Can You Feel My Heart?

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Song: Miles Away (Acoustic) by Memphis May Fire Featuring Kellin Quinn


"Hey, Chelsea," Austin greeted the next day. I looked up from my book. I did want to still be friends with him, but I didn't know if he wanted to still be friends. I had literally been dreading talking to him about this. He slid into the desk next to me before continuing. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't know you had a boyfriend and if I had I wouldn't have kissed you. I hope you're not mad at me and please tell Oliver that I am so sorry. I was kind of hoping you still wanted to be friends, though" he told me. I let out a sigh of relief. I definitely liked having a friend at school and didn't want to lose him.

"I would love to still be friends and I'm sorry that I never told you about Oliver," I responded happily. I really did not want to lose him as a friend. He had definitely become one of my best friends.

"It's ok. It's really none of my business if you don't want me to know," he replied. He started fiddling with the zipper of his jacket nervously and flipped his hair out of his face.

After school, I practically ran to Oliver's house. He said his parents were going out with some friends and that he had told Tom to go somewhere leaving the house to us. We were planning to just hang out for awhile.

"Hey baby," Oliver greeted when he swung open his front door. He let his lips collide with mine. It felt so nice to be welcomed home with a kiss. I had really missed him a lot. I hadn't really realized how much I liked coming home to him until he left. I mean, I was glad he was living his dream, but I obviously missed him. He wrapped his newly tattooed arms around my waist and gave me a passionate kiss.

"You don't know how much I missed coming home to you," I told him as we broke apart. He gave me a grin. He took my hand and led me into the living room. His touch sent goosebumps up my arm. I had truly missed that feeling of his hand in mine.

"I love you," he told me as he pulled me on to the couch. He told me that all the time on the phone, but it was definitely different in person.

"I love you, too. And I missed you so much," I replied. Instead of saying anything, he locked his lips back on mine. I could tell that this 'hanging out' was not going to happen, which was fine by me.

"What time are your parents coming home?" I questioned in between kisses. As much as I wanted to kiss him forever, I didn't want his parents or Tom coming home in the middle.

"Not till, like, seven," he responded after giving me another kiss. Every kiss sent a tingle through my body. It was almost like we were making up for all the lost time over the last month or so.

After a few minutes, his tongue slid into my slightly open mouth and I felt his hands go to the hem of my shirt. He took his lips off of mine just long enough to pull my Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt off over my head. I felt him push me gently back on the couch. His lips never left mine and my heart was beating a mile a minute. No matter how many times we've done this, I still always seem to feel this way. I felt my fingers tangle in his hair and his hands on my bare torso.

He soon was slipping his hand into mine and leading me up the stairs. When we finally got to his room, I laid down on his bed and he settled himself on top of me.

Soon, clothes were flying and I was hoping his parents wouldn't be home anytime soon.


"I love you, Chelsea," I whispered, running my finger tips along her smooth skin. How did I get so lucky to have her? All the anger from the day before had quickly vanished and I went back to loving her more than anything.

"I love you, too, Oli," she responded, laying a soft kiss on my lips. I could barely believe that I had waited a month to feel her lips on mine.

"I missed you so much," I told her as she laid her head on my chest. My fingers went to her beautiful hair and I started twirling it around my long fingers. I wished this moment could last forever.

"I missed you way more," she replied, looking up at me with those beautiful eyes. She was so beautiful and I was so glad she hadn't chose Austin over me. I wanted to be with her forever.

"That's not possible," I said with a grin. I had missed her more than I knew was possible. I knew it sounded cheesy, but that's how I felt.

"Yes, it is. At least you get to play shows and do what you love. I'm stuck at school all day," she responded with a sigh. I knew she was counting down the days until school was over for good. There was about two months until she graduated. 

"You have yourself a point, but it doesn't feel like my dream when I'm not with you," I told her. Again, I knew it was cheesy, but I just loved her that much. Even though I was happier than I had been in years, I knew I would be happier if she was with me.

"Well, I talk to my dad about doing college online and he was actually ok with the idea. He's knows it's because I wanna be with you, but he actually said that it might be better for me considering how much I hate school," she told me excitedly. She had already gotten into a really good school, which I was so proud of her for. She worked her ass off to get good grades and it had finally paid off.

"I suddenly have a deep love for your father," I replied a bit sarcastically. Her dad had actually lightened up a bit over the years and I definitely liked him more than I had when I first met him. She let out a giggle that made me want to smile as well.

That's when we heard the sound of a car door slamming from the driveway. "Shit," I mumbled, looking over at the clock which read 7:05. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. 

I shot up from the mattress and quickly grabbed our clothes. I practically threw her t-shirt at her. When I turned to apologize, her face had went from carefree to lines with nervousness all in about a matter of seconds.

We finished dressing just as I heard the front door open. "Oli!" my mum called up the steps. Dammit, if my parents knew Chelsea was up here when they were gone, they would definitely assume that we had done something, which wouldn't be wrong, but I didn't need my parents knowing we had had sex.

"Coming!" I yelled back, looking at my thin girlfriend sitting on my bed. I let out a sigh. I could make something up later about what we were doing. I gestured for her to follow me downstairs and she followed.

"Oh, Chelsea. I didn't know you were here," my mum exclaimed giving Chelsea a quick hug when she saw her enter the kitchen. My mum and Chelsea had become quite close over time. I saw my mum raise her eyebrows at me after she was done hugging Chelsea. I knew she knew. It didn't help that my hair was probably a mess and I'm sure I had a dark purple spot on my neck where Chelsea had been nibbling and sucking.

"Well, I should probably get going so my dad doesn't worry," Chelsea announced. I told her I would drive her home and we headed out to my car.

"Well, that was interesting," she stated with a small smile.

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