We're Young

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Song: One Hundred Sleepless Nights by Pierce The Veil


As I soon in the bathroom looking in the mirror holding the piece of plastic in my hands, I heard the bus door open and then closed telling me soundcheck was done. My stomach churned just knowing that this piece of plastic held my future. I had standing here waiting for the three minutes to be up so I would know the truth. I didn't even know what I was going to do if it was positive.

That's when my phone dinged telling me that the results should be done. I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer. I would do practically anything for this to be negative. Anything.

I looked down to see the thing I feared the most. A little plus sign had appeared on the tiny screen. I almost screamed, but then remember the guys were back and would be worried. I angrily shoved the test in my pocket to show to Oliver next time I could. I looked back in the mirror steadying myself on the sink counter. This couldn't be happening. I wasn't ready to be a mother. For fuck's sake, I was only eighteen.

I took another deep breath. There was nothing I could do about it now. There was no way I was getting an abortion and I would feel terrible if we gave the baby up for adoption. If I wasn't going to have this baby, I was going to be the best mother I could be and hope that was enough.

After taking more deep breaths, I opened the bathroom door and joined the guys in their conversation. They looked kind of worried and Curtis asked me if I was ok. I guess I still looked kind of shaken up about the whole thing.

I had a hard time getting Oliver alone long enough to tell him all day. Between the show, the meet and greet, and interviews, he was way too busy. Finally, after the show, after all the fans had left and I was reading one of the books my English professor had assigned in the back lounge, Oliver came in. He had a smile on his face as he planted a kiss on my cheek and pulled me closer to him. I immediately tensed up. There was no putting it off now. I had to tell him. The problem was I wasn't sure how he would react. The last time he had told me he wanted to wait until we were married and older. Yet, here we were, still teenagers and not married with a baby on the way.

"You ok?" he questioned feeling me tense up. He looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

"Um yeah," I lied putting my bookmark in the book. I put the book down and looked up at him. I needed to just get it over with. I needed to tell him and deal with his reaction later. "Um, Oliver, I, uh, need to tell you... something," I stuttered nervously.

"What is it?" he questioned seeming even more concerned now. Never in a million years would I have imagined I'd be sitting in the back of a tour bus telling my boyfriend that we were going to be parents in nine months.

"Uh, I'm...I'm uh..." I started. I ran my hand through my hair as my stomach did a nervous flip-flip. He looked at me expecting me to finish my sentence. "I'm pregnant," I blurted out at last. His eyes widened in disbelief. This wasn't going to be good.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Did he really think I would tell him if I wasn't sure? I wished I wasn't sure, but I took the test.

"Yeah," I replied pulling the pregnancy test out of my pocket where it had been hiding the whole day. I handed it to him and he just stared at it for the longest time. The whole time I just sat there looking at him and waiting for his response.

The next thing he did was drop the test on the floor and storm out of the bus. I called after him, but he just kept going. That's when I broke down crying. What if he didn't love me anymore?


When Chelsea showed me that test with the little plus sign, it was like my life flashed before my eyes. All the dreams and aspirations that I once had were thrown out the window. There was no way I was going to be a good father. Even if I tried, I couldn't imagine myself being a good father.

I ignored her calling after and when I got outside, I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. I could feel tears brimming my eyes, but I refused to cry. This was my own fault. If I had only thought to use a condom that night, we wouldn't be in this situation. I let out a sigh and leaned against the bus.

"You alright, mate?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Nicholls standing there looking concerned.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," I lied. I wished he would go away. I just wanted to be alone to wallow in my own self pity.

"What happen?" he questioned. Nicholls could read me like an open book. There was no use even trying to lie to him because he always knew when I wasn't telling the truth.

"You were right," I mumbled hoping he would get what I meant. Saying it out loud would be like admitting I had screwed up and I wasn't ready to do that.

"About Chelsea?" he asked. All I could do was nod. "Well, then why aren't you two in there talking things out. If you walked out on her after she told her, I'm sure she's upset, mate," he told me. I knew he was right. I had been a dick to run away, but I didn't want to end up taking my anger out on her.

"I know," I said quietly. I needed some time just to think things through by myself before we talked things out.

"Go back in there in talk to her then," he suggested hopefully. I knew deep down I should, but how could I?

"I can't," I replied shaking my head. All I wanted was for things to go back to the way they were before any of this happened.

"Why not?" he asked me confused. I took another drag of my cigarette hoping it would calm me down, but I had no such luck.

"Because I know I'll just end up yelling at her or something and it's not her fault," I replied. I wasn't sure which would cause her more pain: me not talking to her right now or me yelling at her.

"Do what you want, but if you let her go over this, you'll be the biggest idiot I've ever me," he told me with a sigh. He was right. She was an amazing girl. I would be an idiot if I let our son or daughter get in the way of our relationship. I loved her so much and I couldn't let her go. If I did, I would never forgive myself. She was perfect and here I was probably breaking her heart. I really could be a dick sometimes.

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