A Sorry Excuse

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Song: Only A Memory by Icon For Hire


I sat in my room that night tears staining my cheeks. I was still trying to wrap my head around what Oliver had done. By no means was I mad at him. He had done it with the best intentions. My mum hadn't said anything about it yet and I wasn't sure if she would. 

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I stood up wiping away my tears and opened the door. My mother stood on the other side. 

"Can I come in?" she questioned, surprising me. I couldn't remember the last time I had heard those words had come out of her mouth. I stood aside to let her in. 

She took a seat at my desk chair. "I've been thinking about what your friend said," she started. There was something that had changed in her. I could see it in her eyes. They were usually dark and clouded, but something seemed to have opened up in them. "And I have been treating you badly," she added. My eyes practically fell out of their sockets. Did she just say what I thought she had said? I was too shocked to say anything so I just stood there. "I admit that ever since your father left that I hated you because you looked like him and I couldn't stand to be reminded of him every time I looked at you. I pushed you away because of that," she told me. She looked down at her lap. She didn't apologize, but it was a start. Even if she did apologize, I don't think I could forgive her. How could I? She turned my life into a living hell even in my own home. "I'm going to try to be a better mother," she finished. Again, I was too shocked to do anything. It wouldn't take much to be a better mother. She was a shitty one now, but I didn't tell her that.

"Dad came here yesterday," I suddenly blurted out. My mother's new found kindness must have taken over my brain. 

She was just about to stand up to leave, but she stopped. She was silent for a really long time. "He did? What did he say?" she asked quietly. I suddenly wished I could take it back. 

Just as I was about to answer, there was a knock at the front door and we ran down to see who it was. My mum swung the door and on the other side was my father again. "Aaron," she whispered. It was like even though I had just told her he was back, she couldn't believe that he was standing in front of her.

"Hi. Sorry to just barge in, but I realized I never gave Chelsea a phone number to reach me. Did she tell you about our meeting yesterday?" he told her. She just shook her head at his question obviously too stunned to say anything.

"Well, I was swung by yesterday and she said you were away, but I told her to ask about having dinner together before I leave," he said. She was still staring at him and it was starting to get creepy.

"Um... that sounds lovely," she replied, finally regaining her ability to speak. She gave him a smile. "Would you like to come in?" she asked stepping aside.

"No thank you. I have to be somewhere soon, but here's my number. Give me a call and tell me what day is good for you. Oh, and Chelsea, this weekend Abby, Joe, and I are going to do some sightseeing. We were wondering if you could show us around. I'm not sure if I remember where everything is. You can bring your friend if you want to," he said. Mum gave me this look that said I better agree. I would have liked to do anything but show him and his new family around, but I could tell I had no choice.

"Um, sure," I responded against my better judgment. I ran a hand through my hair. God, this had been one hectic day.

"Good, does Saturday at ten work?" he questioned. I just nodded and we said our goodbyes. My mum closed the door and the stunned look reappeared on her face.

"Well, that was interesting. Who are Abby and Joe?" she asked, sitting down in the kitchen. I really would rather not be the person to tell her who they are. I mean, what if she was hoping that they would get back together? I would just crush her dreams.

"Um, his wife and son," I replied. I preoccupied myself with getting a drink from the fridge so I wouldn't have to see her face. I heard her let out an "oh."

I quickly drank my water, put my cup in the sink, and ran upstairs. I thought Oliver would be pretty proud of himself when he heard my mum had almost apologized for the years she treated my like shit.


I woke up the next morning and got dressed quickly. I was pretty eager to find out what had happened with Chelsea's mum. I was just hoping Chelsea wouldn't be mad at me for yelling at her mum. I just hadn't been able to take it anymore. Everyone walked all over Chelsea and she practically just stood there and took it. She had stuck up for me and I had to stick up for her. We needed each other, I guess.

After I ate breakfast, I practically ran the two blocks to Chelsea's house. I waited for her at the corner a bit impatiently I might add. I tapped my foot on the sidewalk and waited. Soon, she came out of the door. She looked so happy. I guess she wasn't mad at me, which made me very glad. I don't know what I would do if she was mad at me.

"Good morning," she chirped as she reached me. She stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on my cheek. She took my hand and we started walking. She cute when she was this happy.

"I'm sorry about last night. I just couldn't take her calling you that," I told her even though I could tell she wasn't mad at me. I felt like I should apologize anyway. 

"Don't be sorry, Oli. To be honest, I'm glad you did what you did," she responded, looking up at me with a wide smile. She was glad? What did her mum say after I left?

"Really? What happened? I was pretty sure you'd be mad at me. I mean, I yelled at your mother," I said, scratching the back of my neck with my free hand nervously. 

"She told me that after thinking about what you said, she realized she had been a bad mother and she was gonna try to be better, which won't really take much," she replied. I looked down at her in surprise. Did her mother actually say that just because of what I said? I didn't think she would really think about it much.

"Wow, I didn't realize I made such an impact," I said lightly. I was more thinking out loud than talking to her. I looked up at the dark sky still in shock. 

"Well, you did. Oh, and my dad showed up again. He asked me if I would be willing to show him and his new family around because he's 'not sure if he remember where everything is at' and he said you could come, too, and Oli, it would mean so much to me if you went. I really don't want to be stuck with them alone," she pleaded. She gave me a hopeful look. As much as I didn't want to go, I couldn't say no to that face.

"Ok," I sighed reluctantly. "When?" I questioned. I planned to be hanging out with the guys a lot this weekend, but for her, I'd try to squeeze it in.

"Saturday at ten," she replied. The thought of getting up early to go spend a terrible day with her dad and her step-family horrified me, but I knew she would be upset if I didn't go.

"Ok, but we have to be done by four. I'm going over Matt N's," I told her. I wouldn't risk my band for her stupid douche of a father.

"No problem! That's like six hours. If we're not done with them by them, I think I might hurt one of them," she joked reaching up to give me another kiss on the cheek.

As much as I loved her, she was definitely going to owe me after this one.

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