This Kid Back In School

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Song: Wonderful Surprise by The Downtown Fiction


Two months had passed since the whole thing with Austin. We were still really good friends and I was truly glad that his feelings for me never got in the way of our friendship and never made things awkward. Austin even had a girlfriend now. Her name was Lexi and she was super nice. I had become close friends with her now, too.

Anyway, today was graduation day. I was actually graduating with honors and Oliver said he was so proud of me. He couldn't be at the actual ceremony though because Bring Me the Horizon had started another tour. While I was definitely a bit upset, I also knew that he had to be on tour.

"Ready to go, Chelsea?" Abby questioned, coming into my room. I nodded after giving myself a quick look in the mirror. I had actually been forced to wear a dress. It was black of course. It had thin straps and a few buttons down the middle. It was simple, but Oliver had told me that I looked 'gorgeous' when I sent him a picture of me in it.

"Yep," I replied. I grabbed my phone and we headed down the stairs. Abby, Joe, my dad, and I piled in the car and we were on our way.

On the way there, my phone buzzed signaling I had a new text.

Oliver: Congratulations baby. I'm so proud of you! Wish I could be there <3

I couldn't help but smile. He truly knew how to make me happy, but I guess after almost three years, he should know. I loved when he sent me text like that. 

When we got to the place the graduation was being held, which was a college not too far away from my high school, we got out. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flapping their wings. I was so scared that I was going to trip when I went to go get my diploma or something.

"Chelsea!" I heard Austin's voice call out from the crowd of students. He had a huge smile on his face and had his hand in Lexi's. I had to admit they were a really cute couple.

"Hey," I responded walking up to them. Abby, my dad, and Joe went to go find seat with Tom and Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, who had come to see me graduate, which I thought was really nice of them.

We were soon told to get in line to go into the auditorium. I could feel my palms get sweaty as we were put in alphabetical order. My last name being Allister, I was pretty close to the from, which made me kind of happy. I just wanted to get this the fuck over with. We took our seats and listened as the principal and the valedictorian made a speech about how much we've 'grown over the past four years' and how we've 'made a big impact on the school.' Yeah, right. The most I did at this school was get picked on for being different. I doubted that was 'making a difference.' They then gave out some awards which most of the popular kids won not that I cared, though.

Then they started calling names. My stomach churned as they called the kid before me's name. "Chelsea Allister," the principal announced as I made my way to stage. I was trying to concentrate walking in these heels way too much. Abby had shot down my idea of pairing my dress with my combat boots and instead made me wear these heels that I could barely stand in. As I accepted my diploma, I made the bad decision to look out at the crowd. I was in search of Abby, my dad, Joe, Tom, and Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, but instead I saw something else.

The door to auditorium creak open to reveal a guy with dark hair, hazel eyes, a lip ring, and tons of tattoos. As he walked in, I could barely believe my eyes. He was suppose to be in the states not at my graduation, but there he was. Oliver, my Oliver, was now taking a seat next to some people I didn't know. I blinked just to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but when I opened my eyes, he was still sitting there smiling at me. When his eyes locked with mine, he blew me a kiss. Then I was pushed along by the guy who was behind me. Although having to be pushed along was a bit embarrassing, all that matter was that Oliver was there.


To my disappointment, when I entered the auditorium, they had already started calling names. I was hoping to get there before they started considering Chelsea would be one of the first ones to be called and I didn't want to miss her up there. I had decided to fly out since was had a few days off. There was no way I was going to miss her graduation. I was so proud of her. Not only had she finished high school, unlike me, she was graduating with honors. She was literally the smartest person I knew.

Luckily, they had just called her name when I opened the door and she was still on stage. She was looking out at the crowd probably trying to find Abby, her dad, and Joe. She had really learned to accept and love them over time. She seemed so much happier at her dad's than she was at her mum's.

At the sound of the door opening, she looked towards the entrance and spotted me. She completely froze, obviously taking everything in. I quickly found a seat at the end a row and sat down. When my eyes locked with hers, I blew her a kiss. She just looked so nervous standing up there that I could tell she needed some reassurance. She gave me a grin and I smiled back.

It seemed to take forever to call the rest of the names, but I managed to stay in my seat and pay attention the whole time. After what seemed like forever, the principal finally made a closing statement and we were free to leave. When I finally made it outside, I spotted Chelsea posing for some pictures with Austin and his girlfriend Lexi. Honestly, I was glad he had a girlfriend because if he ever pulled anything with Chelsea again, he'd be dead.

Not wanting to bother the photo op, I stood next to Abby who was busy taking pictures and took out my phone. I snapped my own picture of the three and was able to get Chelsea's humungous grin when she saw me. She didn't even wait until everyone was finished with their pictures. She ran up to me and threw her thin arms around my neck. I hugged her back taking in her sweet scent of floral perfume.

"I am so proud of you," I told her quietly. It was suddenly like everyone else disappeared and it was just us.

"I missed you so much," I heard her whisper. I could practically feel everyone's eyes on us, but I really didn't care. All that matter was that my gorgeous girlfriend was in my arms.

"I miss you, too," I replied into her hair. I really never wanted to let her go. I wanted to stay here hugging her forever. If only I didn't have to go on tour.

When she pulled away, she looked like she was going to say something, but I silenced her with my lips. If we hadn't been the center of attention, I would've kissed her longer, but it was awkward kissing her in front of such a big crowd.

"I thought you were in America," she said when I pulled away. I took a good look at her beautiful face. It had been way too long since I had the chance to just take in every feature.

"We had a few days off and I couldn't miss my girlfriend's graduation especially not when she graduates with honors," I responded with a chuckle. I saw that grin spread across her face again. I felt my lips curl into a smile equally as big. When she was happy, I was happy. I pushed some hair out of her face and all I could think about was how much I loved her. To be honest, I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much.

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