I Can't Believe It's Come To This

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Song: Complexes by Tonight Alive


I took in a deep breath as we exited the plane. We were going home for two weeks before the next tour. Oli and I had our week pretty much planned everything out. We decided that to take care of the baby properly, we'd have to move into together so we were looking at apartments in hopes we could move into one next time we were home. The only problem with being home was that I could no longer postpone telling my dad and Abby about the baby. I didn't know how my dad was going to take it. Abby would probably be happy about it, but my dad was a totally different story. Oli said he'd be there when I told them, but I was still nervous. Thankfully, I was only a month along so I wasn't showing yet.

"Chelsea!" I heard my dad's familiar voice call out. I turned around to see my dad sitting in an uncomfortable looking chair at the baggage claim. I gave him a grin and started walking towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. I really had missed him, Abby, and Joe.

When we let each other go, he grabbed my bags, I said goodbye to the guys, and we went out to the car. Oliver was coming over later so I could tell Abby and my dad. I really just wanted to get it over with and do it as soon as possible.

"How was the tour?" my dad asked on the way home. He looked over at me as he sped down the street.

"Really awesome. America is really cool. I think my favorite state we went to was New York," I replied. I had only been there for the east coast dates because they had done the west coast before I graduated.

"I never got the chance to go to New York. I've heard it's really busy," he responded. I had literally loved New York. Everything there seemed so exciting and interesting. There never seemed to be a dull moment.

"It is, but in a good way. Everything was there was so excited," I gushed. The rest of the drive home consisted of me filling him in the rest of the stops. He seemed genuinely interest, too.

When we got home, Abby and Joe practically attacked me with their hugs. "We missed you so much, Chelsea! Was the tour fun?" Joe greeted after I hugged him.

"I missed you guys, too, and yes the tour was very fun. You never told me America was so exciting," I replied with a smile. I seriously loved my little brother. He was annoying like most little brothers, but I still had s special place in my heart for him.

About an hour later, there was knock on the door. I had almost forgotten about Oliver coming over so we could tell Abby and my dad. My palms suddenly became sweaty and I felt like I might throw up, not that that was something new. "I wonder who that is," my dad commented as I stood up to get the door.

"It's Oliver," I mumbled in reply. I stuffed my hands in my pocket to keep them from shaking. My mind was coming up with the worst possible scenarios possible, which didn't help my stomach.

"You see the boy for a month and he still comes over," my dad chuckled. I knew he wouldn't be chuckling in a few minutes after he found out there was a baby inside of me.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. I swung it open to see Oliver standing there with his hands in his pockets looking just as nervous as I felt.


"So, what is it you need to tell us?" Mr. Allister questioned hesitantly. I couldn't quite read his expression. My stomach did a flip-flop just at the thought of telling.

"Um..." Chelsea started. She took a deep breathe before she opened her month again. "Um, I'm, uh, I'm pregnant," she mumbled. Instead of looking at her parents, she looked up at me. As soon as she said, I saw Mr. Allister's face go from unreadable to purely angry. This wasn't going to be good.

"Honey, that's amazing. Congratulations," Mrs. Allister before her husband could get in a word. I had figured she be more understanding than Mr. Allister. Even if she didn't approve, she would never say it.

"Amazing! Abby, she's eighteen! She's not ready to have a baby! How can you even pretend to be happy?" fumed Mr. Allister. Ok, this was really bad. I knew it was going to be, but I had been a bit hopefully that he wouldn't get too mad.

"Aaron, she's can take care of herself now. She's been out of the house all month and she's still alive. Even if I wasn't happy for them, there's nothing either of them can do about it now. Why be angry about something that can't be changed?" Mrs. Allister replied, keeping her cool. I really had to hand it to her, she knew when to be calm about things.

"I don't care if it can be changed or not, I thought at eighteen and nineteen they would know what protection is," Mr. Allister argued. My face quickly got hot at the comment.

"Just calm down. No matter if you like it or not, that baby's coming, Aaron. You can't stop it, so just accept it," Mrs. Allister replied. Her husband stood up angrily and started to walk out of the room with a huff. "Aaron, get back here. You can't just walk out on her again," she called after him. What she said even stunned me. No one ever brought up anything about Mr. Allister leaving his family and moving to America.

"How dare you hold that against me. I thought everyone was over that. I screwed up, ok?" he shouted back at her. I felt Chelsea burry her head into my chest and my shirt quickly dampen from her tears. I rubbed her back soothingly not really knowing what to do.

"How can she get over that? You abandoned your own daughter! You left her! That's not something someone just 'gets over' and you don't even try. I was the one who pushed you to find her again. I'm the one who told you to get her for the weekends. And now you're yelling at her for something she can't fix. If I was her, I would never want to see you again," Mrs. Allister yelled. I had never seen her raise her voice at all. She genuinely seemed so upset about everything, too.

He didn't say anything back. He just stood there in complete shock. I would probably be shocked too if I was him. I also probably would've apologized and told Chelsea that I did care about her, but all he did was turn back around and run upstairs. That's when Chelsea let the tears flow freely. Her body was shaking and all I could hear was the noises of her crying muffled by my shirt.

Before anyone could say anything, Mrs. Allister was chasing after him. I could hear them yelling at each other from down here. It was clear as day that Mr. Allister was pretty upset about everything. The last thing I heard Mrs. Allister scream was that he needed to apologize to his daughter, but the apology never came. Chelsea ended up falling asleep after awhile and I didn't want to wake her up so I just stayed on the couch. Eventually I fell asleep, too.

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