Get Closer

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AN: First, I'm sorry I took so long to update. I've been really busy lately. Second, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to 100sleeplessnights for being the first to request a smut scene.

Song: Still Into You by Paramore


"Have fun!" Mrs. Sykes called after us. She had a grin on her face, almost like she knew what we'd be doing tonight. She picked Melody's little hand up and waved it at us as we drove off.

"So, do you want to get dinner first or just go home?" Oliver questioned as we approached a stop sign. As much as I just wanted to head home, my stomach was telling me that food was a must.

"Let's go to dinner first. I'm starving," I replied as he laid his hand on top of mine on the arm rest in the middle of our seats. The feeling of his warm skin against mine send goosebumps up my arm.

"Where do you want to go?" he questioned as we came closer to the part of town where most of the restaurants were. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about all the memories we had in most of the places we were passing.

"Let's go to the diner," I responded. I meant the diner we had went to on our first date. He nodded, telling me he understood. For some reason being alone without Melody made me feel like we were back in high school again. It's not that having Melody was bad; it was just nice to have some time alone.

It wasn't long before Oliver was pulling into a parking spot at the diner. We got out and were soon seated. Weirdly enough, we were seated in the same spot we had the first time we came here together.

"This is the booth we sat in before," Oliver commented. I nodded and smiled at him. It literally felt like we were back in high school now.

"Did your parents say what time they're gonna drop Melody off on Sunday?" I questioned as I slid into the booth. I quickly took off my jacket and got comfortable in the booth.

"I think they said around three," he replied. He opened his menu and I did the same. Soon, a waitress came by to take our orders.

"So, have you heard from your mum since you saw her?" Oliver questioned when the waitress was gone. As shocking as this sounds, she actually had called me.

"Actually, yeah. We were gonna go get coffee tomorrow after she's done work," I replied, feeling a smile appear on my face. I would've never thought my mum could make me feel happy. I guess I was just happy that she cared.

"Really?" he murmured, sounding just as shocked as I had been when I had gotten her call. It was hard to believe that she had actually changed.

"Yeah. I wonder what changed in her," I said as if thinking out loud. It was the one thing I wondered about the most when it came to my mum.

"Maybe she realized how bitchy she was and how terrible of a mother she was," Oliver suggested sarcastically. I could tell he didn't really think my mum had changed and that she still couldn't give a shit about me, but he hadn't been there; he hadn't met her.

All I did was shrug in response. Soon our food came and I scarfed mine down. I hadn't eaten lunch because I had been so busy with Melody so I was beyond hungry. Oliver had been with the rest of Bring Me The Horizon practicing for the upcoming tour so I had been alone with Melody and totally forgotten to eat.

After we paid the bill, we went back to the car. "Home?" Oliver asked. I nodded with a grin and he headed home.


We were kissing before we even made it to our door. Thankfully, there was no one else in the elevator. Chelsea practically ran to our flat after the elevator arrived on our level and I struggled to keep up with her.

As soon as I had the door open she was pulling me into a passionate kiss. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. I pushed the door closed behind me just before she pulled away to lift my shirt over my head. As she reattached her lips on mine, I felt her hand run up my tattooed chest. The contact brought butterflies to my stomach. It was amazing that even after all this time she still got me nervous. My feelings for her had never changed after all these years. I still loved her with all of my heart.

I bit down softly on her lip causing her to open her mouth just enough for me to slide my tongue in. I wasted no time taking off her shirt and she tangled her fingers in my hair. It wasn't long before I took her hand and led her into our bedroom. As we sat down on the bed, my hands immediately went to the clasp of her bra. After a moment of struggling, I undid the clasp and she pulled the straps off her arms.

"You are so beautiful," I told her quietly. It was true. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever met and I was lucky she was mine.

I then continued to kiss her. I gently pushed her back onto the bed. I took my mouth off of hers and moved to her neck. I quickly found her sensitive spot and started to nibbled at it, which produced a moan from her. I couldn't help but smirk against her skin. I then felt her hands go to my belt buckle. She expertly undid the buckle and then the button on my jeans. I proceeded to kick the unwanted clothing off and then I started to work on her pants. Shortly after we took off our underwear. The whole time, all I could think was how much I loved her and how beautiful she was.


After we were finished, I wrapped my arms around her bare waist and pulled her closer towards me. She put her head on my chest.

"I love you, Chels," I whispered in her ear. I saw a small smile appear on her face as she traced one of my tattoos with her pointer finger. The small contact gave me goosebumps.

"I love you, too, Oli," she replied. She reached up to kiss me cheek and then settled back on my chest.

It wasn't much longer until she fell asleep. I couldn't help but smile down at her. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful like nothing in the world could bother her. It was comforting to know that no matter how much time went by or what happened, we'd still be together and she would always be mine.

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