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I have been thinking about how fun last summer was.

I mean, sure, we had our fights, but we always got over then. I remember that we laughed till our sides hurt, roleplayed into the night until our eyes stung, and made adorable ship drawings. I made so many good friends, and I matured a lot as well.

That's right - I'm talking about DC.

I know I said I left. I won't deny that. And I thought it would help to be away from all of the drama, but recently I found almost all of my friends on separate social site thingies, so does it really matter? Besides, I am getting to the point where I have matured so I won't be so...bleh.

If you don't see where I am going here, well...I am considering joining DC again.

I am not going to join on a whim. I will think heavily about this for a while before fully deciding. I'll make a list of pros and cons, etc.

One good thing is that I can post art without the annoying Wattpad blehness. I get virtual money if my doodle gets enough likes, so yeah.

Another helpful thing is that I can contact my friends. Until Icee told me, I had no idea Dark and Choco had Kik. Dashie and Chase don't have Wattpad or Kik that I know of.

One negative thing is that it may have drama. I know drama was mainly caused by me, and I made everyone feel like crap. But I am going to try really hard to not do those things, so hopefully I can be a happy lil cinnamon roll.

(Or Icee-Loves-Tea and Choco_Chocoholic a sinnamon roll)

All things aside, I made some freaking amazing friends from DC, friends that I think about every day.

So, few people that read this, what do you think?

*and, having left the conversation on a mysterious note, Fade magically floated out of the room*

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