Felonade Oneshot

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This is actually more of a conversation between Fade and Furius with a little bit of Felonade at the end. I used references from a book in the HOO series for Furius.

Enjoy :3


I looked up, startled. I couldn't see the voice but I knew who it was.

"What do you want?"

Harsh. Oh, well. I suppose you'll always be hostile toward me.

"No duh," I muttered.

So, you, the squeaky toy, did the unthinkable. Wound up with my old partner in crime.

I considered telling him to go die in a hole. But, being the smart person I am, I pulled a Markiplier and yelled, "GO AWAY! NOBODY LIKES YOU!"

I would think you'd know better, Fade, he replied, spitting my name out like it was a slug. You've found true love after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?

"I doubt myself when I sing. Does that count?"

Perhaps. You are a squeaky toy, after all.

Ignoring his whimsical pet name for me, I shrugged. "Okay. But I know you don't visit Fade Squeaky Toy Le First for no reason. Spit it out, Dust Bunny."

Don't. Call. Me. Dust Bunny.

The temperature in the room dropped about ten degrees, and I thanked myself for bringing my hoodie. But I knew Furius was a powerful demon, however much of a nuisance he may be, so I threw any chance of me calling him Dust Bunny out the window.

Why do you love Fell?

"I'll tell you when you stop bugging Don."

You will tell me.

"Are you trying to use Jedi Mind Tricks on me? Seriously, dude?"

No, I am not. But you will tell me why you love him so much.

"Nope." I folded my arms.

He's disobedient. Untrustworthy. He will betray you when you trust him enough.

"So you did trust him after all."

No, I did not.

"Yes, because I know what happened between you and Fell. He left you because you are a freaking butthole."







I give up being nice.

"Since when are you nice?" I scoffed. "Ruthless, cruel, unwanted, I can understand. But nice?"

You will tell me. Suddenly hands clasped around my throat, squeezing. They were ice cold, but somewhat wispy. And the weird thing was, I wasn't being choked to death. I could still breathe totally fine, even though I felt the hands around my throat.

"Furius, hey, just a suggestion, do something else every time I refuse. If you choke me to death I can't exactly tell you."

The hands released and I scowled at thin air.


Don appeared in front of me, looking confused. "Wha- Fade?"

"Don?" I began, sounding much more clueless than I actually was. I had a very bad feeling about what was going to happen.

For every time you keep silent, you get to watch Don writhe in pain.

"Don? What-?" I began, just as Don doubled over, screaming out. He fell to the floor.

"Fade! Stop! Please! Why are you doing this?!" He looked up at me, confusion and pain in his white eyes.

"I'm not doing anything! He's doing it!"

Strike one. Now, Fade, what exactly made you attracted to Fell?

I hesitated. I knew he could use whatever I say against me, but I didn't want Don to suffer any more than he already had.

I decided to be selfless. There goes all my Abnegation points. I'll have to restock them later.

"I...Fell is sweet and caring, he hates you, he has a cat, he can fly, he is selfless, he's nice to Don after all you've put him through...he...loves me for who I am..." I curled my fists, ready to beat the crap out of this ghost. Even if that wasn't even possible.

I could see Don open mouthed on the floor, but it didn't look like he was in pain anymore.

Thank you for your time, he replied bitterly, and although I couldn't see it, the room turned brighter and happier.

"You and Fell are...together...?" Don tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. Before I could respond Fell burst through the door.

"Fade?! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah-" I started to say before he locked me in a bone-crushing hug. He may be skinny and slender, but that kid was strong.

"Oof! Fell..." I managed before he let go. He sighed, looking relieved.

"Is Donovan okay?"

"Yeah, Don's fine. Furius was being a butt and he attempted to suffocate me, but it didn't work. I couldn't feel it. Like, I could feel the pressure, but I could still breath fine. Anyways. He did something to Don and then I told him why I loved you."

Don stood up, looking like we had turned into deer. "Okay. You're a...couple now? That's got to be the weirdest thing I have ever heard."

"I guess you could say that." I smiled. "Why are you so surprised?"

"I don't know. I just...didn't see it coming." Don shrugged. "Have fun, you two." He backed away into the backstage room.

"So, uh..." Fell hugged me again, but gentler this time. He rested his chin on top of my head with no difficulty. I hugged him back, closing my eyes.

"Love you."

"Love you too- Don!"

I turned around, seeing a short flash of green hair disappearing into the door.

"Sorry! Just checking!"

I laughed. "I think he ships it."

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