*theorie: rwby character influences: part 3: villains and supporting characters*

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Finaly,  the last part of my first rwby theorie. This begins to be more of a rwby fanbook isn't it? O well, I'll end this theorie/ speculation quickly.

Let me begin with my favorite villain: roman torchwick. I personally think that he's based on the fox of pinnichio. His helper neo.... I don't know,  she seems to fight in a circus like theme,  but I really don't know.

As I Said earlier; Adam taurus is based on the beast from Belle and the beast.

Mercury is probably based on hermes from greek mythologie.  Or someone just really likes Marvel again.

Cinder fall.... I don't really now either. her name could be refering to Cinderella, but it seems unlikely that she has anything else to do with that character.

Then emerald. Her name refers to her haircolor, but we don't know anything about her backstory. Her semblance is the ability to create illusions, what could refer to fata morgana ' s. That combined with her thieving skills makes me think She's based on aladin.

Who else do we have?

O right. Penny. She seems to be based on Pinocchio; hiccuping everytime she lies. She's not a real girl,  but she wants to be and her swords are controlled by what seems to be strings.

San seems to be based of aladin, as his thieving skills are also pretty good and he has a monkey tail.

Neptune is a funny one, his name is the same as the name of the God of the sea, but he's affraid of water. His weapon uses electricity; so that could be based of either thor or zeus.

I don't know Who everyone is based of in velvet's team, but Coco adel is obviously based on the Brand Coco Chanel.

Everyone in team cardinal seems to be based of a bird and neon katt from team FNKI is based of nyan cat as she leaves a rainbowcolored trial as she skates and has a cat tail.

Most characters that I haven't listed here, have unclear references and are hard to speculate about since there is little to no information on them. I also may have completely forgotten some characters! Tell me in the comments which ones I've missed!

Lastly I want to list some references for grimm:

Beowolf: werewolves.
Ursa: latin name for bear.
King taijitu: seems to be based of ying and yang.
Nevermore: seems to be based of the huge birds hercules had to take down, so greek mythologie.
Goliath: named after the giant by the same name that was taken down by David in the bible.
Griffons: based on the mythical creatures with the same name.
Grimm dragon: it's just a huge dragon guys.

That was your daily portion of rwby for today! Next time I'll list the official references as stated on the Wikipedia page, see you next time!

That was your daily portion of rwby for today! Next time I'll list the official references as stated on the Wikipedia page, see you next time!

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