They're almost here

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Sunday: September 25, 2016

Meeks POV

Once we got home last night Nicki went straight to bed. Her back pains have been on a 10 lately causing her not to feel good. She's currently downstairs looking at the gifts everyone gave us. We received tons of gifts. Took up the entire living room at that.

Me and candi have been in and out of the babies room putting things up. Me and Nicki got their walls painted pink with their names in brown cursive letters above their beds. We put a crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.

On the back wall where the two changing tables were we had their 3D ultrasound pictures separated and framed. In the center of the floor was a big rocking chair with a pocket attached to it for everything Nicki would need when she breastfeeds them.

They had a huge walk in closet which I'm so happy for because they have a lot of stuff like damn. All this for two little babies. Candi came back up with more clothes, diapers, wipes, lotion, and baby shampoo putting them where they needed to be.

I walked downstairs picking up the carseat boxes getting ready to take em upstairs til Nicki stopped me.

Nicki: baby you don't want to just open them up and set em up so we can have it ready instead of taking both boxes upstairs?

"Yeah I can baby" I say walking back to sit down. I got the box cutter opening the box taking both carseats out. We customized carseat accessories so I put them on. I put the customized shade cover with the A.G.W initials on one carseat then did the opposite with the R. I. W initials with the other.

"Aww baby those are cute. They got some weird initials." She giggles opening up more baby gifts as I took the carseats upstairs. I came back getting the double stroller taking it up as well. Damn a nigga tired. Coming back downstairs Nicki asked me something.

"Baby where's the gift you said you got for them" she asked getting up coming to sit in my lap.

"Didn't I tell you that's for me to know and you to find out baby? So stop asking. And besides you'll see it on their birthday baby" I say kissing and sucking her neck.

"Now what's that shit you was doing in bed earlier baby. You mind finishing?" I say still sucking her neck. "Mmmmm rihmeeeeek sta-staaaaahp baby candi is right upstairs" she moans moving my head.

"Ion give a fuck! Have yo ass up them steps in 10 minutes and don't keep me waiting" I say getting up going upstairs. 10 minutes later she came up going to check on candi. I'm guessing she was sleep cause she came back opening the bedroom door.

"Didn't I tell you not to keep me waiting Mrs. Williams? Step right in to my office. Your punishment awaits you" I say pulling her in and closing the door behind us.

No one POV

Ok so y'all know the baby shower was Saturday and now it's Sunday. Nicki called her doctor about her back pains again letting him know it's getting worst. He told her it was due to the babies dropping into the birthing position which is why she was put on bed rest. She is now 38 weeks pregnant and her midwife is going to induce her Friday. If she waits two weeks til she's 40 weeks then she'd end up going into labor naturally at 39 weeks and would a
end up having to be taken to a hospital which means no at home birth.

4 days later.....

Nicki POV

Meek and I were downstairs. We ordered pizza and watched movies on Netflix pretty much all day. We decided to go ahead and blow up the pool and get things prepared for tomorrow. Meek had already blown up the pool in our bedroom now we were just picking out their outfits that they were going to wear when they arrive.

I picked out two white onesies. One with pink pants to go with and one with yellow pants to with. Then I added socks and mittens. We had one more thing to do and that was make a belly cast. I had meek go out and buy one today so now we about to make it.

Meek: we need petroleum jelly, room temperature water, four rolls of casting paper (gauze), gloves, scissors, and acrylic paint if we wanted to pant over it. I got the white paint and pink ribbon.

"Ok baby I'm ready" I say coming in the kitchen with boy shorts and a towel on the top part of my body sitting down in towel covered chair.

Meek: ok lemme prepare this. Drop the towel baby. Why you acting like I ain never seen them melons of yours ma.

"Shut up Rihmeek. Why you gotta play" I say laughing dropping my towel exposing my breast and stomach.

Meek: ok it says to apply petroleum jelly to the entire area that will be included in the cast. *applies a thick layer to her breast all the way down to her stomach* next it says dip the gauze in the water and apply quickly due to it drying rapidly. *dips in water and applies 3 layers on her stomach and belly button. Then her breast and nipples* ok now you have to sit for 20 to 30 minutes to let it dry baby.

"Ok baby, thank you" I say watching him clean everything up.

20 to 30 minutes later....

"Meeeek come help me take this off baby" I say as he walks in helping me pull it off slowly so it won't mess up. "Now we gotta wait 48 hours for it to fully harden baby" he says handing me my towel.

I went ahead and poked two holes at the corner of the right breast and the left breast. I then took it up stairs hanging on a thumbtack in the middle wall of the babies room. When it's fully hard, I'll work on decorating it like adding their names, birthday, and how many pounds they weighed.

I walked in the babies bathroom in their room to put the remaining of the kit away under their sink cabinet. Turning the light out I went to my room hearing the shower running.

Stepping out my boy shorts I got in closing the shower door standing behind meek wrapping my arms around him.

"On more day baby and we'll have our little girls in our arms" I say kissing his back as he turns around facing me giving me a kiss.

Meek: yeah I can't wait either. My mom and Na coming tomorrow along with Candi, Titi, and your mom welcoming our babies into the world with them is going to be priceless.

"I can't wait. I'm nervous tho baby. The wait is finally over! All those nights being up, back aches, bed rest, and over eating comes to an end tomorrow baby" I chuckle washing his back"

Meek: I know baby.

"They're almost here"

Last update for the night. Excuse errors. Thanks for reading!!!!!


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