Random Story That Has No Meaning Whatsoever

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I am going to tell you that this story is extremely strange and weird and random things will happen out of nowhere. Enjoy at your own risk.

Fade spun around in the office chair. "Weeeeeeeeeee!"

"Fade, what are you doing...?" Jasper turned a page in her book.

Fade threw her hands up. "I HAVE NO IDEA!"

C poked her head in. "SHUT UP!"



Jasper sighed. "How about you all shut up so I can enjoy my book."

C frowned and walked away. Fade crossed her legs and played with her sweatshirt.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Jasper looked up again, startled. "N-No. Why would I?"

"Oh." Fade randomly started petting a cat that magically appeared in the office. Vale watched from on top of the desk.

Gale laid down on the floor. "I'm bored."

"Can I jump on your stomach?"

Gale glared at Fade. "No."

"Why not?"


"Good one, Gale, you should be a lawyer," Jasper murmured.

"Goodbye." Gale sat up and left the office.

Fade turned around. "Vaaaaale?"


"Can I boop your nose?"


"You people are boring." Fade hugged the cat, and he purred. "At least you're nice."

Here's where it starts getting weird.

Suddenly John Green appeared in the middle of the room and started shooting TFIOS books everywhere. "DIE AUGUSTUS DIIIIEEEEEEEE!"

The cat hissed and blew John Green off the face of the earth. All of the heartbroken Augustus lovers cheered, "JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!" Then they egged Monica's car. Katniss shot arrows at it, and Tobias floated around eating Dauntless cake. Percy drowned all of the mean authors and Harry Stupefied them into space. Fade cheered and Jasper hung her head and sighed.

"I am surrounded by a bunch of idiots," Vale said. A bunch of angry fangirls charged Vale and he was never seen again. Jasper, C and Gale were smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

"I WISH I WAS A PEACE OF CHEEEEEESSSEEEEEEEEE!" Random characters from various fandoms started pouring out of a portal.

Then the earth was swallowed by a black hole and everyone died.

The end.

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