List: Animated youtube series that should be aired on tv

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Everyone has been complaining lately that some tv channels are lazy and only producing only cheap kidsshows such as Johnney test, Sangai and Craig and Uncle Grandpa. Now, this isn't treu at all. We've got shows like Steven Universe, Star vs the forces of evil and Gravity falls. With one thing I have to agree though: they are lazy. Sometimes the channels will go to the deep corners of youtube to find some ideas for new shows. So was breadwinners born. Ugh... I agree that it is a terrible show with a terrible premise, but complaining won't change that. That's why I made this list: to show those lazy channels that there are far more interesting shows to find on the web, worth producing. Please, tell me in the comments if there are any things that you miss in this list and then now: 10 animated youtube series that should be aired on tv.

I'm not including fanseries of animated or life action series, since these creators have visual refrences to work with. I will include series from books, since these only give discriptions of characters. Also, don't expect to see shortfilms here, since that is a list for another day. This list may change in the future due to change of opinion or a new favorite.

10. SSS warrior cats fananimation - SSS

Let's start of with the only serie based on a bookseries on my list and might I add; one of my favorite bookseries. This might trouble my ability to critize it a bit, but let me have my fun okay? Every episode of this series consists of three parts and as far as I know they are at episode 3 part 2. Every part is about 8 minutes long, which makes the lenght of this series impresive, since it is a fananimation. It follows the books well, in my opinion, while also adding some new details. The animation is not flawless, but what do you expect from a serie like this?  It has a lot of anime influence and has a Japanese sub, but is spoken in English. I really like it.

9. Zoophobia - Vivziepop

Zoophobia was originaly created as an internetcomic, but has expended far beyond that, since its maker has also created tons of animated video's with the characters from the comic in it. Although the story is abit vague, the backgrounds and characters are very colorful and original. That's why I choose to include it in this list. 

8. Belle & Tina are Time Travelers - OnlyLeigh

This is just geek gold!!! So much references and humor! Belle is just me in every way; Doctor Who obsession, periods, sarcasm that is taken to seriously and more. If you like geeky animation you should watch all of OnlyLeigh's shorts because they're amazing. Also, the themesong was made by TheLivingTombstone which makes it definitely worth watching even if you don't like geek stuff. (But seriously if you don't; what are you doing in this book?) This series is aproved by Steve and you know; Steve is the coolest in all of Steve's country. 

7. The saga of rex: The animated film project - michel gagné

Oh I love this animation soooo much. The animation is colorful, vivid, original and a rollercoaster of emotions, despite having no talking. The music deserves some notice too. It is what gives the animation life. Rex is easily my favorite fox-character ever. I like him better than Foxie (FNAF), Vivzie's fox and probably even Nick Wilde. I mean; look at him! He's just so cute.

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