Take Me Out Of My Head

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Song: Plastic Promises by Set It Off


I woke up the next morning to the sound of something going on in the kitchen. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was only 8 AM. Since Oliver was still in bed, I was guessing Nicholls had woken up. I sat up in bed, knowing that there was no way I was ever getting back to sleep now, and made my way into the kitchen.

I was about to scold him for being so loud this early especially since Melody was sleeping, but then I saw that Dani was sitting on the couch crying her eyes out. To be honest, I wanted to punch her for hurting Nicholls so much. I mean, Nicholls was great guy and she cheated on him. It wasn't right that such a nice guy got shitted on.

Neither of them realized I was standing in the hallway and just kept talking. "I'm sorry, Matt. I just get so lonely when you're gone. If I could take it back, I would," she was telling him through her tears. God, she was a bunch of shit.

"Dani, it's not that easy. For your baby's sake, you should just be with the father," Nicholls said. I could hear the pain in his voice. He once told me he could see himself marrying Dani one day, so I knew this was hard for him.

"But I don't want to be with him. I want to be with you. Please, I'm sorry. We can raise the baby together. Its father doesn't know I'm pregnant yet, Matt. He doesn't have to know. Please," she pleaded. If he took her back, I would be so mad at him. Anyone could see that she wasn't sincere.

"I can't. I just can't trust that when I go back on tour, this won't happen again and there is no way I can love a baby that isn't mine, Dani. And that baby has the right to know who its father is. Just go be with the other guy. At least for your kid's sake," he replied. I let out a silent sigh of relief. He was smarter than I had thought.


"No buts, Dani. I'm not taking you back," he said. He then stood up, signaling that the conversation was over. She looked up at with sadness in her eyes, but stood up, too.

The last thing I heard her say was 'I'm sorry' before she left. I had planned to come out of my hiding place when she left, but before I could, I heard the sounds of Nicholls crying. After all these years, I had never seen him cry, so the sounds took me by surprise.

After a few moments of debating whether I should just go back to bed or go comfort him, I decided he probably needed a friend and sat down next to him on the couch. I wrapped one of arms around him and pulled him closer to me. He looked over at me and quickly wiped his tears away, obviously embarrassed that he was crying.

"Did you hear that?" he questioned in whisper. I had never seen him like this and it made me realize how much he loved Dani.

"Yeah," I replied sympathetically. He put his head in his hands. I could tell all he wanted to do was run after Dani and tell her he forgave her. "You did the right thing," I added encouragingly.

"It doesn't feel like it," he muttered. I wished I could say I knew how he felt, but I really didn't. Yeah, Oliver and I had had a few fights over the years, but we always got back together.

"If you take her back, you're just gonna end up getting hurt again. You're gonna find someone better than her one day. It might be hard now, but you're doing the right thing," I insisted. He nodded his head like he knew I was right.

"Thanks, Chels," he told me, pulling me into a hug. When he let me go, he wiped at his tears once more before getting up from the couch and going into the kitchen.

"By the way, I never had a chance to ask you how your doctor's appointment went yesterday," he said, opening the cabinets obviously looking for something for breakfast.

"It went well. Turns out there's a reason I'm so big," I replied with a grin. The memory of seeing the babies yesterday instantly popped into my head.

He stopped his search and raised an eye brow, obviously not understanding what I meant. "I'm have twins, Nicholls," I clarified with a chuckle.

His face went from confusion to shock. "Oh, well, congratulations. Did you find out the genders?" he questioned, pulling out a box of Pop-Tarts from the cabinets. Satisfied, he popped two into the toaster oven.

"Boy and a girl," I responded happily. To be honest, talking about the babies made me really happy.


"We're gonna do something tonight," I announced, catching Nicholls' attention. He had literally been sitting on our couch for the last week. He hadn't been out of our flat. I knew this was just his way of coping with the whole Dani situation, but it was getting a bit ridiculous.

"We are?" he asked reluctantly. He looked like he was afraid to face the world or something. He acted like it was going to kill him to get some fresh air.

"Yep. I'm gonna text Curtis, Lee, and Matt and we're gonna go somewhere," I insisted, pulling out my phone. I text the rest of our band telling them that we needed to get Nicholls out of the house. We decided on going to a bar in town.

"Chelsea, we're going out," I called out to her. I usually would've invited her, but since she was pregnant, she couldn't drink, not that she did when she wasn't pregnant, though, and wouldn't have any fun watching us get drunk.

"Ok. Call me when you need me to pick you up," she told me, entering the living room. She always made sure to be available to drive us home if alcohol was involved. She reached up to peck my cheek before she let us.

When we reached the bar, the other guys were already there. "Hey guys," I greeted as I spotted them. Nicholls reluctantly followed behind me. I could tell all he wanted to do was get back into the car and drive back to our apartment to finish the movie he had been watching.

We sat down at the bar next to the rest of our band ordered some drinks. "Is he ok?" Lee whispered so only I could here. He eyed Nicholls with concern.

"Not really, but he needed to get out of the house," I replied just as quietly. I watched as Nicholls sipped his drink and kept to himself. Usually he would've been on his third beer by now, but he still seemed so out of it.

About an hour of watching Nicholls looking uncomfortable and the rest of my friends tried to pick up some girls, I was pretty much ready to call Chelsea. Obviously, trying to get Nicholls to forget about Dani wasn't working. "Hey, you're Oliver from Bring Me The Horizon, right?" a girl asked from behind me just as I was about to dial Chelsea's number. I spun around on my barstool to see a girl about my age with long brown hair, large blue eyes, and an American accent.

"Yep, that's me," I replied with a grin. Since we had had the last few weeks off, it had been awhile since I had met a fan and I personally loved meeting fans, so I missed it.

"I love your guys' music," she gushed after taking the seat next to me. She ordered her own drink, obviously looking for a conversation.

"Thanks," I told her, looking down at the counter of the bar. I had always been bad at taking compliments from fans or anyone else for that matter.

She continued to tell me all about which songs she liked the best and how she couldn't wait for new music. I eventually roped Nicholls into the conversation. This night was suppose to be about him. The girl ended up taking quite the liking for him, too. When I left them, they were talking and laughing. It seemed that he totally forgot about his heartbreak, well, at least for the time being. It was nice to see him being happy again.

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