Nothing To Lose

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Song: Happy by Never Shout Never


About a month later, I stood at the barricade at one of the smaller venues in town. It was Halloween and every year the venue had a big Halloween show. It was pretty much a just a regular concert with local bands, but the venue made a HUGE deal about it. More importantly, it was Bring Me The Horizon's first show. The guys had finally decided on the name about a week before the show. They got it from that Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Jack Sparrow says "bring me that horizon." I wasn't a big fan of the movie, but I like the name. Oliver had gotten me into the show early after lying that I was their manager or something. To put it lightly, I was excited as fuck. I mean, my boyfriend's band is playing their first show. They had been practicing their asses off for this and I was so proud of Oliver.

The noise in the room was practically deafening. Everyone was talking and they were playing crappy pop music in between sets while we waited. I had already sat through three bands and I knew Bring Me The Horizon was next. The previous bands weren't bad, but I just really wanted to see Oliver on that stage.

A few moments later, the lights dimmed and everyone settled down so they could watch. I heard a few people scream in the back. I smiled as Matt N, Matt K, Curtis, and Lee started playing a song they had wrote when they first started playing together. It was Traitors Never Play Hang-Man, which was one of the songs that was in Oliver's notebook. Oliver then ran out on stage and I couldn't help but let out a little scream.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" Oliver asked after the first song. He had this huge smile on his face. I had never seen him happier than he was right then and that made me happy.

The crowd just screamed something indecipherable back. All the guys were breathing heavy from jumping and running about on the stage.

"We are Bring Me The Horizon," Oliver said after the crowd died down. Then they started playing another song. The whole time Oliver didn't stop smiling and I just loved seeing so ecstatic. I bobbed my head along to the music and kept my eyes on Oli the whole time.

After the third song, I noticed the girls next to me talking. "He's hot," one of them said. She had curly blonde hair and brown eyes. Her lips looked so big that they had to be Botox-ed and her makeup was caked on her face. She was wearing a black bandeau and a mini white miniskirt.

"Which one?" the other one questioned. She too had way too much makeup on as well. She had straight light brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing shorts so short that you could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and and shirt that exposed her stomach.

"The singer," the first one answered, pointing to Oliver. Jealous immediately boiled inside of me. He was mine and she definitely not his type. How dare she even think about my Oliver like that?

"So hot," the second one agreed with a nod and a smile. She's allowed to think whatever she wants, a voice in my head told me. I calmed myself down and smirked at them. There was no way Oliver would ever go for either of them. 

The girls gave me a look as the band started another song. They didn't look too into the music. They were more occupied by talking about how hot my boyfriend was. I couldn't help but shake my head before I turned my attention back to Bring Me The Horizon.


After our six songs, we ran off stage. I don't think I had ever been this sweaty in my life. We were given towels to dry ourselves off with and we headed towards the exit. I had told Chelsea I would meet her at the lobby after we played so we could go celebrate with the rest of the guys. After drinking tons of water, I finally made it to the lobby to see Chelsea already standing there. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. My lips crashed into hers. I just couldn't help it. I was in such a good mood from our performance. I felt her lips curl into a smile against mine and I couldn't help but smile, too.

"So, how terrible were we?" I questioned, pulling away. I saw her smile again as she put her arms around my neck. Usually I wouldn't have done this in public, but at that moment I really didn't care.

"You guys aren't terrible. I thought you were great," she told me. I knew even if she hated she would tell me we were amazing so she wouldn't crush me, but the look in her eyes was purely genuine.

"Well, I'm glad to hear we have at least one fan," I joked as the rest of the band appeared. I was so not ready to let her go, though.

"Come on, love birds, let's go celebrate!" Matt N exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. I reluctantly let Chelsea go and took her hand. We passed a pair of slutty looking girls who gave us shocked looks as we walked out. I had no idea what the fuck their problem was.

We all piled in Curtis' mini van that we had used to get all out equipment  to the venue. The guys had packed all the stuff in already so we were good to go. We drove to the same diner that Chelsea and I had went to on the first day of school. I saw her smile as Curtis parked the car and we all piled out.

"I'd like to make a toast," Lee said, trying to act fancy. I couldn't help but crack a smile as he brought his Coke up. We all followed his action. "Here's to being the best fucking band in the world," he announced as we clinked our glass together. I could tell how hard Chelsea was trying not to laugh, but I think we all were.

"Fuck yeah!" Matt N exclaimed taking a huge gulp of his Coke. In that moment, I don't think I had ever been happier.

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