into my eyes. Before I could say anything back, he was leaning over the worksheets and textbooks and his lips were colliding with mine. The butterflies in my stomach flapped their wings and I found myself pushing our work out of the way to get closer to him. His lips were so soft on mine. I felt his hands go to my hips and pull me even closer to him so our bodies were touching. Then he pulled us back onto my bed so I was on top of him and we kept kissing.

He suddenly pulled and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. He tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "We should probably...uh...finish that worksheet," he suggested. I nodded my face getting hot and climbed off of him.

"Guess what," Oliver commanded when we were done our work. He had excitement in his eyes as he stuffed his textbook back into his bag and looked over at me.

"What?" I asked, hoping I'd be able to share his excitement. He looked so happy it was like I had to be excited with him or I'd be a bad...a wanted to say girlfriend but we weren't really 'official,' were we? No matter how much I wanted to be his girlfriend, I had only known him a few days.

"You know how I was telling you how that guy Matt wanted to start a band? Well, he finally got a few more people to be in the band and he wants to start practicing soon," he explained, still looking ecstatic. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him.

"That's amazing. I can't wait to go to your guys' shows," I responded just as excitedly as he was. If they made it big, how cool would it be to say I was dating a band member.

"I know. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get started," he rambled on. He ended up telling me all about their plans until he said he should leave so his mum didn't worry.

After he left, I spent the rest of the night imagine Oliver and his friends on stage and how happy he would be.


The next day, I met Chelsea at the corner of her street just like always. She looked really happy that morning and I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked with that big smile on her face. She gave me a quick kiss, which felt very nice as always, before we started to walk to school. After four classes, I made my way to lunch excited to see Chelsea. I was kind of hoping Matt N, Lee, Matt K, and Curtis would sit with us. Not only did I want to get to know them, but I wanted Chelsea to get to know them, too.

I sat down across from Chelsea at our usual table. "Hey," I greeted as she put her book away. She took a bite of her sandwich as I took out mine. We both usually had peanut butter because we were both vegetarians.

"Hi. Are your band member friends sitting with us?" she questioned, obviously having no idea what to call them. She played with a piece of her black hair and looked across the table at me.

"Um, I'm not sure. I'm sure they have their own fri-" I started but was cut off as I felt a hand lightly hit my shoulder. I looked up to see Matt N standing behind me.

"Hey, mate. Do you guys mind if we join you?" he asked as everyone sat down. I shook my head and he put his stuff down next to mine. All in less than two weeks I had went from planning to sit alone at lunch to having five people to sit with.

"Chelsea, this is Matt, Lee, Matt, and Curtis and everyone this is Chelsea," I announced pointing at everyone.

"Nice to meet you guys," she told them with a small smile. I had been so glad that she had been as excited as me about the band. I was almost afraid she would be angry because I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with her if I joined a band. I had been so relieved when she had hugged me and told me she couldn't wait to go to our shows.

"Nice to meet you, too," Matt N responded shoving his food into his mouth. She nodded in his direction

"Did Oliver tell you about our amazing plans?" Lee asked a bit sarcastically exaggerating the word 'amazing.' I couldn't help but smile.

"Yep. I can't wait to hear your guys' stuff," she answered enthusiastically. I was still so happy that she was excited for me.

"I think you've found yourself a keeper, Oli. I mean, a girl excited about metal music," Matt N told me with a laugh. I had been thinking the same exact thing. I had never met a girl so keen on heavy music in my life and she was mine, well, kind of.

We spent the rest of lunch talking about music and found myself really hoping I could be friends with these guys. Chelsea also seemed to really like them, which was important to me. I liked her so much and I didn't want her to dislike my bandmates. I was truly upset when the bell, but I knew I had vocal workshop with Chelsea to look forward to.

I Need You So Much (Oliver Sykes Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now