review: No evil

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I discovered an awesome webseries today and immediately bingwatched it. It's called No evil and is the story of a few spirits who try to stop an evil force that turns everything into some sort of black stone. That may sound very vague and I agree. It has a pretty vague plot and I still don't really get it, but you don't really mind, because it's awesome anyway.

The characters names are really hard to pronounce and remember, because a lot of them are based of folklore. However,  this doesn't mean that they're not memorabele. On the contrary: They are very unique and really stand out. What is weird, is that I don't really have a favorite character. Everyone is special in their own way and has different abilities. For example: you have this bunny who can shapeshift and is really good at making people do things for her, but because people treat her like that,  she can be really bitchy sometimes. You also have this bird who is a real nerd, but everyone respects him anyway and he fails to see that people accept him the way he is already. I can talk about all of these characters for hours,  but I'd suggest you just watch it yourself.

The animation isn't that spectaculair, but it serves it's purpose and it's the best you'll get for a webseries. The designs aren't that complex,  but stand out enough and the quality of the backgrounds just vary.

The voice-acting isn't really that great. Especially in the beginning. A lot of the characters talk really fast and some have a very thick accent (like the fox). This makes it hard to understand some lines, even if you're a native. It gets better while the series goes on though.

One of the most impressive things about this series is that it is a webseries. It's the only high-quality series with more than 10 episodes that isn't produced by a major channel like rooster teeth or cartoon hangover. Most people who start animating a webseries stop producing after 3 episodes, because they're not interested in the story anymore,  they don't have the time or they do other things. I have so much respect for these producers, because I know that I could never do it. What helps is that the length of the episodes vary,  so there is less pressure on the animators to animate long episodes against their will. It doesn't effect the story that much and it isn't a big problem if you watch a lot of them in a row.

One of the last things I would like to point out is the importance of folklore in this series. Like about the fox and the grapes and the episodes that takes inspiration from the turtle and the hare. The coolest thing is that these are often the things that trigger major plot events and help the story progress.

I hope you liked this review and hopefully you'll give it a try, because I haven't met anyone yet who has heard of it, let alone watched it. Have a good day and I'll see you next time!

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