fandom random: just want to write something

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I finaly finished Baccano! and it was great. It was really confusing at first,  but super awesome once the pieces finaly fit together. All the characters are very original and I have like four favorite characters;  jaccuzi splot, firo, miria and Isaac. The only characters I had a problem with were ennis and hue,  because they were a bit similar in design. you've done a good job designing your characters if you can make me remember most in just 16 episodes.

I'm probably going to see sausage party in the cinema again next week. I've watched it already,  but it's always better on the big screen.

Last but not least;  I'm definetly Hamilton trash now. I wanna see that musical so badly! Why don't we have good musicals in the Netherlands?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about watch this:

Oh, I forgot to say: pearl as the repressed nerd is great. Yes, I saw last one out of beach city.

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