A Night To Remember

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Song: Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria


I had spent almost the whole month of November trying to come up with something special for Oli's birthday. It was on a Friday and he already had an appointment at the DMV to take his driving test after school. After he took the test, he said he'd come over and we could (hopefully) celebrate him being able to drive and of course his birthday. I had planned to make him dinner after learning my mum had a business trip and wouldn't be home for the weekend. 

"Happy birthday!" I greeted as I walked up to him that morning. I wrapped my arms around him and planted a big kiss on his lips.

"Thank you," he murmured before kissing me back. I loved him so much. To be honest, I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much. I had never been able to say I loved anyone and now here I was so in love it hurt to not be around him.

He grabbed my hand as we started to walk and told me about how his mum had made the best pancakes for him this morning. All too soon we arrived at school and took our seats in chemistry.

"You're still coming over after you take your driver's test, right?" I questioned. I already had everything planned. I was going to make spaghetti, which is pretty much the only thing I knew how to make, and I was going to make it like a picnic in my living room. I had found these candles that where battery operated, which was good because I was clumsy as shit.

"Yeah, of course. Is your mum going to be home?" he questioned. The bell decided to ring then, so I just shook my head. I could tell he was hoping she wouldn't. He seemed to want to avoid her since he had blown up at her.

After a terribly long day, Oliver walked me home, holding my hand the whole way. It seemed that whenever we were together, he needed to be touching me in someway, not that it bothered me. It honestly felt amazing to be that loved.

After he dropped me off at home, I started getting ready for tonight. I was so glad that none of the guys had decided to throw him a party or something. I laid a blanket over the hardwood floor of the living room and scattered the candles around but didn't turn them on yet. I then went into the kitchen to start boiling the water for the pasta. An hour later, I was admiring my handiwork when there was a knock on the door. I raced over to answer it.

When I swung it open, Oliver was standing on the other side. He held up his new driver's license with a huge smile on his face. I threw my arms around him. When I let go of him, he started to walk in. 

"Wait, it's a surprise," I told him. I walked behind him and reached up to cover his eyes. He chuckled at me but abided when I told him to walk. I directed him into the living room and then took my hands off of his eyes. He didn't say anything; he just gave me a long passionate kiss, which was way better than anything he could ever say.

I told him to sit so I could go get our dinner. "It's the only thing I know how to make," I explain as I handed him his bowl, fork, and Coke. I had originally planned on getting a recipe online, but thought better since I didn't wanted to burn the house down or anything.

"I loved spaghetti, baby," he told me. I still got butterflies every time he called me baby, but I got butterflies just by being around him.

"How'd you get your parents to let you come over?" I questioned, sitting down next to him. His parents obviously cared about him and wouldn't let him come over if they knew it was just going to be him and me.

"I told them I was going over Nicholls'," he replied. We had started calling Matt N Nicholls because it was easier to tell them apart that way. "That way I can stay as long as I want and they won't say anything," he added before putting a forkful of food in his mouth.

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