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Hi. I had an idea for a story and I'd thought I'd post the preview here. So, enjoy. Or not.

Vale looked down at the figure sitting nervously against the wall. Fidgeting.

They know nothing, the shadows chanted from behind Vale. He rolled his eyes. The shadows were known to be unreasonable. After all, they mimicked the humans who were idiotic enough to step out into light. Darkness was much better. Although demons like Vale had no shadow, he was now perched in the windowsill of a broken house, the moonlight faintly illuminating his slender, lithe features.

A woman opened the door going into the building from the dark alley and stepped out. She escorted the figure inside. Now that she'd taken her hood off, Vale realized she was a girl. Brown hair spilled in front of her eyes.

Suddenly the door was opened yet again and the girl was seemingly shoved out of the room. She fell to the floor, and even from way up in the windowsill Vale could feel the frustration radiating off of her.

"Why am I never good enough?!" She shouted, more to herself than anything.

The chattering of the shadows grew louder, and Vale snapped. "Silence!" He hissed, fury glinting in his eyes. The shadows backed away, quieting down. Demons could be extremely dangerous when provoked, and Vale was no exception. Even the shadows knew this.

"Who's there?" The girl picked up her head, mildly interested.

Cursing silently in his brain, Vale didn't reply.

"I heard you," she persisted, standing up and brushing dust off of her jacket. "Who's there?"

"Your worst nightmare."

Darek. Vale frowned. Darek was supposed to be at home, his shift wasn't until later. Unfortunately, the little shadow-bile was here.

"Darek, what are you doing here?" Said Vale, his soft voice nevertheless carrying across the alley.

"Ah, Vale. An old friend. Fellow demon. Whatever you are, I expected you here."

"What? Demons?" Repeated the girl, eyes wide with fear and confusion.

"She can see through the Veil," murmured Vale, sounding surprised. The gift was extremely rare among humans.

"Yes, Vale, right you are. She will die. We do not need another human with that gift. The Justice will not accept it."

The girl backed up. "D-Die?"

"Darek, stop. She knows too much."

"Vale, what does it matter? She'll be dead soon enough anyways."

Darek stepped out of the shadowy alley, the flickering lightbulb above giving his face an eerie look. He grinned, his eyes quickly turning black with a white pupil.

"Darek, no-"

"Goodbye, human!" cackled Darek, and just as he moved in for the kill, Vale chose that moment to unfurl his wings and swooped down to save her.

Darek screamed in rage, but the cool, refreshing night air drowned him out. Vale sighed softly, enjoying the wind on his feathers and the feel of stretching them out after being cooped up for so long.

But then he had to deal with the silent but terrified girl he was holding. She looked so shocked and scared her lips were moving but no sounds were coming out.

"I'm going to take you away."

Vale positioned his lips right next to her ear so the wind wouldn't drown out his quiet voice. He irritatedly spat out a strand of brown hair.

"No! You can't! I have school...and, and a family-"

"Who doesn't care for you. I heard you in the alley."

She looked stumped. "But-"

"That idiot Darek told you too much. I have to present you to the Justice. They'll either let you into the community after injecting you with blood of one of....our kind," Vale said, careful not to mention they were demons just yet, although she already probably knew. He continued. "To make you a bit more like us. Or they'll chop off your head in front of everyone."

The girl looked mortified. "Uh...Vale? That's your name, right? Mine's Jayce."

(A/N it's pronounced Jaycee with an e sound at the end. Like how you would say the letter c. Or the name of Mike's fiancé.)

Vale nodded.

"Um, okay. So, will you vouch for me in the Justice or whatever? And do I get to choose who I get the blood from?"

"Yes. And usually it will be from the person that brought you there, which will be me."

Jayce nodded. "Um, where are you taking me?"

Vale almost smiled. "A secluded place far, far away. And no, I'm not a pervert."

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