My babies

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Same day


Nicki POV

I've been in labor for four hours and I just turned 5 centimeters. Boy were they coming slow. Katherine fixed me a glass of chipped ice to eat to make them move down faster. I'm guessing it was slowly working because I was slowly dilating. Everyone became hungry and left me here by myself with the midwife.

I became annoyed as to why they'd leave me while I'm in labor to go get food like food is more important than my babies. I looked up and jumped seeing meek coming downstairs. "Baby you scared me, I thought you left with everyone to get something to eat" I say as he made his way over to the couch lifting the covers getting under with me"

"Oh nah baby. Why would I leave you here when you need me. Besides we in this together. I'm in labor too baby" he says scooting closer to me. I laugh at him lightening up my mood. "Aww babyyyy..... See this is why I love you" I say turning my head kissing those sweet juicy lips that I love.

"Love you too ma. And besides I did eat a sandwich upstairs in the room tho baby" he says getting comfortable wrapping his arms around me. " well that's good! At least you ate baby. Better not have left no gyawtdamn crumbs in our bed though" I say looking back at him crunching my ice loud as fuck.

"I didn't baby and can you chill with all that damn crunching in my ear baby" he says sitting up. "Meek shut...... FUCK!" I scream grabbing his hand squeezing my eyes tight. DAMN..... Ssssssss my gawd! I breathe in and out slowly as the contraction passes.

"Damn baby you good? Wish I can take the pain away and put it on me but that's impossible. Ion like seeing you in so much pain baby, maybe we should've just done a hospital birth instead. That way you'd be drugged up, numb, and relaxed getting some sleep. There's no way you can sleep through that" he says rubbing my thighs.

"You're absolutely right but I didn't want to be drugged meek. I wanted an all natural birth that we BOTH agreed to baby. We're here now there's no turning back" I say laying back closing my eyes. "I know but I just..... Ion know I don't like seeing you in all this pain baby that's all I'm saying" he says flipping through channels.

"And I know that baby but I'm fine. It's all worth it in the end when we're finally holding our beautiful baby girls" I say slowly dozing off. All this pain is making me so tired. "Well I see you dozing so try and take a nap if you can baby. I'll be right here when you wake up" he says kissing my cheek. "Love you too" was the last thing I said before drifting off.

Meek POV

Nicki been sleep for Almost 2 hours. I'm guessing the contractions died down some. It was now 4:20pm suddenly Nicki jumped up outta her sleep screaming "MEEK MEEK GET UP GET UHHHHP! SHIT this shit hurts baby" she says grabbing my hand. "Pass me that bucket I feel like I'm about to throw up" she says crying and shaking. Giving her the bucket she threw up.

Didn't really have much color due to her eating ice but it sure was a lot. Katherine came over to check her blood pressure to make sure it hasn't gotten high. It was normal and so were the babies so we were good. She also checked to see how many centimeters she was and she was now 8 due to her puking. She puked because she had 2 contractions come through.

Laying her back putting the covers on her the front door opened with our moms coming in. "Everyone else went home and said they'd be back with the twins arrive" Kathy said sitting down with carol right behind her.

Nicki POV

"How you feeling baby" my mom asks as I eat more ice chips. "Like dog crap" I say trying not to slip up in front of her. "I'm 8 centimeters now. When I'm nine I'm going to go upstairs and get in the pool. Katherine up there now filling it up with warm water" I say sitting up preparing myself for the next contraction.

"I think I'm gone head on up there now baby come on before this next contraction hits" I say getting up heading towards the stairs with meek following behind. Slowly making it half way up the steps my 9th contraction came and it came hard.

I stopped leaning over the rail grabbing it while holding Meeks hand. I began to cry and shake at how painful this was. "OOOOH SHIT! Meek I fucking HATE YOU so fucking much right now. DAMMIT. *crying* this hurts so bad baby" I say calming down a bit as it passed.

As we made it up Katherine was there waiting. "Ok ready to get in the pool sweetie" she says taking my hand leading me in the bedroom. "Yes! I'm so ready to push them out already cuz this freaking HURTS" I say dropping my yoga pants keeping my sports bra on getting in the warm water.

I instantly sat back and relaxed as the warm water took over my body. The pain definitely eased up. "You know you could've been got in there and relieved some of that pain sweetie. All you had to do was let me know and I would've set it up for you" she says placing a cold washcloth on my head.

"If I would've known I would have" I say a little annoyed because she could've told me this earlier. "Well here we go baby no turning back now you ready" he ask as I nod my head. "Ok I'm starting to feel a contraction Katherine. I'm ready t-to p-p-PUSHHHHHH SHIT!!!" I say squeezing down on Meeks hand. I know it's probably half broke by now but he's been here being the best husband in the world.

As the contraction passed Katherine came to check me first before I started to push. "Oh my I see hair. The babies head slowly pushing out. You can reach down and touch her head if you want" she said as I positioned myself to push. "Ohh nooooo I just want her OUT!" I practically yell.

"Ok Hun on the count of 3 I want you to push and hold it for 10 seconds then relax. Ready? 1....2....3 PUSH!!! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1. Relax" she says as I relax breathing in and out. After three more 10 counts the first baby was half way out. "Oh shit baby she almost here keeping pushing baby you doing good" meek says kissing my sweaty forehead.

"Alright again 1......2.....3 PUSH!!!! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 she's out. Baby A" she says as I hear Ayan's powerful cries. I cried even harder causing me to push even more harder with Rihyan. After two 10 counts she was out.

Ayan Gabriella Williams: born Friday September 30th 2016 @ 6:02pm weighed 6 lbs and 14oz

Rihyan Isabella Williams: born Friday September 30th 2016 @ 6:05pm weighed 6 lbs 18oz

"We did it baby they're finally here" meek says kissing my lips wiping my forehead and tears.

"I know baby. Still gotta push out the after birth tho" I say as he scrunched his face up. "The placenta baby. I no longer need it" I giggle "oh. Didn't Kim Kardashian eat hers or some shit" he asks "yup like ew YUCK!" I say as Katherine came over helping me push out both placentas.

She then fixed me up down there cleaning me up. I put on some underwear and a pad to catch the blood that was still flowing. Should stop in a few days. Then i put some more yoga pants on. She checked my blood pressure and temperature. My blood pressure was up a little but that was due to the contractions. Everything else looked good.

She cleaned the babies handing them to meek and I naked. They both were sleep so couldn't see their eyes. Both had head full of hair. They're so identical that we couldn't tell them apart but the unique thing about them was that they both had a birthmark on their thigh. Ayan's on her right while Rihyan's on her left.

"Their so beautiful baby girl" my mom says walking in with Kathy behind her. "Meek why don't your babies have any clothes on yet boy" Kathy says. I giggle. "They were just born and besides I wanted to take a naked picture of them before I dress and breastfeed them mom" I say laying them down putting Ayan on top of Rihyan. I took our professional camera and took their picture.

"Awwww look meek. Their so cute" I say showing him the pictures.

Meek: My babies

They're heeeeere!!!! Congrats omeekaaaaaa. Meek will be showing Nicki the gift he had in the small bag he had got last week during the baby shower. Hmmmmm wonder what it could be👀👀👀👀

Anywho excuse errors, thanks for reading!!!!!


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