Won't You Take Me Out Of My Head?

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Song: Carolyn by Black Veil Brides


The rest of my summer was spent going to band practices with Oli. He seemed to really make the effort to include me unlike before. I usually just sat around and either talked to Nicholls' mum or played on my phone, but it was better than sitting at home wishing I was with him. Sometimes they would ask my opinion on a song or lyric or something. All that I really matter was that I was around the people I loved the most. It turned out the record label didn't call them. Well, Oli likes to say that they just haven't called them yet. For someone who was so pessimistic about being good enough to get signed he was sure hopeful.

To our disappointment, school was starting again. I woke up that morning to the sound of my alarm clock and groaned. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into that school and see everyone hugging and squealing like they hadn't seen their friends for months when we all know in reality they just hung out yesterday. God, I hate people sometimes. Well, most of the time.

I slowly got up and started to get ready. I pulled on my new Linkin Park t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and my combat boots. I really needed a new pair of boots since my where practically falling apart. I was surprised they didn't disintegrate when I pulled them on.

After I finished my makeup, I grabbed my bag, which was the same as last year, and headed towards the door. Oliver was standing on the corner just like always, but this time with Tom, who was a freshman this year. When he saw me, his eyes lit up and he gave me smile. I returned his smile and quickened my pace.

"Happy first day of school!" he exclaimed, giving me the wide cheesy grin. I could tell he was only joking, but how the hell did he even have the energy to pretend?

"Don't even go there," I muttered, causing him to chuckle. He reached down to give me a quick peck on the cheek before I slipped my hand into his and we started towards school.

We had compared schedules when we got them in the mail and it turned out that we had vocal workshop together again and gym at the same time. The teachers wouldn't sort out gum classes until we got there so we might not be in the same class, but we would still be there together.

When we got to school, we went our separate ways. It felt weird to not go straight to chemistry together. I had Spanish first. What a joy! Note my sarcasm. I absolutely hate Spanish. Why should I have to learn another language if I'm never going to use it? Even if I was going to use it, I couldn't because all they teach is dumb stuff like 'the chair is red.'

I slid into a seat in the back in hopes that the teacher wouldn't be able to see if I read during class. I pulled out my book, wishing Oliver was sitting next to me. I sighed as I found my bookmark. I wished I could go back to last year.

All too soon the bell rang and I was forced to look at the teacher who was busy introducing herself in Spanish. The class went way too slow. These two girls kept looking over at me and whispering despite the teacher's request for them to be quiet. I was tempted to flip them off, but I wasn't in the mood to get in trouble on the first day of school. They had on shorts that practically showed off their asses and low cut shirts. People were so closed minded.

When the class ended I grabbed my stuff and tried to make it to my next class before my new bullies could catch up with me, but I was too slow. I made it as far as the hallway before they stopped.

"What the fuck is on your shirt?" one of the girls questioned. This one had long blonde hair, menacing blue eyes, and a perfectly clear complexion. She was wearing a white v-neck shirt and pink shorts.

I didn't answer. Why should I answer her? She's just a bitch with nothing better to do than make fun of my shirt. I started to walk away but she stood in front of me and blocked my way. I let out an angry sigh. If this bitch didn't move, I might punch her. It was just the way she talked that annoyed me. I could care less if she made fun of my shirt. I liked it and that was enough, but that voice made me want to hurt someone.

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