Home Sweet Hole

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Song: 40 Days by blessthefall


I let out a heavy sigh and shut my book more loudly than I had anticipated. I glanced over at my roommate, who was still sleeping soundly. She was an older women, so I was guessing her hearing wasn't good enough to be bothered by the noise. She told me her name was Nora, she was seventy-five, and she had also been in a car accident. Her husband and her daughter, who a bit older than me, visited her a lot. She was very nice and didn't seem bothered by Oliver's appearance. Oliver had visited me in the hospital everyday since the accident, which had been three days ago. Yesterday, I made him promise to bring Melody, Linkin, and Harmony. Oliver had been afraid that my current state would scare Melody, but I just really wanted to see her. He had reluctantly agreed and I knew if he still wasn't feeling bad about this whole thing, he would've said no.

Suddenly, the door creaked open to reveal Oliver, who was holding Melody's hand in one of his and Linkin's carrier in the other, and Nicholls, who had Harmony.

"Mommy!" Melody cried, letting go of Oliver's hand and running as fast as she could to me. I couldn't help but chuckle as I helped her up into the bed with me. I sat her down in my lap. I had missed her so much. I couldn't believe that I had let Oliver let me think she'd be scared of the way I looked. She was obviously fine with it.

"How you feeling, love?" Oliver questioned, kissing my forehead. He and Nicholls then sat down next to the bed and set the twins' carriers on the floor.

"A bit better," I replied. I think they just had me on so much medication that nothing hurt too much anymore. Pain killers had definitely been my friend over the last few days.

"Well, that's good," he murmured as he watched Melody inspect some of the tubes and wires that were attached to my body. The littlest things kept her occupied. "Oh, Melody colored a few pictures for you," he told me a moment later with a grin. He searched his pockets before pulling out a few pages that had obviously been torn out of her princess coloring book.

"Oh, let me see," I said before Oliver handed them to me. I unfolded them to see a few sloppily colored pictures. There were two of princess Jasmine because Melody knew she was my favorite, one of Belle, and another one of Sleeping Beauty. "They're beautiful, Melody," I told her, pushing some of her hair behind her ear. She looked up at me with her little smile and then continued to play with the things on the bed.

"Hang them up, Oliver," I ordered, pointing to a cork board that was on one of the walls. He nodded and did as he was told. I thought they looked beautiful up there and knew they would be a nice reminder of home over the next few days.

"Is that one of your daughters?" Nora questioned. I hadn't even realized that she had woken up. I guess her hearing was good enough to hear all of us talking.

"Yep. This is Melody," I replied with a proud smile. "I'm sorry if we woke you up," I added quickly. I felt kind of bad for having woken her up since she always tried to be quiet while I was sleeping.

"Oh, it's quite alright. She is so adorable. She looks just like her mummy," she said with a smile. She gave Melody a little wave, who waved right back. "Oh, and are those your twins?" she questioned.

"Yep," Oliver responded. He then got up to show Nora Linkin and Harmony. After Nora took a look at the twins and said how adorable they were, the room fell silent.

"So, when do we go back on tour?" I questioned. I was hoping it wouldn't be for a while because I wanted to be home a few at least a week to try to recuperate from this.

"Uh, about that. I was thinking maybe we could reschedule some dates so we have the rest of the month off," he replied. He had to be kidding me. There was no way I was going to be the reason fans were going to be upset. I started to protest, but he cut me off. "Chels, you're not in any shape to live on a tour bus for a few months and I not going to leave you alone with three kids," he added in a serious tone.

"Oliver, I'll be fine. I'm more used to living on the bus than at home anyway," I argued. Even though I was just trying to get him to forget about postponing touring, it was true. I felt more at home in a bunk than I did in our bed in the flat.

He was about to say something else when I gave him a look that said I wasn't giving in. "I want to reschedule the shows, but I'm not gong to win this one, am I?" he said was a grin.

"No, you're not," I replied, shaking my head. It was very rare that he won one of our small arguments so I have no idea what lead him to think this time would be different. I was going on tour with them and on the dates they were already scheduled for.


"Well, it looks like you're good to go, Mrs. Sykes," the doctor told Chelsea as she gathered her things. She was finally coming home. After five days, she was finally coming home. It was a good thing since I wasn't sure if I could last one more night with three kids on my own.

"Thank you," Chelsea said to the doctor as I reviewed her prescriptions. Apparently, she'd have to be on pain medication for awhile before she was ok again.

"Ready to go?" I questioned as the doctor walked out of the room. I was so happy to be taking Chelsea back home. Being in our flat without her had felt weird.

"Um... yep," she replied, glancing around the room to make sure she had everything. She said a quick goodbye to Nora before we were able to head out. I was seriously so happy I wouldn't have to come back to that hospital for a very long time. That place was so dreary that I wouldn't miss it.

The ride home was spent talking about Bring Me The Horizon's spring North American tour. It was pretty exciting. We had toured the states before, but for some reason I was much more excited this time around. I couldn't really put my finger on why though. The only problem was that we left in two days and the doctor wanted Chelsea to take it easy. He said himself that it would be hard to do so with three small children, but touring definitely wasn't my idea of 'taking it easy.' While she didn't do too much other than take care of the kids and do her school work, the tour bus wasn't exactly the comfiest place ever. I knew I'd spend most of this tour making sure she was comfortable just because I worry about her too much.

"I'm gonna be fine, Oliver," she reassured me. I swear she can read my mind sometimes. I guess after knowing someone for five years, you get to know them well enough that you know what they're thinking before they say it.

"I'm just worried about you, Chelsea. That's all," I mumbled. I knew I was going to spend every second of the tour worrying about her, which is why I really wished she'd let us postpone the dates.

"Oliver, I've been touring with you guys forever. I think I know how to not get myself killed by now," she replied, obviously trying to lighten the mood. My concern was hanging like a dark cloud over us.

I just let out a sigh, knowing that whatever I said would never be enough to change her mind. She could be pretty stubborn sometimes. We soon pulled into the car park of our flat buildings and parked the car. After turning off the ignition, I practically ran around to Chelsea's side to help her out. "Really, Oliver, I got it," she told me with a small smile. Despite her arguing, I helped her anyway and then grabbed her stuff from the backseat.

When we got to our flat, I unlocked the door and opened it to see Nicholls and Anissa both sitting at the coffee table coloring with Melody. To my surprise, Lilly and her mum were also there. I hadn't remembered making plans with Jenna for Lilly and Melody to play, but I didn't question it.

"Hey, mate. I hope you don't mind. Lilly wanted to come play with Melody and her mum offered to help us watch the kids," Nicholls explained, answering my question. Melody and Lilly were comparing their pictures, which I had to admit was pretty cute.

"Of course we don't mind. It's nice to see you again, Jenna," Chelsea replied, sending Lilly's mum a warm smile. I had this hunch that Jenna disliked me because of my appearance and the way she looked at me was just confirmation.

"I'm so glad you're ok, Chelsea. I was so worried about you when I heard what happened," Jenna sympathized as she stood up from the couch. "Lilly, I think it's time to go. Mrs. Sykes needs to get settled in," she announced as I went into our bedroom to put Chelsea's stuff away. When I reentered the living area, both Lilly and Jenna were thankfully gone.

It felt so much better to have things back to normal. Chelsea was home, we'd be embarking on a bug tour soon. It all felt so right.

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