Get well soon baby

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3 months later

Meek POV

I was getting the twins ready for Nicki. She had a real bad sinus infection and didn't want the babies to get sick. I dressed them in some jeans and a hot pink shirt putting owl hats on their heads. I then brung them in our room putting them in their play pen. "Awwww they're so cute. You did good baby" Nicki says horsely.

I was taking them, pap, and denim to the zoo. The twins are 6 1/2 months now so exposing them to animals taking them to see and hear the sounds they make is only right. Nicki staying home, my baby really don't feel good. When I get back I'll take care of her. Putting on my DC chain and black pumas I grabbed a few stacks and my phone throwing it in their baby bag.

Their bottles were already packed since all I got to do is add the powdered formula and cereal to the water. Nicki done breastfeeding and we are currently starting them on baby foods.

I picked them up putting them in their carseats strapping them in. Nicki fell asleep so I kissed her on her forehead pulling the covers over her. I grabbed the twins then headed out to the zoo to meet Na, Papi, and Denim.

Arriving I put them in their double stroller leaving their carseats in the truck. Grabbing their bag I locked the truck seeing Na and them waiting for us at the entrance.

"Hey y'all" I say approaching them going to pay for our tickets. "Hey big head" Na says mushing my head. "Hey auntie babies" she says as Rihyan smiled and Ayan sucked her pacifier.

Papi: daddy can we go see the lions *jumping up and down*

Denim: yes uncle meek can we go see the lions?

"Yeah go on we right behind y'all. And WALK" I say as they ran over to the lions anyway. Coming to a stop the twins were up and alert. I explained to them what they were looking at but they looked at me like I was crazy.

A few hours later the kids wanted to stop for cotton candy and pizza. Na watched them as I got in both lines getting their pizza and bottom candy. When I got back to the table the twins were crying. Giving them their food I pulled the bottles out fixing the formula and cereal . Shaking them I handed one bottle to Na as she fed Ayan and I fed Rihyan.

After the kids were done they were tired and wanted to leave. "Pap you wanna come with me or stay with auntie Na.?" I ask pushing the sleeping babies. I want to go back with auntie Na dad" he says rubbing his eyes. It was fine with me anyways cause Nicki sick and he don't need to be up under her.

"Alright" I'll see y'all later" I say headed towards the truck putting them in along with the double stroller. My babies must had a long day cause they still knocked. Backing out the parking lot we headed home.

Nicki POV

It was going on 6:15pm. I was sitting up in bed on my side watching TV. Meek just got home and I was so happy and ready to cuddle with him. He finally came in empty handed with a tray with what seemed like hot soup in the bowl.

"Babyyyyyyy. I missed you daddy" I say sitting up as he made his way over to me kissing my lips. "Where my babies at" I ask taking a few bites out of my soup. "They sleep baby so I came up here to take care my queen." He says getting in bed with me.

I took a few more spoon full sitting the bowl on the nightstand. "Mmm that was good baby. It really opened my airway some now I'm going to be sniffling." I say grabbing a tissue blowing my nose. "Ew baby. All deze dirty snot tissues got to go" he says scrunching his face up at me while I was blowing my nose.

"Ugh shut up Rihmeek" I say picking up the tissues throwing them away. My voice is gone and I sound a hot ass mess right now I say to myself as I get back in bed. Meek pulled me closer to him as I placed one leg over his and placed my face in the crook of his neck. "Damn baby your body hot. U running a fever." He says rubbing my ass in small circles.

"I was earlier but I took some Tylenol for it already baby" I say closing my eyes. "Oh alright" he says kissing my cheek getting comfortable.

"Get well soon baby"

Aww get well Nic. Excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!!!

-Morgan😘 .

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