Every Word I've Said

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Song: A Trophy Father's Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens


I had invited Oliver on Saturday. My mum wouldn't be home until Sunday night, so there would be no one to bother us. We had been cuddling all day and watching movies. I loved the way his arms felt around me. I never wanted to leave this couch. I shifted a bit in his arms and breathed in his scent. I loved the way he smelled. It was so comforting.

"Chels," he blurted suddenly. I sat up so I could get a better look at him. He didn't take his arms off of me, though. He had a very nervous look on his face. God, what if he was breaking up with me?

"Yeah," I replied. He looked down at his lap. This looked bad. If he broke up with me, what the hell was I going to do?

"I love you," he told me so fast I barely made out the words. After a few moments, the meaning of his words finally sunk in and a huge smile broke out on my face. I couldn't believe he had been nervous about telling me that. Did he think I wouldn't feel the same way?

"I love you, too, Oli," I responded. Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. I quickly kissed him back. My hands went to his hair and my fingers interlaced themselves with the strands of his dark hair. I smiled as I felt him place his hands on my sides.

Much to my dismay, there was a knock on the door. I pulled away, both of us gasping for air. My lips were buzzing from his kiss. I let out a groan and reluctantly got up from the couch. All I really wanted was to ignore the door and continue kissing Oliver, but that was obviously not a choice.

I walked to the door and opened it hoping whoever it was wouldn't stay long so I could go back to Oliver. The door swung open to reveal a man in a blue short-sleeved button down shirt and khakis. He had brown eyes like me, light brown hair like my natural color, my nose, and my lips. I immediately recognized him from pictures when I was a baby. My mum had always refused to talk about him, but here he was, standing on my doorstep.

"Dad?" I whispered still completely in shock. I hadn't seen him in ten years, not that I remembered him.

"Chelsea, you've grown so much," he said sadly. In that moment, I wanted to scream at him. How dare he come back here?

"Well, you've been gone for TEN YEARS!" I replied, yelling the last part, which obviously alarmed Oliver who came running to my side. I saw my father give him a look, but he said nothing.

"Can I come in?" my father asked as though it was nothing. He acted like I hadn't just yelled at him. I stepped aside to let him. I wasn't really sure what to do. I couldn't just say no to my own father, but I would have liked to.

"Where's your mum?" he questioned, looking around the living room. At one point, he had lived here. I always had a hard time wrapping my head around that.

"Out," I answered simply. I paused the movie and crossed my arms over my chest. I wanted him out of my house. He had abandoned us. I hated him.

"I'll wait then, if you don't mind," he responded. He walked over to some pictures. They were mostly of Mum on all of the holidays she went on with her friends. He picked up one to inspect it and put it back down.

"Then, you'll be waiting till tomorrow night. She went on a holiday with her friends," I told him my voice lasted with anger. Why couldn't he just leave?

He raised his eyebrows. "Does she know your having boys over while she's gone?" he asked, eyeing Oliver who was sitting awkwardly on the couch. I could tell he'd rather be anywhere else than right here.

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