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I'm always open to new things, so don't be affraid to alert me on an awsome anime or cartoon that I haven't seen yet. Also, don't be affraid to request a review/list/ship/other things you want me to do, I will be glad to help. 

First requests

If you want me to watch and/or review something, you have to make sure this information is in your comment: 
-Name of the cartoon/ anime (which episode)
-Why you want me to watch/ review it.

-What it is about. (2-5 sentences) 
-What kind of review I should make (list/review/ship etc.) 

You can also send me a PM, if you like that better.

Second recommendations

You can always ask me for help, when you just don't know what to watch anymore. I love watching series and know quite a lot of them, so I'll probably be able to help you out. This is what I want to know if you want a recommendation:


-Is age a point? (I'm not going to give you an anime for adults if you don't want to watch those. XP)

-Any other things? (CGI, traditional, animals or only people?)

Third theories 

If you have any theories I should review, leave this in the comments:

-Which show? (episodes)

-The theorie in detail
-The evidence

-Any counterarguments against the theorie? 

THIS IS THE ONLY CHAPTER I WILL TAKE REQUESTS FROM!!! But you can also send me a PM if you want. Other requests and recommendations will be ignored. Keep that in mind and then now.... have fun!

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