I've Never Felt Weaker

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Song: Nobody's Hero by Black Veil Brides


The next day when I arrived at lunch, Oliver was nowhere to be found. I pulled out my book so I could read while I waited, but when no one sat down after about ten minutes, I got a bit worried. I closed my book and decided to go check the halls and outside to make sure he was ok.

I searched most of the hallways until I saw a large crowd in the court yard out a window. I quickly rushed out the nearest door. My stomach sank as I neared the scene knowing it wasn't good. I pushed some people out of the way to get to the front. Even before I saw what was happening, I knew Oliver was at the middle of all these people and I was right. As I made my way to the front of the crowd, I saw Chris standing over Oliver.

"You're not even gonna try? You too scared, Oliver?" Chris screamed as his fist collided with Oliver face. I let out a gasp and a wince. Oliver was trying a bit. He had his hands up to protect himself, but it didn't seem to be working too well. Chris was muscular and athletic while Oliver was stick thin and only partook in sports in PE class.

In that moment, I knew I had to help even if he hated me afterwards. It was either have him get mad at me because of the whole 'you made me look weak because your a girl' thing or have him die. I would take him being alive and if I learned anything about Oliver over the last week, I was pretty sure he would be grateful.

I grabbed the back of Chris shirt just as he was about to go in for another punch. I wasn't very strong, but he staggered back, obviously a bit surprised. I saw Oliver look up at me from the ground with a relieved expression on his face.

"Don't you ever get tired of picking on people for no reason?" I asked him angrily as he turned around to see who had pulled him back. I could tell he was shocked that such a tiny girl was the source of the tug.

"What the fuck do you want? I've got some business to attend to," he told me devilishly. He had a grin on his face. I knew that if I hadn't stopped him he probably would have beat up Oliver pretty badly.

"I want you to stop being such a dick and leave him alone," I replied furiously. Who told him he could just beat up whoever he wanted to? There was no way I was going to let him get away with this, though.

"Who says I have to listen to you?" he question as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Mr. Field beside me. Chris' eyes grew large when he saw he was caught.

"You may not have to listen to her, but you have to listen to me. To the principal's office now and I'll need to ask you two to join us when you've gotten cleaned up, Oliver," he told us. I nodded and rushed to Oliver's side. The crowd dispersed quickly now that the fight was over.

Oliver sat up with a wince. "Thanks," he told me. I smiled sadly at him as he leaned against a nearby tree. He looked so injured that I didn't know where to begin with the clean up.

"What hurts?" I asked, kind of already knowing the answer. I took off my bag and searched for some tissues to clean up his bloody nose and various other body parts that were spilling blood onto the concrete.

"Everything," he responded wincing. I handed him a tissue as I dabbed at his skin with my own. 

"Do your lips hurt?" I asked playfully, trying to lighten the mood. He looked like he needed a good kiss right about then.

He shook his head no looking a bit confused."No, they don-" he started, but I cut him off with my lips and slowly he bang to realize why I had asked and kissed me back a bit. "Well, now I'm feeling better," he added with a smile after pulling away.

After a few moments, we decided to head inside to the principal's office to get this straightened out. I was so glad Chris was finally getting called out for his actions and I could tell Oliver was pretty glad, too.


"Mr. Sykes and Ms. Allister. I'm glad to see you've joined us," Principal Bradford greeted as we walked in. Chris gave us a smirk when he saw we were holding hands. We took our seats. My whole body ached. I felt like I had just been run over by a bus or something.

"Let's get this straightened out. We'll hear from you first, Chelsea. What happened?" he asked Chelsea. I could tell why he had went to her first. She was trustworthy and hadn't really been involved much so she was more willing to tell the truth.

She took a deep breath before beginning. "Well, um, Oliver didn't show up at lunch, so I went looked for him and I saw a big crowd out one of the windows. When I got there I pushed my way to the front and Chris punched Oliver and then he was gonna punch him again, but I grabbed his shirt before he could," she explained, playing with one of her many bracelets out of nervousness. There was a good chance she had never been in trouble before not that she really was now.

"Chris, why did you punch Oliver?" the principal asked turning his attention from Chelsea to Chris. He looked at the principal confidently. He was such a conceited asshole.

"I don't like him," he replied simply. Well, that summed up his feelings about me perfectly. He just didn't like me. There was never an explanation to it. He just simply hated me.

"Well, that's not a good reason to punch someone, now is it, Chris? Do you have anything to add, Oliver?" he asked me. I shook my head. I just wanted to make sure I didn't get in trouble and I doubted I would with what Chelsea had told him, not that I deserved to get in trouble. "Ok, well, then. Chris you'll be suspended for the rest of the week and when you come back on Monday, you and Oliver will go to the guidance consular for an hour each day after school to work out your issues," he announced.

"What?" I cried, my eyes getting wide in the sockets. This was worse than being suspended. I'd rather be stuck in my house for a few days and get a lecture from my parents than have to spend an hour each day with my worst enemy.

"For how long?" Chris questioned. He seemed a bit angry, but then again, when wasn't he angry? I looked over at Chelsea and I could tell she was a bit shocked by the punishment, too.

"As long as it takes for you two to accept each other and move on. I don't care if you're friends. I just want you to be able to eat lunch with out hurting each other," the principal replied. Well, he could kiss the friend thing goodbye. There was no way I was going to be friends with a guy who had made the last few years of my life a living hell.

We were dismissed and given passes to class just after the bell rang. I groaned as my stomach grumbled. I couldn't believe Chris had made me miss my whole lunch. "Well, since we have these passes, you wanna go eat lunch before heading to class?" I questioned, noticing he had forgotten to put a time on both of ours. 

She grinned at me. "That's sounds lovely," she replied. She took my hand and we headed for the court yard. There was a table out there that was hidden from most windows so we would be safe from teachers for awhile.

"Are you ok?" she asked, putting her hand on top of mine after we sat down. She looked at me her eyes filled with worry and concern. 

"I'll be ok. I just can't believe I have to spend my time after school with that asshole," I responded angrily. I took a bite of my sandwich, wishing the whole issue would just go away.

"You'll get through it and I'll be waiting for you when you come out," she told me reassuringly. I looked at her with a smile and she smiled back. I really couldn't have thanked her enough for everything she had done for me that day.

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