Chapter 9: Sneaking Out

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I had Daniel drop me off a block away from Katie's house. I love Mrs. Jill but I can't have her knowing that a boy dropped me off at her house, it'd get back faster to my mom than I could even throw a back tuck! I sigh, my stomach is in knots. I really hate lying in general, but I don't know how I'm gonna pull of lying to Mrs. Jill. I prepare myself to walk in through those doors, but really nothing could prepare me for this.

"Good evening AnnieBannanie, KatieCat is downstairs in the basement with Brennan & Liv! Dinner will be ready in an hour! Love ya sweet pea!"

"Love ya too Mrs. Jill! Thanks for having me over!"

I felt like I was gonna throw up from that one conversation. Not only had I lied to a woman who's basically my second mom, but I did it so nonchalantly. I was almost disgusted with myself. I needed to calm myself down so I walked to the restroom to splash water on my face & gain composure. BAD IDEA. I'd forgotten that it was the middle of winter & the water that first comes out the faucet is literally ice cold. I gasp, as it takes my breath away.

"Hey, you okay?"

It was Brennan, of course it him. Out of all the people in the house it just had to be him.

"Yeah I'm fine. What are you doing up here? Your mom said you were downstairs?"

"Yeah but then I heard stomping & figured you were here, ya know."

Brennan was such an ass. He always knew exactly how to piss me off in .05 seconds.

"That's actually really rude. It reminds me why I never liked you back."

Maybe that was harsh, but I needed some fire to throw back. Brennan once liked me but I didn't like him back. It always irked him when I used it against him, but most of the time it was necessary to throw in his face.

"I always pegged you for a bratty gymnast but never a bitchy one!"

"Oh bite me Brennan. You'll get over it soon, or maybe you won't. I mean after all it has been 4 years!"

Brennan rolls his eyes & immediately slams the door to his room. I really didn't care to spare his feelings, he was being rude so why wouldn't I be rude back? You get what you give!

I walk downstairs to see Katie & Liv watching college gymnastics on the TV. I couldn't escape gymnastics no matter how hard I tried, it literally was life. Sometimes I wish we'd be normal & watch a regular movie or something, maybe one day.

"Hey girls!"

"Yay Annie, you're here! I missed you! I lava you!"

"Oh hi Annie!"

"I lava you too Kate! Hey Liv, it's been forever!"

"That's because you're always busy with school & your new boy toy."

I blush.
"Oh hush, he's just a friend. You know that."

"Oh well that sounds like fun. Yeah it's been a while. I've been busy.. With stuff."

Liv seemed strange. She started to fidget around & the tone in her voice changed, why was she being so damn weird with me?

"Yeah, Annie's gonna be here for dinner & then take off to her "friend's" house. If ya know what I mean."

Katie busts out into a loud laugh, almost like a hyena. She cracks herself up, seriously. I let out a nervous laugh & look down at my phone. Liv kind of just sat there & didn't give a response.

"Oh well, we should probably finishing watching this. Besides you'll be leaving soon anyway. I'm just ready for dinner."

"Yeah me too! When we come back down Annie, go out these doors. The basement is off limits to the family for the night so it'll just be me & Liv down here when you get back."

"Gotcha! You da best D! This is why I lava you!"

We share a hug & throw ourselves back onto the couch to finish watching the collegiate meet. Oh how I so wish that were me competing for UT or LSU. I couldn't wait for that moment to be mine. Victory was close, I could almost taste it!

"Dinner is ready! Come get it while it's hot!
You snooze you lose! I love y'all
but hurry your behinds up!"

Mrs. Jill never failed to make me laugh. On the way up to dinner I felt kind of bad for being so rude to Brennan, but he really did deserve it. I refuse to swallow my pride just so he can feel better about himself.

Dinner feels like it couldn't go by fast enough. I feel like a pig full of food. I seriously wanna barf right now. I couldn't wait to see Daniel, I just wanna be back in his arms again. I love the moments that I get to spend with just him.

Finally dinner is over, I immediately text Daniel:
Dinner is done. Come get me ASAP!

The girls & I walk back downstairs. I grab my things & tell Katie I'll be back by morning. I told her if I wasn't back by morning to tell her mom I went home early so I could go workout. I was kind of pleased with how well my lying has gotten. I said bye to Katie & Liv, walked out the door & down the block. I anxiously awaited for Daniel to text.

Daniel text:
I see your cute butt! Coming to get you right now.

He drives up & I hop into the car. Finally, I get to spend the whole night with him without getting interrupted. I've been wanting this for so long & now it's happening! He grabs my thigh & squeezes it. He leans in to kiss me, only this time it was different. He rammed his tongue into my mouth & lets just say it was like a soggy piece of bread.

"What the hell Daniel? What was that?"

"What was what? Oh you mean this!"

He does it again!

"It's called a French-kiss. You'll learn to love it eventually."

"Well it's weird, so let's not."

"Um yeah, whatever."

I swear he took off so fast in the car that we got to the apartment in less than two minutes. Time seemed to fly by so quickly. My heart was racing, I didn't know what to expect from any of this. This was all so new to me. My stomach is in a whirl. I can't believe this is happening to me, little plain Jane  Annie on a date with a boy at his apartment.

This was it. This was the birth of the new & improved Annie. No one & nothing can stop me now!

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