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I will be working with different topics so I will split them into smaller devisions:

Here I will review an episode or serie and tell you my personal opinion. I will also tell you what I think will happen to the story next/tell you what I think about the conclusion.

Here I will rank different things, such as my favorite animes or my favorite ships. These are my personal opinions and I will explain shortly why I chose them.

Sailed ships:

Here i will talk about different ships, what I think of them and what my ships are.

Fandom Random:
Random thoughts about my fandoms and more randomness. Bassically everything that doesn't fit into another devision.

I will talk about popular, less popular and my own theories about animes and cartoons. We will discuss the evidence and give the theorie a ranking.

* When this is for a chapter, it means the chapter will include massive spoilers, so your not recommended to read it, if you want to watch the serie or haven't finished it yet. 

Feel free to discuss the topics in the comments below, but keep it decent please. That means no bullying, no hate (just love) and no rude comments.

Fandom random (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now