Chapter 27: WTH, Mary?

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I can't believe what just went on. First, Coach Mary was missing which turns out she was in the pit. Second, we find her & claims to be okay but yet she left the gym. & third, Kim is now emotionally sobbing into Coach Nate's arms worrying about Mary because she won't pick up the phone. I'm flustered, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to think. I love Mary, but why? Why now of all times to storm out? A week before our big state meet? This isn't going to end well & I know it.

A half hour passes & Kim finally calms down & calls both mine & Katie's mom back to the gym. Today was supposed to be about me, but clearly things have changed. Our team is sitting on the gym floor, without any coaches, trying to figure out what the hell just went on.

"What's going on Annie? Why is Mare being so weird?" Amanda asks. I can feel everyone looking at me even though I'm not looking up. Everyone expects me to know these answers because I'm staying with Kim. (Which I guess by default means I know the 411 of the drama, but I don't!) "I.. I don't know. I don't talk to Mary or Kim about their drama. My life has enough drama on its own." I can hear scoffs & mumbles from the other girls, it's annoying. "I doubt that you don't know what's going on Annie, but you know, whatever just lie to your teammates!" Amanda has this crazed look in her eyes as she tells me this. I don't know why she's coming at me when I haven't done anything to her. "That's enough of this! Do not ask questions & do not blame anyone for anything Amanda. 30 minute run now! You KNOW this isn't how we talk to our teammates!" It was like heaven sent Kim to save me before I word vomitted things I shouldn't be saying! Amanda complains under her breath as she takes off running, everyone looks stunned. Kim was usually the more laid-back coach, we seriously can do no wrong in her eyes, well except this time. "Anyone want to join her?" Everyone shakes their heads 'no' in unison. "That's what I thought, now ALL of you go join her. After the 30 minutes are up, practice is over! Be ready for the meet tomorrow, see you at 9 AM sharp!"

The 30 minute run seemed like it was never-ending. Staring at the clock only makes it worse, time keeps standing still. My chest tightens & I become faint, we aren't even 15 minutes into the run. I lose my breath & collapse. Kim shouts, "Shit — Fuck — Ugh, stop running, all of you!" Everyone stops dead in their tracks. "Practice is over! Don't forget to eat breakfast tomorrow, it's the last meet before states! I'm sorry about today!" She then leaves the gym without saying another word. Everyone runs out the gym & to the school room to call their parents to go home, except Katie. I see her running at me as I lay on the ground. "Are you okay? Are you okay?" I nod my head, I still can't catch my breath.

After what feels like an eternity, Katie helps me up & walks me over to the water fountain. "Thanks Kate, I think I just pushed too hard." I take a long drink of water & we make our way into the viewing room. She ever so kindly grabs our things & waits with me. "Our moms are probably hanging out together & that's why they're late!" Kate says as she laughs. We giggle because we know it's probably true; our moms were ALWAYS together!

Kim comes out from wherever she was hiding at. "Sorry about the run, I just I'm flustered. I don't know what's going on with Mary. Well I know a little bit, but not much. I'm waiting on your moms to get here to talk with them." Her eyes are swollen & red, her face is too, you can tell she's genuinely concerned. "I've called her & text her so many times but she won't respond. No one knows anything. I've called her mom, her sisters, even Luke!" The mention of his name makes her roll her eyes.

"Heya ladies!" Mrs. Jill says chipper as ever, with a smile on her face. She takes on look at Kim & it instantly goes away. My mom doesn't seem to notice as she was clogged them walking in when Jill nudged her to stop. "Thank gosh, you're both here. I need to talk. In private, please." Both moms nod their heads & quickly become concerned. "Kate, Annie, try to get some school work done. I don't know how long we'll be." Katie & I reluctantly grab our bags & make our way into the school room as our moms & Kim go into the office & shut the door.

"What do you think that's all about?" Katie asks. "I honestly don't know, I mean I have some speculations but nothing solid, you know? Kim & I don't really talk about Mary." I know somethings I probably shouldn't, I know things others probably will never know. It's so hard for me to keep quiet about such crazy things that are going on. It's even harder for me to keep them a secret from Katie. "I just wanna know why practice has been cancelled or cut early almost every day this week. I don't want to sound bratty but we have a meet tomorrow & none of us are prepared." She's right, we aren't prepared. "I don't think I can do this!" Katie begins to sob. She cares more about gymnasts than anything in the world, aside from her pigs. "Stop Kate, you'll be fine. You always manage to kick ass. You're a rockstar at meets, you'll be okay!" I squeeze her into a hug & reassure my friend of her greatness.

An hour has passed & we can't hear anything. "Let's go spy, I need to know what's happening!" Katie somehow convinces me to stop doing my work & attempt to spy on the situation. We carefully tip toe over to the office & lean against the door to try & hear what's happening. I whisper, "we've got to keep quiet. No talking from here on out. If you hear them approaching the door, RUN!" She nods her head & we go back to snooping. It's hard to hear the muffled voiced through the door but all we heard clearly was, "I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't. I think it's time I end things now!"

Katie looks back at me, we're shocked. We hear footsteps, or so we thought, & hauled ass back to the school room. "What do you think that was!?" Was Kim talking about Dan? Or Mary? What about leaving Maryland? Leaving us? Leaving me? I assume the worst & I'm crushed. I can't help but get emotional, "I don't know Kate. But, I can't lose Kim, too.." Katie is visibly sad & hides her face into her hands. I shut my eyes & feel warm tears streaming down my face. I can't believe I'm losing someone so close to me again..

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