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I was laying awake a few nights ago and suddenly a random idea popped into my head:

I wonder what Felonade child looks like.

I sighed and rolled over, trying to sleep. I was tired anyways.

He would have brown hair like Fade and gray eyes like Fell. But technically brown eyes and brown hair are more dominant genes but meh science doesn't really matter so brown hair and gray eyes it is.

Shut up! I thought. Why is my Fafr side taking over?


You know what, I'm done. I closed my eyes, rolling over and resting my chin on my hands.

I'll decide with Ice what his name is. He'll be tall like Fell but has wide shoulders like Fade. He's quiet and cautious, but can be really friendly and kinda sarcastic if he's in a good mood.

Cressimike child (Lucas) has blue eyes and blonde hair because blue eyes are more dominant and they both have blonde hair. He'll be somewhat tall - about medium height - and not slender, but not stocky either. Lucas is very friendly and kind, but he is a little shy.

Kasper child has black hair and purple eyes because why not. Jasper dyed her hair when she was eighteen so she originally had black hair and green eyes. She will be a bit short but not as short as Jasper. She has pale skin because Kacy is like a piece of paper and Jasper is kinda pale because she never goes oUTSIDE-

Jasper - "Hey.." >:l

Stop roleplaying in my head!


Kasper child is outgoing and friendly, and also kind of innocent.

Iceward child...

Ooh, that's a tough one.

Red skin, brown eyes, brown hair..?

I have been listening to you foolishly plan fictional children from fictional ships for the past half hour. And they haven't been that bad. But the Iceward child need to be redone.

Eh fine. Regular skin like Ice, white eyes and red hair?

Good enough.

He will be medium height with wide shoulders because both Ice and Edward are kinda stocky..

He can be kinda gruff but is mostly random and even bipolar like Ice.

Vale child! I have been looking forward to this one!

*Vox child not Vale child xD

Tall and slender, brown hair and blue eyes. He's sarcastic but wary of everything, and very resourceful.


Did you really have to yell that! I had left you in my subconscious to go and talk to yourself and then you yell "YAY!" right into my ear! I was just about to fall asleep!


You better be..

Jale child has brown hair and blue eyes. He's..meh, about medium height and medium width like Lucas. He's loud and sarcastic like Gale, but can be gentle and kind like Jasmine. He doesn't have wings (as of yet... *evil chuckling*)

I don't like the sound of that. Poor Jale child..

Everyone needs some suffering in their life. What is a good oc without a crippling backstory to follow?

You do make a good point.

Well, uh...

I don't know, Jose hasn't been developed enough yet. It's not even official yet, they haven't kissed.

Hmm what other ships am I missing..

Chasily is still kinda platonic...

Welp I think that's it y'all thanks for watching everybody

This was a Wattpad chapter to a book. Not a video.




Meh bye


Also before I go I tag everybody that reads this to do the same with their fictional ships, kinda plan the characters, what they look like, their personality, etc. They can be the same as the ships above but can be totally different genders, appearance and personalities or whatever. Tag me and I will make sure to read it. You can also draw what the kids will look like, I will have that up in Fade's Epic Art Book soon.


~ Fafr, Fade's split personality apparently

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