Love you too Mom

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Nicki POV

I woke up this morning in bed alone. There was a note on Meeks side of the bed that read:

"good morning beautiful. Sorry to leave you while you were sleeping but I had a quick errand to run and didn't want to bother you. I'll be back this evening tho so I left you some stacks on the dresser for you to go and spend a day with the girls. Have fun baby, see you when I get back"
-- Meek

Rolling over I get up stretching. I smile rubbing my stomach. "Good morning munchkin. Are you hungry? I'm hungry too, lets see what auntie Na, Candi, and Titi are doing this morning so we can set up a breakfast date and tell them about your arrival."

Grabbing my phone I call them up. They all agreed to meet me at IHOP downtown. Heading to the bathroom I shower, do my personal hygiene, and got dressed in something comfortable some: ripped cut up jeans, a white tshirt and with a long black sweater.

I put my black heels on along with my jewelry grabbing my phone, purse, putting the code in heading out the door to my truck.

20 minutes later I arrived at IHOP. Walking in I see Na already here waiting. Giving her a hug we sat down waiting for the other two slow asses.

5 minutes later they came in loud as hell laughing at whatever it was they were laughing at.

Titi: good morning ladies

"Good morning" me and Na say hugging them heading towards our table.

Waitress: good morning ladies my name is Ashley and I'll be your waitress for today. Can I start you off with any refreshments?

Titi: yes do you guise serve champagne early in the mornings?

Ashley: yes ma'am we do.

Titi: then that's what I'll be having

Candi&Na: me too!

Ashely: ok and you ma'am?

"Oh water would be nice thank you" taking down our drinks Ashley smiled walking away. The girls looked at me funny as to why I chose to drink water instead of champagne but they'll find that out soon.

Candi: whaaaaat cookie you turning down champagne? That's not like you

I chuckle placing my hand on my stomach.

Na: you getting a thick over there sis. Not saying that your not thick but I see you picking up a lil weight.

"You trying to call me fat bitch" staring at Na waiting for her response

Na: *puts hands up* nah I'm just saying you picking up a lil weight. Gotta get you back in the gym soon that's all.

I shake my head rolling my eyes as Ashley retuned with our drinks. "Here you go ladies. Now are you y'all ready to order or need a minute" we'll go ahead and order. Taking our orders she headed back towards the kitchen.

"You know what Na I think I'm perfectly fine sis, besides meek ain complaining" *sipping her water*

Titi: we of course his not complaining Nic. He like his woman thick *chuckles*

I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or what but I was starting to get aggravated with them.

Chitchatting among ourselves our food finally arrived. My mouth watered looking at my two plates full of food.

Candi: damn cookie, all that food. You must missed a meal last night? *taking a bite into her pancakes*

I started eating not saying anything. Boy I was really getting emotional for no ass reason.

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