What If Challenge

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My best friend Icee-Loves-Tea created this challenge, where we have to write about the following situations. Mine are:

1) If I was proposed to by true love
2) If all of your ocs appeared in your room
3) If someone tried to kidnap you
4) If the Internet went down permanently

Uh, I tag

AwesomeCat27 haha

With the following:

1) If Nico appeared in your room
2) If a zombie apocalypse happened
3) If you got to meet your favorite YouTuber

Okay, here we go! :3

1) If I was proposed to by true love

Fell landed on a tall, red dirt mountain overlooking a lake. Sand spilled down into it over a beach. The sunset was reflected in the waves, a brilliant mix of magenta, orange and red. Seagulls and pelicans soared overhead. It was beautiful.

"Wow," I breathed. Fell smiled.

"There was a reason I brought you out here."

"And what is said reason?"

Fell scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He kept fidgeting - messing with the strings on his hoodie, sticking his hands in his pockets, messing with his hair.

"Uh..." He put a hand on my cheek, and I blushed.

"We've been together for so long, and I really do love you...People have always been somewhat reluctant to let me in, but you're different. You totally abandoned your dignity and reputation for me. And I love you for it."

"But most people want an extremely attractive toothpick in their lives," I protested.

Fell chuckled and hugged me, rocking me back and forth. I could see our sillouhettes against the hill on the other side. "I love your sarcastic wit, and the way you constantly insult Furius in other languages is just...beautiful."

"I try. Google Translate helps."

"And I...I think it's time that we...we have something that shows us together." Fell let go of me and knelt down, opening a small box, with a little diamond on it.

"W-Will you marry me, Fade?"

Being myself, I screamed and tackled him to the ground, yelling, "YES!"

2). If all of your ocs appeared in your room

I carried my backpack to my room and pushed open the door.

And there were people in there.

Jasper sat against my bed, staring at the floor. Cressida and Gale were taking turns spinning in my chair. Vale was awkwardly sitting on my bed. Sadie leaned against the wall, admiring her katana. Error watched nervously from inside the closet. Callie and Logan were talking in front of the door.


Then I fell over dead.

3) If someone tried to kidnap me.


I looked up to see a man in a black jacket and dark jeans, his white wife beater shirt stained with liquor. He grinned evilly, and my heart started pounding.

"Hi." I looked down at my book and resumed my reading.

Suddenly he grabbed my arms, forcing me in front of him. I them screamed as loud as I could. I was, after all, very good at that.

I suddenly flopped on the floor like I was dead. Surprised, he let go, and I took the chance to throw all of the books at him I could.

He ran off and I continued to read.

4). If the Internet went down permanently


A young Wyoming girl (nah who am I kidding I'm older than most of my friends) meets a Michigan girl via a chatting website. The two start up a conversation, and within two months they trust each other completely. Well, Fade does, anyway.

When the aliens take away the Wi-Fi, Fade is forced to find a way to get to Michigan, amidst end of world gangs, dystopian ruler aliens, and nearly all forms of transportation taken out.

Will Fade ever find her Internet friend? Or will she be lost to the aliens?

You know what I don't even know how to explain the last one. Don't ask.

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