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I started TFIOS on Friday and I swear I'm going to cry because my friend's little sister told me Augustus dies and I want to strangle her

Cause no

Augustus is hot


I feel awkward when people put the little squiggly thing ~ at the ends of sentences. I used to be a role player (I guess I still am *HINT HINT*) and ~ meant a perverted person is talking. "Hello, darling~" etc.

I guess that's just me.

M'kay then.


I love cats. They're graceful and pretty and...they're amazing. Like, dogs have this kind of...smell about them, y'know? But cats smell good, unless they've been in the wilderness for five years. Then they smell like a dog.

Cats aren't slobbery and don't hurt when they step on you. They don't weigh a lot and I can tell you firsthand my mom's Chihuahua weighs more than my overweight cat Whiskers.


People underestimate things too much.

Doctor: It might hurt a little bit.

Reality: It's gonna hurt like hell.

Computer: This download may take a while.

Reality: Grab a book and get comfy because it's going to take forever.

Waiter: Your order may take a bit.

Reality: Count the ceiling squares to pass the time.

Website: This product is a little pricey.

Reality: It costs a hundred thousand dollars, an arm and a leg, a laptop and Google.

Wattpad Author: Sorry for no updates, I've had a few things going on in my life.

Reality: I got two seconds today to say hello and there will never be any more updates in the future. Consider this book finished.


I'm actually too lazy to write anything and just now got the time and motivation to write something because it's better than algebra.

Fair Worker: This ride is on hold for a moment due to a small inconvenience.

Reality: A squirrel got its way into the machine and this isn't open for the rest of the night. Goodbye.

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